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什麼叫完数(Perfect Number)啊?一箇數目如果等於它所有的除数(但不包括這個數目自己)的總和,這個数目就叫做完敷:例如,6=1+2+3,28=1+2+4+7+14。僅有的已知的完全数都是偶数,而且很少,從  相似文献   
英人对于补习教育年来极为注意.推原其故.约有数端.普通知识程度提高。一也.个人愿望扩大.二也.职业与地位之竞争加烈.三也.欲利用余暇时间.从事有趣味之研究.四也.受欧洲大战教训.对于日常事物.希望取得广博之认识.五也.行政当局谋所以适应此要求.则对于补习教育之设施.力加推广.而以伦敦尤为发达.兹就其含有职业教育性质者述之.此项补习教育.即基于上述第二原因而成立.更占重要地位.  相似文献   
我是喜欢研究职业教育的人,却並不是職業教育的专家,我向來對於职业教育也很懷疑,對於職業学校尤其怀疑。不過我所懷疑的,是職業教育和職業學校在中國何以不能显出效能,不是懷疑職業教育和职業學校的本身,職業教育在教育史上的年代,原來很短,就是最發達的德国,美國,提倡的時期,距今也還不遠,他們也有許多問題,不能得到圓满的解決,正怪不得我們中國還在‘議論紛紜,莫衷一是’  相似文献   
日本文部省職業教育局近嘗調查補習學校實施職業教練之成效。及其進展之程度。蓋日本改府發展其教育制度而致力於此點。已歷多年。而其制定職業教練之规程。亦且在一般西方国家討論此問題之前也。一八九○年。日本頒佈尋常小學校令。同時卽頒佈實業補習學校規程。越三年。又別頒一種規程。至一九○二年加以修正。但现在之制度  相似文献   
万特克先生为美国工业专家任南洋大学.土木科科长多年.现任无锡实业学校校长.以东吴第四中学改组.分设机械工科.木工科.又规办建筑部.木材部.以营业收入.补充校费.对于提倡我国职业教育.甚具热忱.常与本社讨论关于职业教育方面种种问  相似文献   
广告:方法与心理广告为今日营业上一大问题.此事果有利乎.其人类之恩物欤.抑负擔欤.其增加商品之价值欤.抑减少欤.能依科学性之定律而行之如一种艺术乎.是促进文明之主动耶.抑仅为一种营业之使费耶.广告信为今世文明民族共同从事之最普通活动.要亦为古代遗规.如滂贝Pompeii(意大利古城)即有如今日纽约之沿途广告画.  相似文献   
怎样爬升到极顶.这便是一个要教那纽约两位营业界人物答复的问题.他们俩都是从楼梯底下慢慢儿走到顶上去的.新近都当选了他们公司的领袖.所以他们自己讲历年的进程.很有价值.这两个人中的一人.在十七岁时候.便从苏格兰渡海到美国.要试探他的幸运.他起先做一家公司里的听差.还有一人.从二十一岁到纽约.身边只有一枝速记用的铅笔和一本记事簿.他们都是用自己力量  相似文献   
When was the last time you experienced a perfect moment? You know,the kind of moment when everything is in sync and where a certain clarity surrounds the scene, setting it apart from the rest of the world.  相似文献   
Hearing loss during the critical period for language acquisition restricts spoken language input. This input limitation, in turn, may hamper syntactic development. This study examined the comprehension, production, and repetition of Wh-questions in deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) children. The participants were 11 orally trained Hebrew-speaking children aged 9.1-12.4 with moderate-to-profound hearing loss from birth, who consistently used hearing aids or cochlear implants and who had difficulties understanding relative clauses. Experiment 1 tested the comprehension of Wh-questions using a picture selection task, comparing subject with object questions and who- with which-questions; Experiment 2 tested the production of subject and object who-questions using an elicitation task; and Experiment 3 tested the repetition of Wh-questions and other structures derived by Wh-movement. All the DHH participants showed difficulty in the comprehension, production, and repetition of object questions, and their performance was significantly below that of hearing children. In contrast, they repeated embedded sentences without movement well, indicating that their deficit is in syntactic movement rather than embedding or the CP node in the syntactic tree. The results provide additional evidence that DHH children have difficulties with Wh-movement and emphasize that Wh-questions, which are crucial for communication, can be severely impaired in these children.  相似文献   
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