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This study examined the utility of Ajzen's () theory of planned behaviour and Maddux's () revised theory of planned behaviour to predict endurance training intentions and adherence of elite junior netball athletes. One hundred and fifteen athletes from the England Netball World Class Start Programme were assessed on constructs central to the predictions of the two theories. Adherence to a recommended endurance training programme was recorded in self-report diaries across a 9-week period. Validity for the diaries was supported by significant correlations (P <?0.001) with recalls across 7 days and 9 weeks. Adherence was moderate and variable between athletes (mean = 66.05, s = 25.75%). Two separate path analyses were conducted to examine the predictions of the theories. Goodness-of-fit indices suggested acceptable fit of the data to the models. Analyses showed that attitude towards the new behaviour, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control predicted training intentions. The relationship between intention and adherence was weak. The present results suggest that the constructs of the theory of planned behaviour offer some insight into the explanation of intentions to follow an endurance training programme. Constructs unique to the revised theory of planned behaviour did not significantly predict training intentions or behaviour. Implications for practitioners working with team sport performers are provided.  相似文献   
The importance of Pestalozzianism in the development of Continental European education has been long acknowledged, but less work has been done on the impact and interpretation of Pestalozzian ideas in Britain. The paper utilises a case study of the Worksop Pestalozzian Institution in Nottinghamshire to explore how Pestalozzian practices were adopted and adapted. Sources utilised include the remarkable letters of the Marling brothers, pupils at the school during the 1830s, which shed fascinating light upon curriculum and practices and the experiences of the students. The study shows how the naturalistic and experiential methods were adopted at Worksop that utilised the local landscape and industry in order to teach natural history, improve the physical health and inculcate early‐Victorian moral and social values. It argues that one of the most important intellectual impacts of the school was upon the work of the Spencers William George and Herbert, the latter regarding it as an ‘English Hofwyl’ and using it as a model for the composition of his influential book on education.  相似文献   
Novice teachers need support if they are to survive the reality of school. A web of relationships involving members of the school community, mentors outside the school community and a university tutor has been shown to be an effective way of providing this assistance. This article describes an extended web of assistance offered to a group of 11 teachers retrained to teach science. As they made the transition to science teaching these teachers identified a need for guidance and support in learning about a new subject and a new school environment. In some cases the school community was able to provide this guidance and support but in other cases the retrained teachers were met with scepticism by their fellow teachers and needed assistance from other sources. The extended web of relationships they accessed included district consultants provided by the employer, mentors located outside of the school, fellow graduates and a university tutor. All retrained teachers were also assisted in their development as reflective teachers by the production of a portfolio. The addition of an online component to the portfolio, allowing the sharing of ideas between the retrained teacher and the university tutor coordinating the program is proposed as a valuable component of the mentoring network.  相似文献   
More than ever before, our nation needs teachers who are not only motivated to teach but who are also properly educated, trained, and prepared for the many challenges that are facing our nation's K-12 public schools. The education departments and schools at our colleges and universities cannot continue to do business as usual—they need to adjust their teacher preparation programs to effectively support the changing times, and to provide our future teachers with a realistic and rigorous education. There is little or no disagreement among educators, social scientists, or anyone else for that matter, that great schools are the product of great teachers. It makes sense, therefore, to create a world-class teacher education and training program.  相似文献   
Details of teachers' instructional approaches, and students' achievement and attitudes from a probability sample of 102 Ontario schools with grade 8 classes were examined as a function of school structure (public vs. separate, the number of pupils, the teachers' qualifications). Students in separate (Roman Catholic) schools, while not differing from their public schools peers in socio-economic background and plans for further education, reported less use of English in the home and less family help with mathematics. Except in a few details, the teachers at the schools in question do not differ in their educational approaches. The conclusions suggested by the research literature, of the better achievement and attitudes of pupils in separate schools, were supported in the case of attitudes, but contrary to expectations, student achievement differences, when they occurred, favoured students enrolled in public schools. On the whole, the differences which were observed amongst pupils were neither a function of student background characteristics nor of differences in teachers' experience.
