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The central purpose of this study was to determine the origin of sports extant in English-speaking countries. The method of research utilized was principally historical-bibliographical and was concerned with the collection, criticism, and synthesis of source material in an effort to establish past actuality. Specific documentary evidence concerning the date, place, and significant circumstances associated with the origins of 95 sports was synthesized. In most instances, establishing the date and place of origin was possible. Often, however, determining the personnel and circumstances connected with the origins was not possible. Charts show the dates of the origins chronologically, the origins attributed to various countries, and the activities from which the 95 sports evolved.  相似文献   
The Achievements of Deaf Pupils in Scotland (ADPS) project has been tracking the educational attainment of deaf pupils in Scotland's schools since 2000. At the time of writing, the database contains records for 1,752 deaf pupils (2000-2005). Here 4-year aggregate educational attainment data are reported for a subset of 152 school-aged deaf pupils with cochlear implants notified to the ADPS database between June 2000 and June 2004. The data describe primary and secondary school results in reading, writing, and math for this subgroup, as well as placement and communication characteristics. The educational attainment of the group of deaf pupils with cochlear implants is clearly marked when the deaf pupil population is disaggregated for hearing loss, achieving comparatively higher average attainment in both 5-14 Curriculum National Tests (Mathematics in particular) and Standard Grades. Therefore the gap in performance relative to the national population data is reduced for those deaf pupils, although it still widens at higher levels of achievement for the National Tests. Although most pupils with cochlear implants are placed in the mainstream, there is no pattern of migration toward mainstream schools. Some deaf pupils with cochlear implants moved out of mainstream to other types of placement, and this has implications for health-economic cost-utility assessments of cochlear implantation that favor mainstream education by drawing upon the relative cost of different placement types. These findings suggest that the ADPS program of research can contribute school outcome data as valuable real-life outcome measures in wider assessments of the benefit of cochlear implants to deaf children and deaf young people.  相似文献   
As an emerging field within higher education, academic development remains fragmented, both as a field of theory and practice. In the vibrant, on-going debate about the theoretical foundations and directions of academic development as a nascent field, some relatively wide-ranging claims which have been made seem to be lacking in supporting empirical evidence. With regards to this limitation, this paper contends that more systematic empirical explorations of the knowledge-base of academic development are vital to gain a better understanding of the field. Informed by Bernstein’s social realist frameworks on the structure of academic knowledge, the paper presents an analysis of knowledge recontextualisation processes in two English and two Flemish academic development units, based on semi-structured interviews with 30 academic developers. From the analysis, contrasting patterns of knowledge recontextualisation emerged between the four sites and between the national contexts in particular, pointing towards an increasing epistemological fragmentation.  相似文献   
EARLY LANGUAGE TRAINING: SOCIOLOGICALLY AND POLITI- CALLY DETERMINED PRACTICES – Throughout the world there is a great diversity of curricula for introducing early foreign language training more or less intensively. These curricula correspond to different pedagogical approaches. But these pedagogical choices are not neutral. They are the result of political choice. They are also sociologically discriminatory. The author studies and contrasts various forms of language training of certain countries and within the same countries (for example, the correlation between bilingual training and private schools, or the choice of bilingual education as a political goal). She proposes a scale for classifying the kinds of early foreign language training, depending on sociological criteria and political choice.
