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The role of attention in perceptual learning has been a topic of controversy. Sensory psychophysicists/physiologists and animal learning psychologists have conducted numerous studies to examine this role; but because these two types of researchers use two very different lines of approach, their findings have never been effectively integrated. In the present article, we review studies from both lines and use exposure-based learning experiments to discuss the role of attention in perceptual learning. In addition, we propose a model in which exposure-based learning occurs only when a task-irrelevant feature is weak. We hope that this article will provide new insight into the role of attention in perceptual learning to the benefit of both sensory psychophysicists/physiologists and animal learning psychologists.  相似文献   
大学教师的学术工作:类型、特征及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究应用对三所高校500名教师的调查数据,探讨了大学教师学术工作的类型、特征及其满意度。研究发现:(1)大学教师主要围绕教 学与研究活动展开学术工作,从事这两类活动的时间占其工作时间的比例约为80%,而从事服务、行政活动的时间所占的比例不足20%。以教学 为主、以科研为主和以行政服务为主三类教师所占的比例分别为59.0%、25.6%和15.4%。(2)随着大学教师资历的提高,其学术活动逐渐转向以 研究为主。(3)大学教师在学术政策和学术性决策中影响力非常有限,学术权力行使不充分。根据上述研究结果,本研究提出如下政策建议: (1)转变大学教师的学术观,使大学教师从更广泛的意义上理解学术的概念及其内涵。(2)鼓励资历深的大学教师更多地从事教学活动,防止大 学教师随着资历的提高而脱离教学第一线。(3)扩大大学教师的学术权力,更好地平衡学术权力与行政权力的关系。  相似文献   
Behavioral and neurophysiological effects of a computer-aided morphological training protocol were examined in German-speaking children from Grades 3 to 9. Study 1 compared morphological awareness, reading, and spelling skills of 34 trained children with an untrained control group of 34 children matched for age, sex, and intelligence. All participants in the training group showed increases in morphological awareness, but only students from secondary school improved significantly in reading and spelling competences. In Study 2, a subsample of 8 trained children with poor spelling and reading abilities and 10 untrained children with higher language competencies underwent an electroencephalography testing involving three different language tasks. The training resulted in decreased theta-activity and increased activity in lower (7–10 Hz) and upper alpha (10–13 Hz). These findings reflect more effortful and attention-demanding processing after the training and suggest that children with poor spelling and reading abilities use the acquired morphological knowledge in terms of a compensatory strategy.  相似文献   
The present study examined the use of statistical cues for word boundaries during Chinese reading. Participants were instructed to read sentences for comprehension with their eye movements being recorded. A two-character target word was embedded in each sentence. The contrast between the probabilities of the ending character (C2) of the target word (C12) being used as word beginning and ending in all words containing it was manipulated. In addition, by using the boundary paradigm, parafoveal overlapping ambiguity in the string C123 was manipulated with three types of preview of the character C3, which was a single-character word in the identical condition. During preview, the combination of C23′ was a legal word in the ambiguous condition and was not a word in the control condition. Significant