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<正>1953年3月,一英国珠峰登山队从尼泊尔的加德满都出发时,配置了更加完善的装备。队长约翰·亨特有丰富的登山经验,登山队员包括一位在校教师,一位核物理学家,一位名叫埃德蒙·希拉里(1919—2008)的新西兰养蜂人,还有350名脚夫。登山队用了45天跨越冰瀑,到达西库姆冰斗。一路上穿过空气污浊的冰雪走廊,绕过无法攀登的高耸冰峰,借助绳索和一架轻便梯跨过在他们脚下张着大口的冰隙。亨特的队伍虽然有备而来,但这毕竟是个严酷的地  相似文献   
作为最早的“巴黎乡巴佬”,巴尔扎克对巴黎这座城市的怨恨构成了他精确想象的驱动力,“人人都是性格面具”则是其重要发现,也是其人物被赋予木偶般特征的前提条件。他的作品具有某种音乐意味,而浪漫主义和现实主义面向则构成了其历史的复合体。贪婪、对金钱的渴求和向上爬的狂热进入到资本主义的体系之中,这也是巴尔扎克小说中高布塞克们、拉斯第涅们、伏脱冷们永不停歇的动力。与其说巴尔扎克“反映”了这个世界,不如说他是以局外人的怀疑重构了这个世界,因此,他的现实主义以现实的缺失为基础。马克思认为“巴尔扎克曾对各种各样的贪婪作了透彻的研究”,但巴尔扎克对现实关系的深刻理解与马克思的经济分析恰恰相反,他是通过盲打误撞的观相术来把握资本主义社会的主流趋势的。而当恩格斯说与“过去、现在和未来的一切左拉”相比他更喜欢巴尔扎克时,这只意味着巴尔扎克比左拉更少拥有现实的因素。在《幻灭》中,吕庞泼莱由一个满怀文学抱负的热血青年变成一个小白脸是值得深思的,而巴尔扎克的发现之一则是作者和所写内容的非同一性。  相似文献   
在工业设计领域里,一件好的产品除了其本身的设计、制作之外,如何让产品落地,走入寻常百姓的生活中往往是最难以把握的一点。从那些耀然跨世的杰作身上,你总能找到许多真正抓住人们日常生活细节的亮点。  相似文献   
Removal of aqueous phenol compound by vacuum membrane distillation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1.IntroductionPhenolisanimportantchemicalindustrymaterial,butitalsoaboundswithserioushazardtoenvironmentandthreatstohumanhealth.Rigidruleshavebeenmadeoutonthephenoldischargeconcentration.Researchesonthetreatmentofphenolwastewaterwerecarriedoutinvariouscountries[1-5].Membraneseparationmethodsincludingreverseosmosis,ultrafiltrationandpervaporationhaveattractedmuchattentionforphenolwastewatertreatment,withcelluloseacetate(CA)membraneemployedmostly[6].Membranedistillationisanewmembraneseparation…  相似文献   
我国课堂教学评价研究概况、问题与设想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述我国课堂教学评价研究的现状,包括对课堂教学本质和价值取向、评价标准和指标、教学评价方法的研究。分析我国课堂教学评价存在的问题,包括局限于理论构建,缺少课堂实证研究;缺乏对课堂教学客观、准确、精细的描述;局限于评价标准与指标法,缺乏有效方法的综合运用。提出今后研究的设想,包括进行课堂教学的实证研究,提供对课堂教学的多角度、多类型的描述,同时建立教学评价标准指标体系和行为分类系统,综合使用定量方法和质的方法。  相似文献   
Objective: To study the regulation of blood pulse volume via photoplethysmography (PPG) signal detected from toe, while the lower limb is passively raised in different height positions. Methods: Use a modified non-invasive PPG technique to detect the blood pulse signal on toe with infrared (IR) photo sensor. A protocol consisting of two postures, i.e., supine and 45° reclining, was designed to conduct laboratory trial in this study. During the period of performing the protocol of these postures, the lower limb was passively raised from the heights of 10 cm to 60 cm randomly and individually with sponge blocks underneath the foot. Results: In the supine posture, the higher the foot was passively raised, the more the blood PPG signal decreased. In the 45° reclining posture, the blood PPG signal increased at the beginning and then decreased in the foot height position from 10 cm to 60 cm. In both postures the normalized AC signal changes significantly while the normalized DC signal changes little. Conclusion: The toe PPG signals can obviously indicate the regulated blood volume change with the designated postural procedures due to the heart level position.  相似文献   
本期推出两篇短小精美的文章,表达了父爱的温馨,有兴趣的读者朋友不妨将它们作为范文来诵渎。  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to present a protocol for laboratory information system (LIS) and hospital information system (HIS) validation at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of the Merkur University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia.

Materials and methods:

Validity of data traceability was checked by entering all test requests for virtual patient into HIS/LIS and printing corresponding barcoded labels that provided laboratory analyzers with the information on requested tests. The original printouts of the test results from laboratory analyzer(s) were compared with the data obtained from LIS and entered into the provided template. Transfer of data from LIS to HIS was examined by requesting all tests in HIS and creating real data in a finding generated in LIS. Data obtained from LIS and HIS were entered into a corresponding template. The main outcome measure was the accuracy of transfer obtained from laboratory analyzers and results transferred from LIS and HIS expressed as percentage (%).


The accuracy of data transfer from laboratory analyzers to LIS was 99.5% and of that from LIS to HIS 100%.


We presented our established validation protocol for laboratory information system and demonstrated that a system meets its intended purpose.  相似文献   
诚信是中华民族的优良传统美德。大学生做为我国知识文化水平较高的群体,大学生的诚信教育对创建社会主义和谐社会有着重要的意义。随着时代的发展,思想观念发生了极大的改变。本文针对大学生的诚信教育路径,提出自己的想法和意见。  相似文献   
高校教师隐性知识转移与共享因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用对高校教师隐性知识转移的调查,分析了高校教师隐性知识转移的现状、影响因素及对绩效的影响.分析表明,个人接触是最好的隐性知识转移方式,而对人际关系忠诚、情感距离及团队的目标、氛围、领导风格是影响团队成员隐性知识共享的重要因素;在隐性知识共享对绩效的影响方面,普遍认为,隐性知识共享能够增加团队成员科研成果的数量、质量,节约科研时间、成本,同时也有利于团队成员获得更多的发展机会.  相似文献   
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