Zusammenfassung Einzelheiten der Lehransätze von Lehrern und der Leistungen sowie Einstellungen von Schülern wurden in einem Wahrscheinlichkeitssample an 102 Schulen mit einer 8. Klasse als Funktion einer Schulstruktur untersucht (öffentliche im Gegensatz zu separaten Schulen, d.h. römisch-katholischen, die Schülerzahl, die Qualifikationen der Lehrer). Obwohl sich Schüler an separaten (römischkatholischen) Schulen in ihrem sozio-ökonomischen Hintergrund und ihren Plänen bezüglich ihrer Weiterbildung von ihren Altersgenossen an öffentlichen Schulen nicht unterschieden, berichteten sie, daß der englische Sprachgebrauch zu Hause weniger üblich sei und daß sie weniger häusliche Hilfe bei Mathematikaufgaben erhielten als jene. Bis auf ein paar Einzelheiten unterschieden sich die Lehrer der besagten Schulen nicht in ihren Lehransätzen. Die Schlußfolgerungen, die in der Forschungsliteratur über bessere Leistungen und besseres Verhalten der Schüler an Separatschulen nahegelegt wurden, unterstützten diese Einstellungen, aber anders als erwartet, fielen die Unterschiede bei den Schülerleistungen, wenn sie auftraten, zugunsten der Schüler an öffentlichen Schulen aus. Insgesamt lassen sich die festgestellten Leistungsunterschiede der Schüler weder auf deren sozialen Hintergründe noch auf unterschiedliche Erfahrungen der Lehrer zurückführen.

Résumé Les détails relatifs aux approches éducatives des enseignants, aux acquis et attitudes d'élèves pris sur un échantillon de probabilité de 102 écoles de l'Etat de l'Ontario avec des classes du degré 8 ont été examinés en tant que fonction de la structure scolaire (école publique par rapport aux écoles libres, nature des effectifs, qualification des enseignants). S'ils ne se distinguaient pas de leurs pairs des écoles publiques par leur milieu socio-économique ou les plans d'éducation continue, les élèves des écoles libres (catholiques) ont rapporté qu'ils faisaient un moins grand usage de l'anglais à la maison et recevraient moins d'aide de leur famille pour résoudre leurs exercices de mathématiques. A quelques détails près, les enseignants des écoles en question ne différaient pas par leurs approches éducatives. Les conclusions suggérées par les travaux de recherche sur les acquis plus positifs et les attitudes plus favorables des élèves des écoles libres étaient corroborées pour ce qui est des attitudes mais, contrairement aux attentes, les différences en matière de connaissances acquises, si de telles différences se manifestaient, étaient à l'avantage des élèves inscrits dans les écoles publiques. En général, les différences de niveau observées chez les élèves ne dépendaient pas des caractéristiques de leur milieu de provenance, ni de l'expérience des enseignants.

