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The delivery of quality education to elementary school students in remote and isolated areas continues to be a major problem in most countries. Solutions to this problem should be inexpensive, easy to develop and implement, and straightforward enough for local educational officials and teachers to understand and use. The Small Schools Project of the Indonesian Ministry of Education is attempting to solve this problem through an imaginative programme unique in its provision of an interrelated group of educational interventions of proven effectiveness. These interventions are: self-paced learning modules covering basic subject matter areas, self-paced evaluation for the content covered, learning groups of six to eight students led by peer tutors, supportive rather than didactic teacher behaviours and regular teacher training sessions to impart these behaviours, active support from the community, repair of school buildings, a small number of carefully chosen supplementary materials, larger teaching staffs, planning which integrates a variety of government offices at different levels, cooperative arrangements with universities and teacher training high schools, continuous formative evaluation, and a handbook which describes programme materials, policies and procedures. Preliminary evaluation indicates that the programme is succeeding. The problems of educating isolated youth are strikingly similar across cultures and temporal periods, and given the universality of this problem, other imaginative solutions should be studied and the results of these studies disseminated.
Zusammenfassung Für die meisten Länder ist es immer noch ein Schlüsselproblem, Elementarschülern in abgelegenen und isolierten Gegenden Unterricht von angemessener Qualität zu erteilen. Lösungen dieses Problems sollten nicht kostspielig, einfach zu entwickeln und durchzuführen und für örtliche Erziehungsbeamte und Lehrer leicht verständlich und anwendbar sein. Das Kleinschulprojekt des indonesischen Erziehungsministeriums bemüht sich, dieses Problem durch ein phantasiereiches Programm zu lösen, das in seiner Vorkehrung einzigartig ist, Gruppen durch erzieherische Maßnahmen von bewährter Wirksamkeit miteinander zu verbinden. Diese Maßnahmen sind: selbstgesteuerte Bausteine, die Grundthemen der Gegenstandsbereiche abdecken, selbstgesteuerte Bewertung der Lerninhalte, Lerngruppen von sechs bis acht Schülern unter Leitung gleichaltriger Tutoren, ein Lehrerverhalten, das mehr anregend als belehrend ist und regelmäßige Fortbildungsveranstaltungen, um die Lehrer mit diesem Verhalten vertraut zu machen, aktive Unterstützung durch die Gemeinden, Ausbesserungen der Schulgebäude, eine geringe Anzahl sorgfältig ausgewählten, zusätzlichen Materials, größere Lehrerkollegien, eine Planung, die eine Vielzahl von Regierungsbehörden auf verschiedenen Ebenen, untereinander verbendet, Vereinbarungen zur Zusammenarbeit zwischen Universitäten und höheren Schulen zur Lehrerausbildung, fortgesetzte Bildungsbewertung und ein Handbuch, das Lehrmateriale, Richtlinien und Verfahren beschreibt. Eine Zwischenauswertung hat ergeben, daß dieses Programm erfolgreich ist. Die Probleme, isolierte Jugendliche zu unterrichten, weisen auffallende Ähnlichkeiten in verschiedenen Kulturbereichen und zu verschiedenen Zeitepochen auf. Angesichts der Universalität dieses Problems sollten andere phantasiereiche Lösungen untersucht und die Ergebnisse dieser Berichte verbreitet werden.

