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Athletic profiling provides valuable information to sport scientists, assisting in the optimal design of strength and conditioning programmes. Understanding the influence these physical characteristics may have on the generation of kicking accuracy is advantageous. The aim of this study was to profile and compare the lower limb mass characteristics of accurate and inaccurate Australian footballers. Thirty-one players were recruited from the Western Australian Football League to perform ten drop punt kicks over 20 metres to a player target. Players were separated into accurate (n = 15) and inaccurate (n = 16) groups, with leg mass characteristics assessed using whole body dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans. Accurate kickers demonstrated significantly greater relative lean mass (P ≤ 0.004) and significantly lower relative fat mass (P ≤ 0.024) across all segments of the kicking and support limbs, while also exhibiting significantly higher intra-limb lean-to-fat mass ratios for all segments across both limbs (P ≤ 0.009). Inaccurate kickers also produced significantly larger asymmetries between limbs than accurate kickers (P ≤ 0.028), showing considerably lower lean mass in their support leg. These results illustrate a difference in leg mass characteristics between accurate and inaccurate kickers, highlighting the potential influence these may have on technical proficiency of the drop punt.  相似文献   
Children with developmental disabilities are at risk for limited participation in everyday activities. This study investigated factors that hindered or facilitated participation in 58 children with moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities who attended special schools. The parents completed surveys on their children’s participation, developmental profile, environmental restrictions, parental self-efficacy and family demographics. Multiple regression analyses indicated that four variables were identified as strong predictors of specific children’s participation and, overall, explained a small-to-moderate magnitude of variance. Social-emotional ability was associated positively with all aspects of children’s participation (including diversity, intensity and enjoyment). Children with better communication and those who had only one sibling engaged in a higher number of activities and did so more frequently. The children of parents with higher self-efficacy enjoyed themselves more during participation. The findings provide preliminary information that could be useful for families and health care professionals to facilitate participation of children with moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess intra-observer and inter-observer reliability of data gathered from a lapsed-time time–motion analysis of canoe slalom competition. The data were collected using a definition set developed in conjunction with elite canoe slalom coaches. Competition runs from four national-standard paddlers in a national selection race were analysed in random order three times by three observers. For each run, observers identified various events specific to canoe slalom, including time taken between gates, touched and missed gates, turn times, major and minor avoidance, rolls, paddle in and out of water times, and stroke classification. The error of measurement was determined for each of these variables. For time taken between gates and turn times, the error was ≤ 0.21 and ≤ 0.39 s for intra-observer and inter-observer analysis, respectively. The error for stroke in and out of water times was ≤ 0.08 and ≤ 0.13 s for intra-observer and inter-observer analysis, respectively. Analysis of stroke classification identification for intra-observer comparisons revealed that 91% of the time identical stroke identification occurred. Inter-observer analysis revealed identical stroke identification was achieved 81% of the time. These reliability data compare favourably with previous time–motion analysis in other sports using fewer variables.  相似文献   

The connection between students and faculty is a recognized component of student belonging and engagement. To better understand how these relationships are formed, we utilized a qualitative design to explore the ways in which faculty and staff at a mid-sized public university perceived their roles in supporting, and connecting with, students. Based on our focus group data, we identified three themes. The first theme defined the mentoring relationship in the university context. The second theme addressed the unique features of mentoring Underrepresented Minority (URM) and First Generation (FG) students. Our third theme focused on perceived barriers to mentoring, including personal, institutional, and student-related barriers. Our findings provide a first step in developing a framework for colleges and universities working to promote a culture of mentoring as a means to support students.  相似文献   
Undergraduate biology education provides students with a number of learning challenges. Subject areas that are particularly difficult to understand include protein conformational change and stability, diffusion and random molecular motion, and molecular crowding. In this study, we examined the relative effectiveness of three-dimensional visualization techniques for learning about protein conformation and molecular motion in association with a ligand-receptor binding event. Increasingly complex versions of the same binding event were depicted in each of four animated treatments. Students (n = 131) were recruited from the undergraduate biology program at University of Toronto, Mississauga. Visualization media were developed in the Center for Molecular and Cellular Dynamics at Harvard Medical School. Stem cell factor ligand and cKit receptor tyrosine kinase were used as a classical example of a ligand-induced receptor dimerization and activation event. Each group completed a pretest, viewed one of four variants of the animation, and completed a posttest and, at 2 wk following the assessment, a delayed posttest. Overall, the most complex animation was the most effective at fostering students' understanding of the events depicted. These results suggest that, in select learning contexts, increasingly complex representations may be more desirable for conveying the dynamic nature of cell binding events.  相似文献   