Zusammenfassung FREMDSPRACHENUNTERRICHT IM FRüHEN KINDESALTER: SOZIOLOGISCH UND POLITISCH DETERMINIERTE PRAKTIKEN – Weltweit gesehen besteht eine gro?e Diversit?t in den Lehrpl?nen für die Einführung von Fremdsprachenunterricht im frühen Kindesalter (in mehr oder weniger intensiver Weise). Solche Lehrpl?ne entsprechen verschiedenen p?dagogischen Zugangsweisen. Aber diese p?dagogischen Entscheidungen sind nicht neutral. Sie sind das Ergebnis politischer Entscheidungen. Sie sind auch, soziologisch betrachtet, diskriminierend. Die Autorin untersucht und vergleicht verschiedene Formen von Sprachunterricht in bestimmten L?ndern und innerhalb dieser L?nder selbst (z. B. das Verh?ltnis von bilingualem Unterricht und Privatschulen oder die Wahl der bilingualen Erziehung als ein politisches Ziel). Sie schl?gt ein Raster vor, mit dem sich die Arten des Fremdsprachenunterrichtes im frühen Kindesalter abh?ngig von soziologischen Kriterien und politischen Entscheidungen klassifizieren lassen.

Resumen EL APRENDIZAJE PRECOZ DE LAS LENGUAS LAS PRàCTICAS SOCIOLOGICA Y POLíTICAMENTE DETERMINADAS – Alrededor del planeta existe una gran diversidad de planes de estudio para el aprendizaje más o menos intensivo de una lengua extranjera a temprana edad. Estos currículos se corresponden con diferentes enfoques pedagógicos. Sin embargo, la elección de estos enfoques no es neutral; estos enfoques son el resultado de una elección política, y también son discriminantes a nivel sociológico. La autora analiza y contrasta diferentes formas de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras de determinados países y dentro de los mismos países (por ejemplo, la correlación existente entre ense?anza bilingüe y escuelas privadas, o la elección de una educación bilingüe como objetivo político). La autora propone que se confeccione una escala, para clasificar las formas de ense?anza precoz de lenguas extranjeras en función de criterios sociológicos y de elecciones políticas.

Résumé Il existe, dans le monde, une grande diversité de curricula qui proposent un apprentissage des langues plus ou moins intensif et plus ou moins t?t dans le cursus. Ces curricula correspondent à des choix pédagogiques différents. Mais ces options pédagogiques ne sont pas neutres. Elles sont le produit de choix politiques. Elles sont aussi sociologiquement discriminantes. L’auteur étudie les différentes formes d’apprentissage des langues dans certains pays (contrastés) et à l’intérieur même de ces pays (corrélation entre enseignements bilingues et écoles privées, par exemple, choix d’une éducation bilingue à des fins politiques). Elle propose une grille de classement de ces formes d’enseignement précoce des langues étrangères en fonction de critères sociologiques et de choix politiques.

L’auteur: Dominique Groux est professeur des université s à l’IUFM de Versailles. Elle est actuellement dé taché e comme attaché e de coopé ration universitaire à l’Ambassade de france en Allemagne et elle travaille à l’université de Potsdam (Allemagne). Ses champs de recherche sont l’é ducation comparé e, l’apprentissage pré coce des langues, les échanges internationaux et l’é ducation à l’alté rité . Addresse: 5, cité de Phalsbourg, 75011, Paris, France. E-mail: dgroux@noos.fr.  相似文献   
Moisture is a driving factor in the long-term mechanical deterioration of canvas paintings, as well as for a number of physico–chemical degradation processes. Since the 1990s a number of publications have addressed the equilibrium hygroscopic uptake and the hygro-mechanical deformation of linen canvas, oil paint, animal glue, and ground paint. In order to visualise and quantify the dynamic behaviour of these materials combined in a painting mock-up or reconstruction, we have performed custom-designed experiments with neutron radiography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. This paper reports how both techniques were used to obtain spatially and temporally resolved information on moisture content, during alternate exposure to high and low relative humidity, or in contact with liquids of varying water activities. We observed how the canvas, which is the dominant component in terms of volumetric moisture uptake, absorbs and dries rapidly, and, due to its low vapour resistance, allows for vapour transfer towards the ground layer. Moisture desorption was generally found to be faster than absorption. The presence of sizing glue leads to a local increase of moisture content. It was observed that lining a painting with an extra canvas results in a damping effect: i.e. absorption and drying are significantly slowed down. The results obtained by NMR are complementary to neutron radiography in that they allow accurate monitoring of water ingress in contact with a liquid reservoir. Quantitative results are in good agreement with adsorption isotherms. The findings can be used for risk analysis of paintings exposed to changing micro-climates or subjected to conservation treatments using water. Future studies addressing moisture-driven deformation of paintings can make use of the proposed experimental techniques.  相似文献   
