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There is more to schools than buildings and a collection of hired teachers. They develop values, transmit aspirations and require certain sets of beliefs. Unless schools convince students of the importance of what they teach, their chances of success are very slim. In a society which puts much value on university diplomas, convincing students that plumbing is the best occupation in the world may prove to be well-nigh possible. The most successful vocational programmes tend to be those that are operated either by systems dedicated to vocational education or by specialized schools within the regular system. Many planners will insist on solutions that lead to some degree of physical segregation. But given the usually high correlation between social class origin and school achievement, it is undeniable that we end up with a system that segregates the poor in courses of study that lead to lower-level occupations.
Zusammenfassung Schulen sind mehr als nur Gebäude und eine Ansammlung angestellter Lehrer. Sie entwickeln Werte, vermitteln Hoffnungen und bauen auf bestimmten Glaubenssätzen auf. Solange Schulen ihre Schüler nicht von der Wichtigkeit dessen, was unterrichtet wird, überzeugen, sind ihre Aussichten auf Erfolg gering. In einer Gesellschaft, die einem Universitätsdiplom einen hohen Stellenwert einräumt, dürfte es fast unmöglich sein, Schüler davon zu überzeugen, daß Klempner der beste Beruf der Welt ist. Die erfolgreichsten Berufsprogramme sind meistens die, die von den der Berufsausbilding verpflichteten Systeme oder von Fachschulen innerhalb des regulären Systems durchgeführt werden. Zahlreiche Bildungsplaner werden auf Lösungen bestehen, die zu einem gewissen Grad von Segregation führen. Geht man aber von der im allgemeinen engen Verknüpfung zwischen sozialer Herkunft und Schulleistung aus, so kann nicht geleugnet werden, daß dies zu einem System führt, das die Minderbemittelten in Ausbildungsvorgänge einweist, die sie nur auf einfache Berufe vorbereiten.

Résumé Les écoles sont bien plus que de simples bâtiments et une équipe d'enseignants. Elles développent des valeurs, transmettent des aspirations et requièrent certains modèles de croyances. Si les écoles ne convainquent pas les élèves de l'importance de leur enseignement, leurs chances de succès sont très minces. Dans une société qui attache de la valeur aux diplômes universitaires, il semble pratiquement impossible de persuader les apprenants que le métier de plombier est le meilleur du monde. Les programmes d'enseignement professionel les plus efficaces semblent être ceux qui procèdent soit par des systèmes spécialisés de formation professionelle soit par des écoles spécialisées intégrées dans le système formel. Les spécialistes de la planification insisteront sur les solutions qui conduisent à un certain degré de séparation physique. Cependant, étant donné la corrélation habituellement élevée entre l'origine sociale et les acquis scolaires, il est indéniable que nous aboutirons à un système qui isolera le pauvre dans des cours qui mènent à des métiers de bas niveau.
