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Objective: To assess the effect of angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonist losartan on myocardium connexin43 (Cx43) gap junction (GJ) expression in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and investigate possible mechanisms. Methods: Sixteen 9-week-old male SHRs and 8 age-matched male Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were included in this study. SHRs were randomly divided into two groups to receive losartan at 30mg/(kg·d) by oral gavage once daily for 8 weeks (SHR-L) or vehicle (0.9% saline) to act as controls (SHR-V); WKY rats receiving vehicle for 8 weeks served as normotensive controls. At the end of the experiment, rats were sacrificed and the hearts were removed. Expressions of Cx43 and nuclear factor-kappaB p65 (NF-κB p65) proteins in all three groups were observed and further investigations on the effect of angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 receptor antagonist losartan (30mg/(kg·d), 8 weeks) on Cx43 expression were conducted with Western blot and immunohistochemistry. NF-κB p65 protein in nuclear extracts was determined by Western blot. Results: Left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy was prominent in SHRs, Cx43 and NF-κB p65 protein expressions were obviously upregulated and Cx43 distribution was dispersed over the cell surface. Treatment with losarton reduced the over-expressions of Cx43 and NF-κB p65 in LV myocardium. The distribution of Cx43 gap junction also became much regular and confined to intercalated disk after losartan treatment. Conclusion: Cx43 level was upregulated in LV myocardium of SHR during early stage of hypertrophy. Angiotensin Ⅱ type l receptor antagonist losartan prevented Cx43 gap junction remodeling in hypertrophied left ventricles, possibly through the NF-κB pathway.  相似文献   
Allvertebratesarecharacteristicofpossessionofapituitaryglandwhichsynthesizesandreleasesglycoproteinhormones:gonadotropin(GTH)andthyrotropin(TSH).TwodistincttypesofGTHsexist;intetraPOd,luteinizinghormone(LH)andfolliclestimilatinghormone(FSH),andinteleost,GTH-IandGTH-II.OnlyonetypeofTSHexistsinvertebrates.Allthesehormonesarecomposedoftwostructurallydistinctsubunits(alphaandbeta)eachcarryingcarbohydratemoiety.Alphasubunitsareidenticalamongthethreehormoneswithinspecies,andarecommon(int…  相似文献   
报载球王贝利喜得贵子,记者祝贺他的儿子长大以后,会成为像他那样的体育明星。贝利听后,头脑很清醒,他说,他儿子有可能成为一名优秀的  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION With the continuous development of science and technology, especially the rapid progress of electronic industry and micromachine, microparts are needed more and more, and their technical requirements are higher and higher (Geiger et al., 1994; 1996; Geiger and Engel, 2002). However, traditional processing technologies, like cutting, etc., do not meet these requirements. Traditional plastic forming technology has merits like high production rate, excellent me-chanical proper…  相似文献   
Understanding changes in pathogen behavior(e.g.increased virulence,a shift in transmission channel) is critical for the public health management of emerging infectious diseases.Genome degradation via gene depletion or inactivation is recognized as a pathoadaptive feature of the pathogen evolving with the host.However,little is known about the exact role of genome degradation in affecting pathogenic behavior,and the underlying molecular detail has yet to be examined.Using large-scale global avian...  相似文献   
Versatile memory is strongly desired for end users,to protect their information in the information era.In particular,bit-level switchable memory that can be switched from rewritable to read-only function would allow end users to prevent important data being tampered with.However,no such switchable memory has been reported.We demonstrate that the rewritable function can be converted into read-only function by applying a sufficiently large current pulse in a U-shaped domain-wall memory,which compr...  相似文献   
<正>Chiral materials refer to species with chiral symmetry, which means the absence of mirror planes or breaking of inversion symmetry in material structures. A material or structure is chiral if it is distinguishable from its mirror images. That is, the chiral materials and their mirror images do not coincide through rotations or translations. Chiral materials are frequently described as ‘handed’ because our hands themselves are chiral.Chirality exists in nature, including the DNA double h...  相似文献   
Topological order is a new quantum phase that is beyond Landau’ s symmetry-bre aking paradigm.Its defining features include robust degenerate ground states,long-range entanglement and anyons.It was known that R and F matrices,which characterize the fusion-braiding properties of anyons,can be used to uniquely identify topological order.In this article,we explore an essential question:how can the R and F matrices be experimentally measured?We show that the braidings,i.e.the R matrices,can be compl...  相似文献   
This study,via combined analysis of geophysical and geochemical data,reveals a lithospheric architecture characterized by crust-mantle decoupling and vertical heat-flow conduits that control orogenic gold mineralization in the Ailaoshan gold belt on the southeastern margin of Tibet.The mantle seismic tomography indicates that the crust-mantle decoupled deformation,defined from previous seismic anisotropy analysis,was formed by upwelling and lateral flow of the asthenosphere,driven by deep sub du...  相似文献   
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