While the science community continues to ask how its responsibility to society needs to be expressed in the modern world, higher education grapples with issues of its own, including issues embroiled in the perennial tug‐of‐war between principle and economic pragmatism. In this paper, the authors give an account of the origins and development of a new undergraduate course in ‘ecological agriculture’ at a regional Australian university campus. In this story, the tug‐of‐war is dragged strongly back to central issues of purpose and philosophy. Supplementary pragmatic information included are summaries from the feedback from students who have undergone the course and members of the relevant industry obtained through the course evaluations done in the years 2002–2005; moreover, a brief explanation as to how the obstacles faced were met in launching the programme has also been included.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
The Accidental Webmaster by Julie M. Still Information Today, 2003. Pp 192. Paperback $29.50. ISBN 1‐57387‐164‐8 Clark's Publishing Agreements – A Book of Precedents, 6th edn, General Editor Lynette Owen Butterworths Lexis Nexis, 2002, £70.85. 615 pp. Hardback and CD‐ROM. ISBN 0‐406‐93916‐0  相似文献   
Recent applications of technology to mathematics education have been designed with cognitive and constructivist theoretical perspectives in mind, viewing mathematical learning as the acquisition of knowledge through the construction of meanings and connections between concepts. With the advent of increasingly flexible communication technologies, there is both the need and opportunity to consider how they might be utilised, particularly since emergent socio-cultural theories advocate learning in mathematics as an inherently social activity where understanding is developed and negotiated collaboratively. The need to examine effective technology-facilitated learning arose in the context of a research project, currently underway in a number of secondary schools in the state of Victoria and funded by the Australian Research Council. It is investigating the learning needs of pupils who are absent from school for prolonged or intermittent periods owing to chronic illness yet continue with their school studies. An emerging understanding of the significant difference between computer-mediated contact for mere information exchange and communication for teaching and learning has led to a consideration of socio-cultural perspectives on effective mathematical learning and a focussed investigation of technologies able to facilitate them. Early data have demonstrated the potential of videoconferencing, online whiteboarding and interactive whiteboard application sharing, but which require particular resources, aligned infrastructure and teacher support. This article explores issues surrounding the use of such technologies for collaborative mathematical learning in a context where online interaction is being considered for the learning support of pupils unable to attend school.  相似文献   
The Division of Information and Academic Services (DIAS) is a large service division (over 400 staff) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). In 2002 it supported a novel one‐month rotation of roles by the three department directors. The rotation was conceived as an important professional development opportunity for each of the directors and by example, to other divisional staff. It was also designed to fast track a more collaborative culture across the Division and identify opportunities for improved services. The three‐way nature of the exchange created a particular tension and a unique learning opportunity. Each director simultaneously played the role of novice manager, critical friend and reflective observer. The learning opportunity was relevant because it was contained within the one institutional culture. It was challenging because it demanded a shift in professional perspective, and motivating because it fostered a collegial working environment where change was welcomed, supported and reinforced. Overall, the directors and the staff viewed the rotation positively. Each director gained a better understanding of the operations the other departments either through direct engagement in a “host” department or by inclusion in three‐way director debriefing sessions. The initiative was evaluated using a third party process to gather feedback from the staff involved. Some important opportunities for collaboration have been identified and implemented. All three directors have emerged from the experience feeling better able to seek and offer advice about management and organizational issues. There is greater empathy for the challenges inherent in each of the departments and a greater willingness and confidence to accept a divisional responsibility for complex cross‐departmental projects. Increasingly, there is a collective and shared understanding of how to get things done across the organization. Most importantly, it suggests a novel model of academic development that has the potential for broader application.

La Division of information and Academic Services (DIAS) constitue un vaste service (plus de 400 employés) de la Queensland University of Technology (QUT). En 2002, elle a mis en place une nouvelle rotation mensuelle en qui a trait au rôle des trois directeurs de départmant La rotation était conçue comme une opportante de développment professionnel pour chacun des directeurs et, à titre d’exemple, pour les autres membres du personnel de la division. Elle visait aussi à accélérer la mise en place d’une culture davantage collaborative dans l’ensemble de la division, en plus d’identifier des opportunités pour ameéliorer les services. La nature tridimensionnelle du changement a ceéé une opportunité d’apprentissage unique et fut paticulièrement pertinente parce qu’elle avait lieu à l’intérieur d’une culture institutionalle. Chaque directeur jouait simultanément le rôle d’apprenti‐gestionnaire, d’ami critique et d’observateur réflexif. L’initiative a été évaluée par l’entremise d’un processus impliquant des tierces parties de façon à recueillir des informations auprès du personnel impliqué. Les trois directeurs sont ressortis de l’expérience avec une plus grande empathie en ce qui a trait aux défis inhérents à chacun des départments, ainsi qu’une plus grande volonté et confiance relativement à leur attribution de responsabilités divisionnelles pour des projets inter‐départementaux complexes. De plus en plus, il existe une compréhension collective et partagée des dimensions relatives à l’accomplissement de certaines tâches ausein de l’organisation. De façon importante, ceci suggère un nouveau modèle de développement académique, lequel a un potentiel correspondant à des applications plus vastes.  相似文献   
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