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Methodological problems, have limited the usefulness of findings from experiments into learning by discovery. By using programmed instruction materials, a within-class design, and other controls, an attempt was made to remove confounding. Two tasks were used: concept learning and principle learning. For each task, a separate 2x2x2 factorial design containing sixteen Ss in each cell was used. Independent variables were instructional method (egrule and ruleg), school grade (9 and 5), and intelligence (high and average). A set of eight different measures, involving retention, transfer, and ease of relearning, was used for each task. It was found that the egrule and ruleg methods did not differ significantly, and that interaction between instructional method and the other variables was low.  相似文献   
In a sample of 970 female and 968 male freshmen taken over a 5-year period at the College of Wooster it was found that the Math and Verbal Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) were more highly correlated with freshman grade point average (GPA) than were any of the eighteen scales of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI). Stepwise regression led the author to suggest a series of five variables for each sex which might be used to predict academic achievement using the SAT and the CPI. For women, a multiple R of .52 was reached using Math, Verbal, Socialization, Achievement via Conformity, and Flexibility. For men, Math, Verbal, Socialization, Flexibility, and Femininity provided a multiple R of . 57.  相似文献   
Despite a number of relevant longitudinal studies carried out in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the United States of America, there is a relative paucity of research into the long-term outcomes of adult return to learning. This paper uses data from the first survey in Scotland into the longterm outcomes of adult learning (in this case, formal education/training) in order to explore the potential of adult learning for enhancing social citizenship,by facilitating labour market insertion and progress. The paper focuses particularly on an analysis of gender patterns. The issues addressed are: the extent to which respondents expected participation in adult education to benefit them in the labour market; whether labour-market-orientated participation in adult education brought positive occupational outcomes; the extent to which unintended labour market outcomes arose from participation in adult education; how women who undertook adult education did in labour market terms compared to men; to what extent personal perception of labour market progress was related to income; the kind of adult education which appeared to bring the most beneficial labour market outcomes; and any differences between men and women in this respect.  相似文献   
Government policy stresses partnership as a critical organizational form of the future to support the development of schooling. This article uses intergroup conflict and gaming theory to analyse data from one partnership. The views of young people and staff are explored to establish the nature and extent of conflict and its impact on the partnership. Gaming theory is used to investigate the engagement and expectations of organizations in the partnership. The article challenges Government rhetoric that suggests that as experience and trust grow, partnership will overcome the barriers which exist as a legacy from previous more competitive and isolationist cultures, to the benefit of service users. It further suggests that the availability of adequate resources alone, if ever achieved, would not in itself create the conditions for successful partnership. Far more attention is required to be given to the complex range of conditions which might support partnership and increase the possibility that the interests of learners would not be subordinated to those of organizations.  相似文献   
The scoring matrix, a method used to facilitate community participation in collaboratively planning and monitoring development projects in natural resource management, was adapted to promote collaboration and reflection in a course in participatory resource management. The scoring matrix is described and its strengths and weaknesses in relation to key objectives are analysed. The matrix represents an innovative approach to evaluation that may be useful in a variety of fields. The authors argue, too, that the case is an example of how discipline (and profession-) specific tools can be adapted in an educational setting to serve the dual purposes of promoting experiential learning of particular key skills, and of monitoring and evaluating student learning. They suggest that academics in other fields may wish to consider participatory tools like the scoring matrix or adapt the tools of their own disciplines as ways of collaboratively evaluating teaching in their own disciplines/professions.  相似文献   
When ZANU (PF) came to power in 1980, it had promised to establish free and compulsory primary and secondary education for all children in Zimbabwe. The Ministry of Education has achieved remarkable increases in school enrolments, particularly at secondary level. It has also undertaken to allow all pupils to sit the O Level examinations after four years of secondary schooling. But by so doing it has encouraged a belief in the importance of academic qualifications and a crisis of expectation among pupils. There are insufficient places for those who wish to continue to Sixth Form (higher secondary) studies, a lack of alternative vocational training, and an inadequate rate of creation of new jobs for school leavers. There seem but three ways out: to cut defence spending in favour of education, to send students abroad for higher training, or to develop new employment and training schemes, perhaps after an imported model.
