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Making is a rapidly emerging form of educational practice that involves the design, construction, testing, and revision of a wide variety of objects, using high and low technologies, and integrating a range of disciplines including art, science, engineering, and mathematics. It has garnered widespread interest and support in both policy and education circles because of the ways it has been shown to link science learning to creativity and investigation. Making has taken root in out-of-school settings, such as museums, science festivals, and afterschool and library programmes; and there is now growing interest from primary and secondary educators in how it might be incorporated into the classroom. Making expands on traditions associated with Technology Education and Design-Based Learning, but differs in ways that can potentially broaden participation in science and STEM learning to include learners from communities historically underrepresented in STEM fields. STEM-Rich Making is centrally organised around design and engineering practices, typically integrating digital tools and computational practices, and positions scientific and mathematical concepts and phenomena as the materials for design. This paper takes a critical view of the claims about Making as a productive form of science teaching and learning, and reviews the current research literature’s substantiation of the ways in which Making supports students’ agency, promotes active participation in science and engineering practices, and leverages learners’ cultural resources.  相似文献   
This study explores and describes the perceptions of Malaysian parents concerning pre-school education. The study examines the potential influence of socio-cultural elements on the parents' perceptions and in doing so, challenges the current notion of what constitutes 'appropriateness' in early childhood education. Findings indicate that Malaysian parents hold both idealised and actualised perceptions of pre-school education. The former relate to the parents' image of childhood and the type of education they would like their child to receive in an ideal world, whilst the latter relate to the type of education parents feel their child needs in order to meet the needs of Malaysian society. The authors suggest that this model may be a useful one for exploring perceptions in future studies. Cette etude explore et decrit la perception de l'enseignement prescolaire par les parents malaisiens. Elle examine l'influence potentielle des elements socioculturels sur la perception des parents et elle souleve ainsi la question de ce qui constitue le caractere 'approprie' de 1'enseignement des tres jeunes enfants. Les resultats indiquent que les parents malaisiens ont une perception idealisee et une perception actualisee de 1'enseignement prescolaire. La premiere depend de 1'image que les parents se font de 1'enfance et du type d'education qu'ils voudraient que leur enfant recoive d'un point de vue ideal, tandis que le seconde se rattache au type d'education que les parents pensent necessaire a leur enfant pour repondre aux besoins de la societe malaisienne. Les auteurs suggerent que ce modele pourrait sent a explorer les perceptions dans de futures etudes. Este estudjo explora y describe las percepejones de los padres malasios con relacion a la educacion preescolar. El estudio examina la posible influencia de los elementos socioculturales en las percepciones de los padres y, con ello, se reta la nocion actual de lo que constituye 'lo apropiado' en la educacion de la infancia. Los descubrimientos indican que los padres malasios tienen tanto percepciones idealizadas como reales de la educacion preescolar. La primera hace relacion a la imagen que los padres tienen de la infancia y el tipo de educacion que les gustaria que sus hijos recibieran en un mundo ideal, mientras que la segunda hace relacion al tipo de educacion que los padres creen que necesitan sus hijos a fin de satisfacer las necesidades de la sociedad malasia. Los autores sugieren que este modelo podria ser util para explorar percepciones en futuros estudios.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature and synthesise the evidence on injury rates and characteristics in recreational, elite student, and professional dancers. Five online databases were searched from inception to January 2018 and screened by two independent reviewers. Primary research studies were eligible for inclusion if they reported injury rates in recreational, elite student, and/or professional dancers of any genre and measured individual dance exposure at the hour, event, or day level. Sixteen studies were included, with only three studies incorporating recreational dancers. Reported injury incidence rates were less than 5 injuries per 1,000 dance hours, however substantially different definitions and methods for measuring injury and dance exposure were used. Based on the current evidence there is not an identifiable difference in injury rate or characteristics between recreational, elite student, and professional dancers. However, there remains a lack of high quality comprehensive data available across levels and genres of dance participation, and greater focus on consistency and completeness of reporting in dance injury research is still required.  相似文献   
This article undertakes a discursive analysis of the concepts of ‘inclusion’ and ‘mastery’ using memory stories generated in a collective biography workshop. The five authors analysed their memories from childhood and adolescence on two separate and competing concepts that currently inform educational practice: inclusion and mastery. These stories of mastery/non‐mastery and inclusion/exclusion often exceeded or transgressed dominant normative discourses concerning the competent performance of autonomous selves. Drawing on the work of several theorists, they authors explored these transgressions. In so doing, their analysis extends Butler’s theorising of the human subject as constituted through processes of exclusion and differentiation.  相似文献   
This paper is a first step toward closing the analytical gap in the extensive literature on the results of interactions between public and private R&D expenditures, and their joint effects on the economy. A survey focusing on econometric studies in this area reveals a plethora of sometimes confusing and frequently contradictory estimates of the response of company-financed R&D to changes in the level and nature of this category of public expenditures. Yet, a theoretical framework seldom is provided within which the empirical results are to be interpreted. Some such structure is necessary, in view of the multiple channels through which public research can affect private R&D performance, especially as not all the effects flow in the same direction. A major cause of “inconsistencies” in the empirical literature is the failure to recognize key differences among the various policy “experiments” being considered — depending upon the economy in which they are embedded, and the type of public sector R&D spending that is contemplated. Using a simple, stylized structural model, we identify the main channels of impact of public R&D. We thus can characterize the various effects, distinguishing between short- and long-run impacts that would show up in simple regression analyses of nominal public and private R&D expenditure variables. Within the context of our simple model it is possible to offer interpretations that shed light on recent cross-section and panel data findings at both high (i.e., national) and low (specific technology area) levels of aggregation.  相似文献   
In this article, the authors examine the concept and practices of subjectification; that is, the processes through which we are subjected, and actively take up as our own the terms of our subjection. They use Judith Butler's theorising of subjection both as a starting point for working with their own memories of being subjected in school settings, and as the theoretical basis of their analysis of subjectification. Their method of working, which they refer to as collective biography, is derived from Haug et al. 's methods developed in Female Sexualization . Their memories focus on aspects of the achievement of the individual, appropriate(d) schoolgirl subject who simultaneously constitutes herself and is constituted through discourse. They analyse the illusion of autonomy through which modern subjects are made possible, and the inevitable ambivalence that is experienced as schoolgirls take themselves up appropriately within the possibilities made available to them. Through re-membering their own pasts, and the embodied and emotional detail through which we became (and go on becoming) subjects, they open up for inspection the contradictory ground of the humanist subject, and in particular the feminine humanist subject, as it is achieved in educational settings.  相似文献   
This paper explores the relation between poststructuralist theorising and new materialism with a particular focus on the work of Barad. Tracing the lines of thought, particularly as they relate to ethics, through the works of Foucault, Butler, Cixous and Deleuze the paper finds a range of concepts that anticipate and link directly with Barad’s work. Barad’s emphasis on the agency of matter, and on how matter is made to matter, is found to be new. The different analytic work that can be done with these various philosophers is explored through three intra-active entanglements; first, among preschool children and a rock, second, between a girl and a chimp raised as her twin, and third, between humans and cows.  相似文献   

Over the last decade or more the private and public schools of Britain have successfully campaigned to change their image to that of ‘Independent’ schools. This paper examines the extent to which this change of title is justified. It presents data on the introduction of the Assisted Places Scheme, on changes in the tax regulations regarding charities and on the many other ways that the present government has increasingly given both financial and ideological support to these schools. It questions the degree to which it is appropriate to consider these schools as being independent.  相似文献   
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