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Zusammenfassung.   Die klassische Unterscheidung zwischen Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation eines Unternehmens deutet auf eine getrennte rechnergestützte Realisierung dieser beiden fundamentalen Komponenten einer Organisation hin. Dieser Beitrag unterstützt diese These, verweist aber gleichzeitig auf die integrierende Bedeutung einer rechnergestützten Aufbauorganisationsverwaltung, welche unterschiedliche Realisierungsformen der Ablauforganisation (unter anderem workflow-management und eCommerce) bedient. Die generelle Konzeption und Umsetzung einer solchen Aufbauorganisationsverwaltung wird in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt. Eingegangen am 14. Februar 2000 / Angenommen am 31. Mai 2000  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung.   Die automatische Erkennung und Lokalisation von Objekten in digitalen Bildern ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil vieler praktisch relevanter Anwendungen. In diesem Artikel wird ein erscheinungsbasiertes Verfahren zur Erkennung starrer zwei- oder dreidimensionaler Objekte vorgestellt, dem eine statistische Modellierung zugrundeliegt. Im Gegensatz zu segmentierungsbasierten Verfahren, wie sie vor allem im Bereich der 3D-Objekterkennung eingesetzt werden, erm?glicht der erscheinungsbasierte Ansatz aufgrund der Modellierung der Intensit?tswerte oder davon abgeleiteter lokaler Merkmale eines Bildes die Erkennung komplexer Objekte. Die statistische Formulierung der Problemstellung bildet den mathematischen Kontext zur Bestimmung optimaler L?sungen. Die Form der Modellierung erlaubt neben der Einzelobjekterkennung auch die Berücksichtigung von heterogenem Bildhintergrund und Mehrobjektszenen. Die dazu ben?tigten lokalen Merkmale entstehen durch r?umlich begrenzte Transformationen des Bildes, wie beispielsweise Gabor- oder Wavelet-Transformationen. Die statistische Modellierung beschreibt die Verteilung dieser lokalen Merkmale anhand einer Dichtefunktion, die sich bei der Hintergrund- und Mehrobjektmodellierung als Mischungsverteilung der Einzelobjektverteilungen ergibt. Die Aufgabenstellungen des Erlernens und Erkennens von Objekten sind damit als Parametersch?tzprobleme formal darstellbar. Dabei werden im einen Fall die Modellparameter und im anderen Fall die Lageparameter beziehungsweise die Klassen von Objekten gesch?tzt. Die experimentelle überprüfung des Ansatzes anhand realer Objektaufnahmen durch CCD-Kameras zeigt seine Brauchbarkeit zur Erkennung von 2D- und 3D-Objekten bei homogenem und heterogenem Hintergrund. Eingegangen am 5. April 2000 / Angenommen am 20. Juli 2001  相似文献   
To be one’s own confessor: educational guidance and governmentality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational guidance is often seen as something good and empowering for the individual. In the present article, such taken‐for‐granted ideas will be destabilised by analysing educational guidance as a practice in which confession operates as a technology that fosters and governs specific subjectivities. White papers produced by the Swedish Ministry of Education will be analysed drawing on Foucault’s concepts of technologies of the self and governmentality. I shall argue that the practice of educational guidance fosters our will to learn through the technology of confession. We are not only confessing ourselves to, and are the confessors of others, we are also our own confessors; that is, we confess our inner desires to ourselves, thus participating in shaping desirable subjectivities. Our desires in life coincide with the political ambition to govern, and thus we govern ourselves.  相似文献   
Social media challenge knowledge management because of encouraging conversations, networking and participation in more distributed, diverse and dynamic ways of knowledge development and increasingly important individuals’ interests driving them. Hence, we need to understand the complex relationships between different qualities of knowledge developed in informal and formal processes as well as for overcoming misalignments in routines, tools and infrastructures supporting organizational knowledge creation. This paper contributes a maturation perspective towards explaining organizational knowledge creation and presents a knowledge maturing model, which is grounded in organizational practice and validated with qualitative and quantitative empirical and design studies. The results describe how characteristics of knowledge and support by IT change between phases of knowledge maturing. Our findings confirm theories of organizational knowledge creation with respect to expanding scopes from individuals through communities to organizations moving from interest-driven knowledge exploration in informal contexts to goal-driven knowledge exploitation in formal contexts. The maturation perspective adds to our understanding that organizational knowledge creation is not simply a continuous process. Phases that emphasize changeability alternate with phases concerned with stability. Knowledge develops in contexts that need to switch multiple times between opening up for new knowledge and filtering relevant knowledge and between de- and re-contextualization.  相似文献   
This meta-analysis (148 studies, k = 197, N = 31,718) examined the relationship between motivation and transfer in professional training. For this purpose, motivation was conceptualized in the following nine dimensions: motivation to learn, motivation to transfer, pre- and post-training self-efficacy, mastery orientation, performance orientation, avoidance orientation, expectancy, and instrumentality. Population correlation estimates ranged between −0.11 and 0.52. Three moderator effects were estimated. First, correlations were higher when the training focused on declarative and self-regulatory, rather than on procedural, knowledge. Second, learner-centered environments tended to show greater numbers of positive correlations than did knowledge-centered environments. Third, when compared with external, supervisory, or peer assessment, self-assessment of transfer produced upwardly biased population estimates irrespective of the transfer criterion. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for theories of training effectiveness and their significance for the practice of training evaluation.  相似文献   
This study identifies proficiency levels in pre-service physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and reveals how teacher education can promote transitions into higher proficiency. Teacher education plays a fundamental role in supporting pre-service teachers' PCK development. Proficiency levels are a powerful source when evaluating this PCK development because they characterize what learners are likely to be able to know on a specific level. Previous research has presented a model of proficiency levels in pre-service physics teachers' PCK; however, evidence for the model's validity is still lacking. According to the Refined Consensus Model of PCK, factors such as teachers' content knowledge (CK), their teaching experience, and their beliefs about teaching and learning science promote PCK development. Thus, understanding how and when pre-service physics teachers' CK, teaching experience, and beliefs contribute to their proficiency can bring insights into how teacher education can promote PCK development. To address this issue, N = 427 observations of pre-service physics teachers were analyzed. Utilizing the scale anchoring procedure, four different proficiency levels in pre-service physics teachers' PCK were identified. Analyzing these proficiency levels showed that lower levels can be characterized as remembering content-unspecific knowledge, whereas higher levels encompass content-specific strategies to structure and elaborate lessons. Additionally, logistic regression models revealed that pre-service physics teachers' CK is crucial for an increase in PCK proficiency. However, transitions into higher levels of PCK additionally require teaching experience and adequate beliefs about teaching and learning. Thus, our proficiency levels can be used to bring insights into how proficiency in PCK can be supported during teacher education. For example, teacher education should provide courses focusing on the science curriculum and the assessment of student learning to promote pre-service physics teachers' progression in PCK.  相似文献   
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