probability and preview effects were observed. In the low-probability condition, inconsistency in the frequent within-word position (word beginning) and the present position (word ending) lengthened gaze durations and increased refixation rate on the target word. Although benefits from the identical previews were apparent, effects of overlapping ambiguity were negligible. The results suggest that the probability of within-word positions had an influence during character-to-word assignment, which was mainly verified during foveal processing. Thus, the overlapping ambiguity between parafoveal words did not interfere with reading. Further investigation is necessary to examine whether current computational models of eye movement control should incorporate statistical cues for word boundaries together with other linguistic factors in their word processing system to account for Chinese reading.  相似文献   
成人教育研究的反思与前瞻   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
高志敏 《教育研究》2006,27(9):60-65
反思与前瞻,为成人教育研究确定了新的研究纲领:回归丰富的成人生活世界、走进缤纷的成人精神家园。无论是对成人教育一般研究活动而言,还是对成人教育学科建设而言,执行这一纲领,是成人教育未来发展应采取的基本态度和首要的方法论选择。执行这一纲领,必须采取新的研究行动:解析成人群体结构、关怀成人生存境遇、解读成人学习行为、构建教育支持系统。  相似文献   
在图书馆建立呼叫中心初探   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
介绍了呼叫中心及其在图书馆的应用,并以西安交通大学图书馆为例,探讨了图书馆呼叫中心的结构,以及图书馆呼叫中心应该具有哪些子系统。  相似文献   
目的:运用加速度传感器评价我国发达地区中学生日常身体活动状况,并与欧洲中学生进行对比分析。方法:选取江苏省南通市一所初中和一所高中,在初一、初三和高二年级各选取两个班级学生作为研究对象,共计有效样本286人,佩戴Actigraph GT3X加速度传感器以一周以获得身体活动相关数据,并与欧洲同等测量条件下公开发表数据进行对比分析。结果:我国中学生平均活动强度(欧洲为410.0 counts/min,中国为255.8counts/min),中高强度身体活动时间(欧洲为55 min/天,中国为34 min/天),推荐活动量达标情况(欧洲为41%,中国为14.7%)均远低于欧洲,而静态活动时间和静态活动时间占有效佩戴时间的百分比却高于欧洲(欧洲为9 h,占71%;中国为11.2 h,占76%)。中欧学生的静态活动时间均占有效佩戴时间的绝大部分,并且静态活动时间随着年龄的增长而增多。中国及欧洲男性的平均活动强度、中高强度身体活动时间值均高于女性,静态活动时间则相对少于女性。结论:我国中学生总体身体活动水平明显低于欧洲学生,主要表现为活动强度低、中高强度活动时间少、推荐活动量达标率低,静坐时间长、静坐时间占日常学习生活时间比例高。中国和欧洲学生均以静态生活方式为主,静态活动时间随着年龄增长而增加,中欧男性的身体活动水平均优于女性。  相似文献   
基础研究是原始创新的源泉,加强基础研究,前瞻未来科学发展方向,抢占未来发展的制高点,是新时代国家对中国科学院学部发挥学术引领作用的新要求。中国科学院学部学科发展战略研究工作旨在探索各学科内在发展规律,前瞻各学科中长期发展趋势,把握新兴和交叉学科发展方向,明确科学前沿和重大科学问题,指导我国相关学科发展。文章介绍了中国科学院学部学科发展战略研究工作的基本情况,并通过文献调研和问卷调查分析了学科发展战略研究工作的实施效果与影响。研究表明,中国科学院学部学科发展战略研究工作产生了较好的社会影响、政策影响和学术影响,在夯实我国学科基础、优化科技布局、促进人才培养、增进学术交流、推动科技创新和建设创新型国家等方面均作出了积极贡献。  相似文献   
中国水资源问题与对策建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
我国水资源供需矛盾突出,发展态势十分严峻。切实加强水资源综合管理、提高水资源利用效率,建设水资源安全保障的科技支撑体系,关系到我国全面建设小康社会的大局。建议尽快制定21世纪中国水资源安全保障国家规划;加强国家水资源安全保障科技基础平台与科技支撑能力建设,加强重大水问题的科学研究和重大水利工程的科学论证;打破部门分割、地区分割,开展流域水资源综合管理的体制改革与制度创新;实施黄淮海区域节水试验示范区建设计划,推动我国资源节约型社会的建设。  相似文献   
抗生素耐药性的来源与控制对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
抗生素除了大量用于人类疾病的治疗外,还作为饲料添加剂被广泛应用于动物养殖业。微生物的抗生素耐药性就是指微生物能够在抗生素存在的情况下生长和繁殖。抗生素耐药性是环境微生物固有的,即所谓的内在抗性,但是人类大量使用抗生素带来的抗生素抗性基因的扩散和传播普遍存在,且已开始威胁到全球人群的健康。微生物对抗生素的抗性主要有3个机制:(1)抗生素的外排;(2)抗生素的降解或修饰;(3)抗生素作用位点的保护。大量研究表明,抗生素的使用和抗生素抗性的蔓延呈现良好的相关性,而且环境微生物的抗性可以通过基因横向转移向人类致病菌扩散,最终可能导致超级细菌的爆发,直接影响人类健康。为了应对全球性的抗生素抗性问题,必须加强:(1)全球抗生素使用和环境排放的监管政策和管理体系;(2)建立快速和透明的抗生素耐药性监测体系,使其涵盖医院、养殖业、污水处理厂等;(3)建立抗生素药物创新基金,通过政府和企业的联合,加快新型药物的研制;同时加强知识产权保护,使新药创制走上可持续之路;(4)加强抗生素耐药性相关的基础与应用研究,包括耐药性发生和传播的生态学机制,消除和缓解耐药性发生和传播的环境技术及其系统解决方案等,包括改进污水处理厂的处理工艺,削减出水中抗性基因和抗性菌的比例;(5)加强抗生素耐药性的科普宣传,提高全社会对耐药性的认知能力,从而在源头上有效控制抗生素在农业和医疗方面的滥用及其环境污染。  相似文献   
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