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Pangolins are among the most critically endangered animals due to heavy poaching and worldwide trafficking. However, their demographic histories and the genomic consequences of their recent population declines remain unknown. We generated high-quality de novo reference genomes for critically endangered Malayan (Manis javanica, MJ) and Chinese (M. pentadactyla, MP) pangolins and re-sequencing population genomic data from 74 MJs and 23 MPs. We recovered the population identities of illegally traded pangolins and previously unrecognized genetic populations that should be protected as evolutionarily distinct conservation units. Demographic reconstruction suggested environmental changes have resulted in a population size fluctuation of pangolins. Additionally, recent population size declines due to human activities have resulted in an increase in inbreeding and genetic load. Deleterious mutations were enriched in genes related to cancer/diseases and cholesterol homeostasis, which may have increased their susceptibility to diseases and decreased their survival potential to adapt to environmental changes and high-cholesterol diets. This comprehensive study provides not only high-quality pangolin reference genomes, but also valuable information concerning the driving factors of long-term population size fluctuations and the genomic impact of recent population size declines due to human activities, which is essential for pangolin conservation management and global action planning.  相似文献   
引文数据中的负面引用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文根据中外文理科引文数据库中的有关数据和抽样调查的实例,分析了总引文次数中负面引用的比例,认为当引文数据足够大时,负面引用的影响相对减小。论文还提出在具体运用引文数据进行评价时,应通过同行专家仔细审读引文上下文,以便剔除明显的负面引用;要正确对待引文数据,既不高估,也不忽视。  相似文献   
吴伟 《图书情报工作》2011,55(11):144-147
When an emergency happens, the scheduling of relief resources to multiple emergency locations is a realistic and intricate problem, especially when the available resources are limited. A non-cooperative games model and an algorithm for scheduling of relief resources are presented. In the model, the players correspond to the multiple emergency locations, strategies correspond to all resources scheduling and the payoff of each emergency location corresponds to the reciprocal of its scheduling cost. Thus, the optimal results are determined by the Nash equilibrium point of this game. Then the iterative algorithm is introduced to seek the Nash equilibrium point. Simulation and analysis are given to demonstrate the feasibility and availability of the model.  相似文献   
随着大学英语教学改革的不断深化,《大学英语课程教学要求》对大学生的英语听说的应用能力的要求有了进一步的提高。然而,学生沉默,无法进行跨文化情境下无障碍交流是英语课堂教学中的一个极其普遍现象。拟以个人多年的教学经验,提出一些建议,将功能交际法应用于教学实践以缓解知识与实际应用之间的矛盾。  相似文献   
本文旨在对近年来网上学习理念变革进行系统的梳理.文章分为三大部分第一部分介绍网上学习理念变革的背景.在21世纪初,网上学习面临严峻的挑战一是纯粹采用网上学习的新的教育机构走向低谷;二是大部分高校采用的网上学习,实际上是面授和网上学习的结合.由此混合式网上学习的术语开始兴起.第二部分分析网上学习向混合式网上学习的变革,混合式网上学习是混合式学习的主要模式,旨在把面授学习的优势混合到网上学习中,把网上学习的优势混合到面授学习中.第三部分探讨混合式网上学习向整合式网上学习的变革,由于"混合"一词不能反映出面授和网上学习有机结合的内涵,整合式网上学习逐渐替代混合式网上学习,并出现不同的整合式网上学习模式,如滑铁卢大学的5T整合式网上学习模式;乔基姆斯等提出的整合式网上学习系统.最后,作者认为,国际间网上学习理念的变革,对我们至少有三方面的启示一是网上学习的实践需要理论的指导,网上学习的理论研究不能脱离实践;二是在网上学习中,技术应用和教学原理需要系统整合,包括师资培训;三是为了面对整合式网上学习带来的挑战,高校的管理和组织体系需要进行整体的改革.  相似文献   
企业高管通过其纵向等级关系、横向企业间关系以及社会人际关系来寻找并获取稀缺资源的能力被称为企业高管的社会资本。本文利用49家企业的673份职工问卷的调查数据,采用信度分析、效度分析和逐步回归分析的方法,基于企业的研究层面探讨了企业人力资源管理功能与企业高管社会资本之间的关系。调查显示,企业人力资源管理功能发挥得越好、人力资源管理实践活动越有效,就越有利于企业高管获取社会资源。  相似文献   
Turns (pirouettes) are an important movement in ballet and may be affected by “lateral bias”. This study investigated physiological differences exhibited by experienced and novice dancers, respectively, when performing pirouette with dominant and non-dominant leg supports, respectively. Thirteen novice and 13 experienced dancers performed turns on dominant or non-dominant legs. The maximum ankle plantarflexion, knee extension and hip extension were measured during the single-leg support phase. The inclination angle of rotation axis is the angle between instantaneous rotation axis and global vertical axis in the early single-leg support phase. Both groups exhibited a greater hip extension, knee extension, and ankle plantarflexion when performing a turn on the non-dominant leg. For experienced dancers, the inclination angle of rotation axis during the pre-swing phase was generally smaller for dominant leg support than non-dominant leg. However, no significant difference was found in inclination angle of rotation axis of novice dancers. For experienced dancers, an improved performance is obtained when using the dominant leg for support. By contrast, for novice dancers, the performance is independent of choice of support leg. The significant lateral bias in experienced dancers indicates the possible influence of training. That is, repetitive rehearsal on the preferred leg strengthens the impact of side dominance in experienced dancers.  相似文献   
本文提出了体育科学向深度和广度发展的两个重大方向:建立运动行为网络系统的基础科学研究分支和面向群众体育,组织与引导体育消费的技、工、贸结合体系。此外,还讨论了科技兴体与科技兴于体的辩证关系。  相似文献   
摔跤运动员个性特征和竞赛焦虑的测定分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用卡特尔16人格量表和运动竞赛焦虑量表对摔跤运学员的个性特征、焦虑特征进行研究。研究结果表明,优秀运学员在开朗性,想像性和忧虑性等四个方面的表现比一般运动员好;研究结果还显示,两组运动员在运动竞赛焦虑方面无显著性差异。  相似文献   
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