Skin and core tissue cooling modulates skeletal muscle oxygenation at rest. Whether tissue cooling also influences the skeletal muscle deoxygenation response during exercise is unclear. We evaluated the effects of skin and core tissue cooling on skeletal muscle blood volume and deoxygenation during sustained walking and running. Eleven male participants walked or ran six times on a treadmill for 60 min in ambient temperatures of 22°C (Neutral), 0°C for skin cooling (Cold 1), and at 0°C following a core and skin cooling protocol (Cold 2). Difference between oxy/deoxygenated haemoglobin ([diffHb]: deoxygenation index) and total haemoglobin content ([tHb]: total blood volume) in the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle was measured continuously. During walking, lower [tHb] was observed at 1 min in Cold 1 and Cold 2 vs. Neutral (P?0.05). Lower [diffHb] was seen at 1 and 10 min in Cold 2 vs. Neutral by 13.5 ± 1.2 µM and 15.3 ± 1.4 µM and Cold 1 by 10.4 ± 3.1 µM and 11.1 ± 4.1 µM, respectively (P?0.05). During running, [tHb] was lower in Cold 2 vs. Neutral at 10 min only (P = 0.004). [diffHb] was lower at 1 min in Cold 2 by 11.3 ± 3.1 µM compared to Neutral and by 13.5 ± 2.8 µM compared to Cold 1 (P?0.001). Core tissue cooling, prior to exercise, induced greater deoxygenation of the VL muscle during the early stages of exercise, irrespective of changes in blood volume. Skin cooling alone, however, did not influence deoxygenation of the VL during exercise.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined fat oxidation rates during exercise in obese pubescent boys. Three groups of pubescent boys (16 pre-pubescent, Tanner's stage I; 16 pubescent, Tanner's stage III; and 14 post-pubescent, Tanner's stage V) performed a graded test on a leg cycle ergometer. The first step of the test was fixed at 30 W and power was gradually increased by 20 W every 3.5 min. Oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2) and carbon dioxide production ([Vdot]CO2) were determined as the means of measurements during the last 30 s of each step, which allowed us to calculate fat oxidation rates versus exercise intensity. Between 20 and 50% of peak oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2peak), fat oxidation rate in relative values (mg · min?1 · kg FFM?1) decreased continuously with pubertal development. In the same way, the maximum rate of fat oxidation occurred at a lower percentage of [Vdot]O2peak (pre-pubescent: 49.47 ± 1.62%; pubescent: 47.43 ± 1.26%; post-pubescent: 45.00 ± 0.97%). Our results confirm that puberty is responsible for a decrease in fat free mass capacities to use fat during exercise. The results suggest that post-pubescent obese boys need to practise physical activity at a lower intensity than pre-pubescent boys to enhance lipolysis and diminish adipose tissue and the consequences of obesity.  相似文献   
Using a sample of white British and British Asian primary-school children (N = 386, aged 5–11 years), we measured acculturation attitudes (own and perceived outgroup), correlated constructs (ingroup and outgroup affect and identification) and relevant outcomes (self-esteem, classroom demeanour) in a structured interview to validate a customised, child-friendly measure of acculturation attitudes based on Berry's framework. Scale items measuring desire for culture maintenance and intergroup contact loaded onto the predicted factors, were internally reliable and showed concurrent validity with affect and identification. The predictive utility of measures was demonstrated in associations between children's acculturation attitudes (or perceived discrepancies with those of the outgroup) and outcomes such as self-esteem and teacher ratings of emotional symptoms.  相似文献   
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