This study investigated changes in body composition in relation to training load determined using RPE and duration (sRPE), and its relationship with physical qualities over a preseason period. Sixteen professional academy players (age = 17.2 ± 0.7 years; stature = 179.9 ± 4.9 cm; body mass = 88.5 ± 10.1 kg) participated in the study. Body composition was assessed before and after each training phase and physical qualities assessed at the start and end of preseason. Across the whole preseason period, skinfold thickness, body fat percentage and fat mass were most likely lower (ES = ?0.73 to ?1.00), and fat free mass and lean mass were likely to most likely higher (ES = 0.31 to 0.40). Results indicated that the magnitude of change appeared phase-dependent (ES = ?0.05 to ?0.85) and demonstrated large individual variability. Changes in physical qualities ranged from unclear to most likely (ES = ?0.50 to 0.64). Small to moderate correlations were observed between changes in body composition, and TL with changes in physical qualities. This study suggests training phase and TL can influence a player’s body composition; that large inter-participant variability exists; and that body composition and TL are related to the change in physical qualities.  相似文献   
In focusing on the Kincheloe and Tobin paper, ‘The Much Exaggerated Death of Positivism,’ this forum explores the hegemony of positivism in the professional practices of a group of educators whose research expertise lies in the fields of science education, mathematics education and leadership education. Responding to the first question, ‘What is your personal/professional experience of the hegemony of positivism?’, four key issues arise: is positivism part of the external world or is it within us (and thus what is our agency)?, the role of positivism as a driver of Western cultural imperialism, dualism as the chief logic of positivism, and the difficulty of responding to positivism from a pluralist perspective. The second question, ‘Is rapprochement between positivism and other paradigms possible and/or desirable without being re-colonised?’, raises a number of key issues that, although relatively new to science education, are of increasing interest to cultural studies researchers keen to embrace alternative research paradigms with which to create culturally inclusive science curricula. The discussants reveal their personal experiences of being marginalised by the hegemony of positivism and give voice to a range of opinions about how best to respond. The integral perspective of spiral dynamics is proposed as a model of paradigm evolution, our fundamental assumptions about modern progress are questioned, and the non-dualist logic of dialectics is explored as a more inclusive rationality for researchers. In the spirit of counter-hegemonic cultural studies, the discussants draw on their personal Buddhist and Hindu perspectives to open new doorways into complex ontological systems lying beyond the simplistic materialism of crypto-positivism. We are given a glimpse of powerful means of generating new insights into the emergent universe (within and without) that an evolving science endeavours to explain.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper was to examine the relationships between pre-service teachers’ conceptions of assessment and their intended approaches to classroom instruction and assessment. We operationalised approaches to instruction and assessment according to Achievement Goal Theory, postulating that pre-service teachers approach instruction and assessment from either a mastery or performance perspective. The results from a correlational study of 344 Canadian pre-service teachers showed that intended instruction and assessment practices were separated according to mastery and performance approaches. However, there was also alignment between the concepts such that pre-service teachers who had a mastery approach to instruction were more inclined towards a mastery approach to assessment. Approaches to assessment were also related to pre-service teachers’ conceptions: beliefs that assessment holds students and schools accountable were positively related to a performance approach to assessment. In contrast, a belief that assessment improves teaching was positively related to a mastery approach to assessment and negatively to a performance approach. We discuss relationships between conceptions of assessment, approaches to classroom instruction and assessment as conceptualised from an Achievement Goal Theory perspective.  相似文献   
The abolition of the probationary year for teachers in 1991 by the Department for Education was short-lived, with new requirements for the setting of Induction Standards, monitoring of performance, the administration of assessment procedures, and the possible de-registration of new teachers introduced in the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998. The article describes the policy context of the initiative; the characteristics of the new requirements; the complex induction problem, which needs solving; and the failed promises on induction, which preceded the new provision. It argues for a more imaginative alternative to be developed, capable of ensuring that new teachers are able to contribute actively and in meaningful ways to the reconstruction of education.  相似文献   
The purpose was to compare the performance of normal and educable mentally retarded children on pattern recognition tasks. Pattern recognition was assessed by the administration of 96 pattern tasks which measured the ability of children to find: (a) duplicate patterns and same elements as presented in model pattern sequences; (b) opposite patterns and same elements as presented in model pattern sequences; and (c) duplicate patterns but different elements than presented in model pattern sequences. The normal and mentally retarded children were matched on mental age derived from individual and group intelligence tests. Results indicated significant differences in performance measures between groups and various pattern tasks. The data support the suppositions that: (a) mentally retarded children and normal children show the same type of progression through the hierarchical arrangement of pattern tasks; and (b) mentally retarded children show a slower progression through the hierarchy than normal children when matched on mental age. Educational implications from this study are discussed.  相似文献   
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