Zusammenfassung Als die Afrikanische Nationalunion von Simbabwe, ZANU (PF), 1980 an die Macht kam, hatte sie zugesichert, eine allgemeine unentgeltliche Schulpflicht für die Primar- und Sekundarstufen in Simabwe einzuführen. Das Erziehungsministerium hat einen erstaunlichen Zuwachs an Einschulungen, besonders auf der Sekundarschulebene erzielt. Darüberhinaus hat das Ministerium Schritte eingeleitet, so daß Schüler die Mittlere Reife (O Level) nach vier Sekundarschuljahren ablegen können. Durch diesen Schritt wurde gleichzeitig die überzeugung von der Bedeutsamkeit akademischer Qualifikationen gestärkt und eine Erwartungskrise unter den Schülern ausgelöst. Plätze für Schüler, die die höhere Sekundarstufe (Sixth Form) weiterbesuchen möchten, reichen nicht aus, es mangelt an alternativen Berufsausbildungsmöglichkeiten und an neugeschaffenen Arbeitsplätzen für Schulabgänger. Nur drei Auswege scheinen möglich zu sein: die Verteidigungskosten zugunsten des Bildungswesens zu kürzen, Schüler zur höheren Ausbildung ins Ausland zu schicken, oder aber neue Berufs- und Ausbildungsprogramme gegebenfalls nach einem importierten Modell zu entwickeln.

Résumé Lorsque le Front Patriotique (ZANU - PF) parvint au pouvoir en 1980, il avait promis d'établir un enseignement primaire et secondaire gratuit et obligatoire pour tous les enfants du Zimbabwe. Le Ministère de l'Education a réussi à faire progresser de manière remarquable le taux de scolarisation, en particulier dans le second degré. Il a également décidé de permettre à tous les élèves de passer les examens du niveau O après quatre années d'enseignement secondaire. Mais en agissant ainsi, il a encouragé une croyance en l'importance des titres scolaires et une crise d'attente chez les élèves. Les places sont insuffisantes pour ceux désirant poursuivre leurs études jusqu'à la 6e classe (enseignement secondaire supérieur), un système alternatif de formation professionnelle fait défaut et le taux de création de nouveaux emplois pour les jeunes quittant l'école est inadéquat. Trois issues semblent se dessiner: augmenter le budget de l'éducation en réduisant celui de la défense, envoyer les élèves à l'étranger pour y recevoir une formation supérieure, ou bien développer de nouvelles structures d'emploi et de formation, à l'instar d'un modèle étranger notamment.
The concept of "one-stop information shopping" is becoming a reality at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. Our goal is to provide access from a single workstation to clinical, research, and library resources; university and hospital administrative systems; and utility functions such as word processing and mail. We have created new organizational units and installed a network of workstations that can access a variety of resources and systems on any of seventy-two different host computers/servers. In November 1991, 2,600 different individuals used the clinical information system, 700 different individuals used the library resources, and 900 different individuals used hospital administrative systems via the network. Over the past four years, our efforts have cost the equivalent of $23 million or approximately 0.5% of the total medical center budget. Even small improvements in productivity and in the quality of work of individuals who use the system could justify these expenditures. The challenges we still face include the provision of additional easy-to-use applications and development of equitable methods for financial support.  相似文献   
By considering, in one LEA, a particular area of policy implementation, namely the allocation of welfare assistance to named children with special needs in mainstream primary schools, the author questions whether LEA administrators do actually control events and determine what happens during the implementation process. This paper examines the different expectations of administrators and headteachers with regard to the role and specific duties of welfare assistants and also traces the historical development of the welfare assistant service in the target LEA. Evidence from these two sources points to wide ranging and adverse effects of a reactive administration and indicates that far from initiating and controlling events, LEA administrators struggle to keep up with developments in schools.  相似文献   
In developing countries, the trend has been for government to assume gradual control of schools run by religious organisations, while allowing them to retain their religious affiliation. In the Caribbean, the relationship between church and state educational systems has generally been cordial. This is particularly so in Trinidad and Tobago, where almost three quarters of the primary schools are denominational: Roman Catholic, other Christian, Hindu and Muslim. However, a significant proportion of pupils do not adhere to the host faith. Demographic trends and internal migration have disturbed the previous pattern of population, but the most important factor is the influence of the Common Entrance Examination, which controls entry to secondary education. Certain primary schools achieve high pass rates and attract large numbers of applicants from all sectors of society, while School Boards and principals accept over-population and set entry criteria other than religious affiliation. Variation in curricula is limited by recently drafted requirements, the government provides the bulk of school funds, and regularly inspects all schools. Such controls may enable the present government to fulfil its intention of deemphasising the Common Entrance Examination, but it thereby runs the risk of endangering the religious tolerance engendered by the present multidenominational nature of religious schools.