Résumé Dispenser un enseignement de qualité aux élèves des classes élémentaires se trouvant dans des zones reculées et lointaines reste un grand problème dans de nombreux pays. Les solutions à ce problème ne doivent pas être onereuses, mais faciles à développer et à réaliser; elles doivent être assez simples à comprendre et à utiliser pour les administrations locales de l'éducation et les enseignants. Le Projet du Ministère de l'Education indonésien concernant l'école élémentaire vise à résoudre ce problème à travers un programme ingénieux et unique en son genre par l'offre d'un ensemble étroitement lié d'interventions éducatives d'une efficacité pédagogique reconnue. Ces moyens sont: des éléments pour l'auto-apprentissage couvrant les matières fondamentales; une auto-évaluation du contenu donné, des groups d'apprentissage de six à huit élèves avec des répétiteurs de même niveau, des enseignants adoptant un comportement plutôt d'assistance que didactique, des sessions régulières de formation des enseignants afin de transmettre ces comportments, un aide active des communes, la réparation des établissements scolaires, un petit nombre de matériels pédagogiques soigneusement choisis, un personnel plus nombreux, une planification qui intègre une quantité d'institutions publiques à différents niveaux, des arrangements prévoyant une coopération entre universités et écoles de pédagogie, une évaluation continue de la formation, et un manuel décrivant les materiels du programme, les buts et les procédés. Une première évaluation montre que le programme est prometteur. Les problèmes d'éducation des jeunes vivant dans des régions isolées sont très similaires à travers les différentes cultures et à travers tous les temps, ainsi, étant donné l'universalité de ce problème, d'autres solutions astucieuses devraient être étudiées et les résultats de ces études diffusés.
Maternal responses to infant facial expressions were examined in two socioeconomically diverse samples of South African mothers (Study I, N = 111; and Study II, N = 214; age: 17–44 years) using pupil and gaze tracking. Study I showed increased pupil response to infant distress expressions in groups recruited from private as compared to public maternity clinics, possibly reflecting underlying differences in socioeconomic status (SES) across the groups. Study II, sampling uniformly low-SES neighborhoods, found increased pupil dilation and faster orientation to expressions of infant distress, but only in the highest income group. These results are consistent with maternal physiological and attentional sensitivity to infant distress cues but challenge the universality of this sensitivity across socioeconomic diversity.  相似文献   
Academic stress of international students attending U.S. universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated factors associated with the academic stress experienced by international students (N=412) attending graduate school in the United States. The study was grounded in a cognitive framework in which academic stress is understood as the consequence of students' appraisal of the stressfulness of role demands and their perception of their ability to cope with those demands. These two appraisals, in turn, were posited to be a function of cultural distance, students' social support network, and their role competencies. Results indicated that the primary determinants of the two types of appraisals differed. While self-perceived English-language skills and, to a lesser degree, cultural distance were the predictors of primary appraisal, self-perceived English-language, academic, and problem-solving skills and social support network were the main determinants of secondary appraisal. Implications for how universities might work more effectively with international students are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstracts are compiled by Nancy R. Preston, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-2340. Telephone: 315-443-3640. Internet: ERIC@SUVM.SYR.EDU.  相似文献   
The diurnal patterning of locomotion, stereotypy, grooming, eating, drinking, sleeping, postural readjustment, and inactivity was studied in 14 species of muroid rodents in the laboratory using a visual observation technique.Microtus canicaudus, M. montanus, M. ochrogaster, andM. pennsylvanicus exhibited acyclic activity patterns, whilePeromyscus eremicus,P. gossypinus, P. leucopus, P. maniculatus bairdi, P. polionotus, Calomys callosus, Mus musculus, andOnychomys leucogaster displayed nocturnality in their behavioral patterning.Rhabdomys pumilio exhibited crepuscular activities andNeofiber alleni displayed a complex pattern of nocturnality. Species differed in total amount of time spent per day for all activities but eating. The acyclicity ofMicrotus species appears to be related to high metabolic rates and a semifossorial life-style.  相似文献   
This article is based on remarks presented by Donald M. Stewart at the Open Forum on National Standards held at the Second National Conference on School/College Collaboration, cosponsored by the American Association for Higher Education and the College Board in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 26, 1991.  相似文献   
This preliminary study explores the effects ofusing CTELL (Case Technologies EnhancingLiteracy Learning) cases on preserviceteachers' learning. Students participated inone of three instructional treatments:traditional, traditional plus video, andtraditional plus CTELL cases. A pre-postconcept web, describing students' understandingof effective reading instruction, served as themajor outcome measure. This was supplementedwith a unidimensional confidence measure,journal entries, and student interviews. Nosignificant differences were found for any ofthe three treatment conditions on the conceptmapping task or the confidence measure.However, the journal entries and interview datahighlight important issues, challenges andbenefits, with respect to the use of multimediacases. Implications for teacher education areexplored.  相似文献   
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