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地方本科高校转型发展牵涉到我国高等教育改革发展全局的重大改革,将对我国的高等教育产生持续和深远影响.保山学院作为一所新建的本科院校,在转型发展探索中,学校将进一步明确定位,"通识课"教学改革研究将在人才培养模式的转变中起到至关重要的作用.  相似文献   
采用GC-MS等仪器分析手段对北京市各主要品牌的燃油进行质量分析,并建立以静稳天气下单位体积中的污染物日均变化为相对参照标准计算各污染物贡献率的新思路。首先研究机动车尾气各主要污染物(CO、HC、NO2和SO2)在单位体积的日均排放量,然后分别统计北京市两年(2013年11月-2015年10月)大气中各对应污染物实测的单位体积的日均变化量,再分别计算出汽车尾气对大气各污染物的贡献率。结果如下。1)北京市燃油普遍存在重金属含量超标,硫含量超标,不饱和芳烃含量超标,氮含量偏高(无国标制约)等问题。2)在供暖季,北京市汽车尾气排放的CO、NO2和SO2分别占总CO、NO2和SO2排放的30.1%、72.4%和6.6%;在非供暖季,汽车尾气排放的CO、NO2和SO2分别占总CO、NO2和SO2排放的53.3%、74.3%和20.3%;北京市汽车HC排放全年平均分担率约为67.8%。研究结果表明,燃油是北京市大气污染的主要原因。最后为北京市大气污染的有效治理提出具体的建议和措施。  相似文献   
在大学生体质健康现状的视野下,响应国家“阳光长跑”活动的政策,借鉴成功的实践经验,采用实验法,制定“阳光长跑”干预实施方案,开展研究工作.结果显示:1)大学生在4个月的“阳光长跑”活动干预下,有氧耐力、柔韧素质有显著性的变化,而速度素质、平衡能力变化不明显;2)“阳光长跑”活动干预对提高机体有氧代谢酶活性、呼吸机能、刺激腰背部、腿部肌群柔韧性有重要帮助,而对大学生腿部力量、脚踝力量、机体平衡能力的刺激较小,没有显著影响.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、数理统计法,对CBA后卫、前锋、中锋不同位置的国内外优秀球员攻防技术进行统计与分析,结果表明:1)外援后卫是典型的攻击后卫,具有超强的个人攻击能力,而国内后卫则多数为组织后卫,攻击能力相对弱;2)CBA外援前锋球员出色的身体素质和全面的攻守技术,是内外球员产生较大差距的主要因素,但从防守数据反应了国内前锋积极、认真的防守态度;3)外援中锋进攻范围大,中投与篮下强攻相结合,面对与背对球篮攻击相结合,攻击方式多.3个位置国内球员的攻守及对抗能力与外援相比存在较大差距.建议国内球员加强身体素质训练,提升克托莱指数,着重提高各位置的核心技术水平.  相似文献   
Like many other eminent professors of Peking University, Li Boqian looks humble and kind, bearing the precise and earnest nature as a scholar. He is plainly dressed and modestly behaved, but once on the rostrum, he is so full of passion that you can hardly believe he is already 75 years old. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the ArchaeoLogy Department of Peking University, Li received the interview by PKU News.  相似文献   
Since being restructured as an enterprise in a modern sense in 2004, China Arts and Entertainment Group (CAEG) has made constant efforts to run for-the- profit performances abroad. Overseas performances have so far accounted for 70% of the company's business. In 2013, CAEG has presented 5,500 performances in 300 cities around the world, receiving 10 million audiences. These performances were staged by 1,928 performers from companies of 17 provinces of the country, with an aim to access the mainstream international market with outstanding performing art creations bearing Chinese core value.  相似文献   
County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy, was held at  相似文献   
People will always complain about the dreary air, clouds of dust and few changes of life in Beijing when they are about to leave the city after living there for a couple of years. However, all of these people will miss the city and hope to go back there after living in other places for a year or so, with a wave of strong nostalgia coming over them.  相似文献   
<正>County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 ...  相似文献   
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