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In this study, the authors analyzed data from a nationally representative survey of youth to study happiness amongst Canadian adolescents aged 12-17. Testing for differences in the level of happiness between female and male adolescents was conducted. Following this, multivariate analysis was employed to determine which factors were associated with adolescent happiness. The authors determined that the level of happiness appeared to vary between the genders, as the males reported a higher level of happiness than the females. However, the difference between the genders in terms of reported happiness was modest. The authors detected some gender differences in regards to determinants of happiness. The study's theoretical and practical implications are also considered.  相似文献   
A total of 247 American children between 6 and 10 years of age (126 girls and 121 boys) completed Implicit Association Tests and explicit self-report measures assessing the association of (a) me with male (gender identity), (b) male with math (math-gender stereotype), and (c) me with math (math self-concept). Two findings emerged. First, as early as second grade, the children demonstrated the American cultural stereotype that math is for boys on both implicit and explicit measures. Second, elementary school boys identified with math more strongly than did girls on both implicit and self-report measures. The findings suggest that the math-gender stereotype is acquired early and influences emerging math self-concepts prior to ages at which there are actual differences in math achievement.  相似文献   
新媒体时代,纸媒期刊所能提供的基本服务已无法满足各类用户对信息的深层次需求和差异化要求.科技期刊如要在这一时代立足,应走与新媒体融合发展的道路,将传统期刊和新媒体各自优势相结合,为读者和作者提供精准服务,并通过互动实现多方共赢.文章介绍《药学进展》编辑部在微信群和微信订阅号运营中的实践经验,旨在为科技期刊利用微信平台服务读者和作者提供思路.  相似文献   
The degree to which teachers' perceptions of a student can be distorted by characteristics indigenous to teachers, as well as students, were investigated to determine whether teachers would initiate a referral for special education. Sixty-five teachers volunteered for participation. Twenty-seven of them were experienced, having had their own classrooms in a public school. Thirty-eight were preservice student teachers who had not yet had their own classrooms. Teachers were evaluated to have had either an internal or external locus of control and were judged to have had either a high or low opinion of self according to either of two separate scales. After viewing two video tapes of two elementary-aged students (one student was severely emotionally disturbed [SED] and the other non-SED), teachers rated the children on several child characteristics and referral questions. Results revealed that the locus of control and self-esteem of teachers, in conjunction with teaching experience and a child's characteristics, can predict teachers' inclinations to refer children. Findings point to the need to place greater care in the initiation of referrals. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This article reports the development of a new phenomenon in the United States described here as national media courses. Such courses use one of the mass media — television, newspapers, radio or magazines — as the essential means of instruction, but supplement the learning thus derived with additional readings and other studies. Usually there are several contact sessions with an instructor to enable students, who otherwise study independently, to meet and exchange ideas or have curricular or administrative questions answered authoritatively. This academic concept uses one of the media designed to reach mass audiences to enable independent learning at times and places of most convenience to the adult audience which they are designed to serve. National media courses are originated at the University Extension at the University of California, San Diego and several other institutions. They are designed to be offered as college courses by two- and four-year post secondary institutions throughout the nation. Nearly one-third have taken advantage of their availability and over fifty thousand students have taken part in a single national media course.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel berichtet von der Entwicklung eines neuen Phänomens in den Vereinigten Staaten, das dort unter dem Namen national media courses bekannt geworden ist. Solche Kurse benutzen eines der Massenmedien — Fernsehen, Zeitungen, Radio oder Zeitschriften — als wichtigstes Unterrichtsmittel, ergänzen aber das dabei stattfindende Lernen durch zusätzliche Lektüre und andere Studien. Gewöhnlich finden etliche Kontaktsitzungen mit einem Instruktor statt, die die Studenten, die sonst unabhängig selbst lernen, befähigen sollen, sich zu treffen, und Gedanken auszutauschen oder sich Fragen des Curriculums oder die Verwaltung betreffend kompetent beantworten zu lassen. Dieses akademische Konzept benutzt eine für die Massenzuhörerschaft konzipiertes Massenmedium, um dem angesprochenen Kreis von Erwachsenen, für die es erdacht wurde, ein in Zeit und Ort angenehmes Lernen zu ermöglichen. National media courses kommen von der Fernabteilung der Universität von Kalifornien, San Diego, und einigen anderen Institutionen. Sie sollen als College-Kurse von postsekundären Institutionen mit drei- oder vierjähriger Studiendauer im ganzen Land angeboten werden. Beinahe ein Drittel der angesprochenen Institutionen hat sich dieser Möglichkeit bedient, und über fünfzigtausend Studenten haben an einem einzigen national media course teilgenommen.

Résumé Cet article rend compte du développement d'un nouveau phénomène aux Etats-Unis décrit ici comme cours nationaux à l'aide de moyens d'information de masse. De tels cours se servent de l'un des moyens d'information de masse — la télévision, les journaux, la radio ou les magazines — comme procédé essentiel d'instruction, mais complètent l'apprentissage qui en résulte à l'aide de lectures additionnelles et d'autres études. Il y a habituellement plusieurs séances de contact avec un maitre permettant aux étudiants, qui autrement étudient indépendamment, de faire connaissance et d'échanger des idées ou de recevoir une réponse péremptoire aux questions administratives et à celles concernant les curricula. Ce concept académique se sert de l'un des média conçus pour atteindre les audiences des masses, de sorte à permettre un apprentissage indépendant, à des heures et des endroits convenant le mieux à l'audience adulte qu'ils se proposent de servir. Les cours nationaux à l'aide de média tirent leur origine de l'Extension Universitaire à l'Université de la Californie, San Diego et de plusieurs autres institutions. Ils sont conçus pour être présentés comme cours de collège par des institutions post secondaires d'une durée de deux à quatre ans à travers toute la nation. Presque un tiers a déjà tiré profit de leur disponibilité et plus de cinq mille étudiants ont pris à un cours unique national à l'aide de média.
The psychosocial impact of human dissection on the lives of medical and health science students has been noted. To assess the impact of the dissection room experience on one's willingness to become a whole body and organ donor, the attitudes of 1,350 students and professionals from the medical, health, and non‐health related disciplines to body and organ donation were studied. The participants were broken into categories according to degree of exposure to human dissection. Participants who were never exposed to the dissection experience showed more willingness to donate their bodies than those who were exposed. With the exception of the physiotherapy department, the students and professionals from the health science departments who were exposed to the dissection room but never engaged in dissection showed the most unwillingness to donate their bodies (P < 0.001). An unwillingness to donate oneself was noted as one of the negative impacts associated with exposure to the dissection room. Willingness to donate an organ correlated positively with the level of exposure to the dissection room (P < 0.001). Most of the reasons for unwillingness were traceable to negative perceptions of the dissection room as a result of poor and disrespectful management of the human cadavers. Anat Sci Educ. 7: 56–63. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
Two groups of dogs were compared on the ability of an aversive Pavlovian CS to evoke a negatively reinforced instrumental response. For one group, the instrumental training was avoidance; for the other, escape. When presented alone, the CS evoked the instrumental response only from the avoidance group. Failure of the CS to evoke the response from the escape group poses difficulties for theories which characterize the initiation of avoidance responses as “escapes” from CS.  相似文献   
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