Automatic document classification can be used to organize documents in a digital library, construct on-line directories, improve the precision of web searching, or help the interactions between user and search engines. In this paper we explore how linkage information inherent to different document collections can be used to enhance the effectiveness of classification algorithms. We have experimented with three link-based bibliometric measures, co-citation, bibliographic coupling and Amsler, on three different document collections: a digital library of computer science papers, a web directory and an on-line encyclopedia. Results show that both hyperlink and citation information can be used to learn reliable and effective classifiers based on a kNN classifier. In one of the test collections used, we obtained improvements of up to 69.8% of macro-averaged F 1 over the traditional text-based kNN classifier, considered as the baseline measure in our experiments. We also present alternative ways of combining bibliometric based classifiers with text based classifiers. Finally, we conducted studies to analyze the situation in which the bibliometric-based classifiers failed and show that in such cases it is hard to reach consensus regarding the correct classes, even for human judges.  相似文献   
搞好大学数学课堂纪律建设,充分彰显课堂教学功效,既能更好地发挥学生的个性,又有助于教师更有效地管理课堂;既能让学生上课感到轻松,又可以很好地维护教师的尊严。  相似文献   
学校体育是教育系统的重要组成部分,建构理论与实践相结合的学校体育结构,是长期以来学校体育改革面临的严肃、认真的研究问题。学校体育要求教学从竞技化转向素质教育为核心。然而,在实际操作中缺乏理论的指导,教学过程缺失准确的定位。把学校体育标准构建纳入教学之中,确立切实可行的体育标准,实现学校体育真正意义上的“以人为本”。  相似文献   

This article discusses the scientific research work on environmental education presented during the last decade in three Brazilian conferences: the meetings of the National Association of Graduate Research on Education (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação, ANPEd), the National Association of Graduate Research on Environment and Society (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ambiente e Sociedade, ANPPAS), and the Environmental Education Research Meetings (Encontros de Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental, EPEA). It analyzes the authors, institutions, and regions whence the studies came from, as well as their main research subjects. Our findings indicate the prevalence of women in all academic degree segments; of PhD holders and candidates; of professors in public higher education institutions located in the Brazilian Southwest and South regions; and of environmental education in formal teaching as the main subject in all three conferences. Based on these results, we discuss how this body of research relates to the development of Brazilian academic and educational policies, and indicate some of the challenges involved in building a research tradition in this field, in close dialogue with the arduous political and pedagogical path of environmental education in Brazilian schools.  相似文献   
蕲春县李时珍文化品牌建设的成功经验表明,形成区域文化品牌的要素条件不论是先天具备还是后天创造,都必须首先达到要素集群,然后通过个企品牌的集群形成成熟的区域文化品牌。区域文化品牌一旦成熟,便能极大发挥对区域经济发展的促进效应。  相似文献   
为了对大学生课外体育锻炼行为进行有效评价,在质性研究的基础上,通过量化研究即通过问卷编制、项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析等进一步探索、修正与验证,构建了大学生课外体育锻炼行为自评量表,包括心理机制、个体特征和社会环境3个维度50个项目。经过对760名大学生现场施测,量表各维度的Cronbach's a系数平均值为0.77,潜在变量CR平均值为0.78,验证性因素分析的理论结构模型与测试变量拟合指数较好,内容效度、结构效度和效标效度等均达到了心理测量的要求,可以为后续相关研究提供有效的测量工具。  相似文献   
我国《行政诉讼法》缺乏完整有效的程序机制来规范行政案件的申诉,使得实践中出现了“无限申诉”的现象,威胁着司法的稳定、权威,浪费司法资源。体育规则与法律规范之间不可忽视的渊源关系及体育规则追求公平正义的内在价值,使其对法律规范的完善发展具有重大的推动作用。我国行政案件申诉制度可以以美国职业篮球联赛的申诉规则为参照,从申诉条件、时效、次数及成本四个方面进行完善。  相似文献   
Although exercise promotes beneficial effects in diabetic patients, some studies have questioned the degree of their importance in terms of the increase in total energy expenditure. In these studies, the decrease of physical activity levels (PAL) was referred as “compensatory effect of exercise”. However, our aim was to investigate whether aerobic exercise has compensatory effects on PAL in type 2 diabetes patients. Eight volunteers (51.1 ± 8.2 years) were enrolled in a supervised exercise programme for 8 weeks (3 d · wk?1, 50–60% of VO2 peak for 30–60 min). PAL was measured using tri-axial accelerometers in the 1st, 8th and 12th weeks. Biochemical tests, cardiorespiratory fitness, anthropometric assessment and body composition were measured in the 2nd and 11th weeks. Statistical analysis was performed using non-parametric tests (Friedman and Wilcoxon, P < 0.05). We found no significant differences in PAL between intervention periods, and participants spent the majority of their awake time in sedentary activities. However, the exercise programme generated a significant 14.8% increase in VO2 peak and a 15% reduction in fructosamine. The exercise programme had no compensatory effects on PAL in type 2 diabetes patients, but improved their cardiorespiratory fitness and glycaemic control.  相似文献   
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