Zusammenfassung In Entwicklungsländern ging das Bestreben der Regierung dahin, allmählich die Kontrolle über die von religiösen Organisationen geführten Schulen zu übernehmen und ihnen dabei ihre religiöse Bindung zu belassen. In der Karibik bestand bisher im allgemeinen ein herzliches Verhätnis zwischen Kirche und staatlichen Erziehungseinrichtungen. Dies gilt besonders für Trinidad und Tobago, wo fast drei Viertel der Grundschulen Konfessionsschulen sind: römisch-katholisch, anderweitig christlich, hinduistisch und moslemisch. Eine große Anzahl von Schülern gehört allerdings nicht der Glaubensrichtung der Schule an. Demografische Trends und Bevölkerungsfluktuation haben frühere Bevölkerungsmuster verändert, aber der wichtigste Punkt ist der Einfluß der allgemeinen Aufnahmeprüfung, die den Eintritt in die weiterführenden Schulen reguliert.Einige Grundschulen haben hohe Erfolgsraten und ziehen dadurch viele Bewerber aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten an, wobei Schulbehörden und Schulleiter eine Überbelegung akzeptieren und andere Aufnahmekriterien als religiöse Zugehörigkeit festsetzen. Änderungsmöglichkeiten im Curriculum sind durch kürzlich herausgegebene Anforderungsrichtlinien eingeschränkt; die Regierung zahlt den größten Teil der Schulmittel und inspiziert regelmäßig alle Schulen. Diese Kontrollen mögen es zwar der gegenwärtigen Regierung ermöglichen, ihre Absicht, die Bedeutung der allgemeinen Aufnahmeprüfung zu schwächen, zu verwirklichen, aber sie riskiert gleichzeitig, die durch die gegenwärtigen multikonfessionellen Religionsschulen ausgelöste religiöse Toleranz zu gefährden.

Résumé Dans les pays en développement, le gouvernement assume habituellement le contrôle continu des écoles régies par les organisations religieuses, tout en leur permettant de conserver leur adhésion religieuse. Aux Caraïbes, la relation entre les systèmes éducatifs publics et religieux est généralement cordiale. C'est particulièrement le cas à Trinité-et-Tobago, où presque les trois quarts des écoles primaires sont des écoles confessionnelles: catholiques romaines, diverses écoles chrétiennes, écoles hindoues et musulmanes. Cependant, un nombre important d'élèves n'adhère pas à la religion de l'école. Les tendances démographiques et la migration interne ont changé l'ancienne structure de la population, mais le facteur majeur reste l'influence de l'Examen général d'entrée, qui réglemente l'entrée dans le secondaire. Certaines écoles primaires ont un taux de réussite élevé et attirent de nombreux candidats issus de tous les secteurs de la société, tandis que les conseils et les directeurs d'écoles acceptent une surpopulation et fixent d'autres critères d'admission que ceux d'appartenance religieuse. La diversité des programmes d'études est limitée par des contraintes mises en place récemment, le gouvernement octroie l'ensemble des crédits à l'éducation et inspecte régulièrement tous les établissements scolaires. Pareils contrôles peuvent permettre au présent gouvernement d'imposer sa volonté pour diminuer l'importance de l'Examen général d'entrée, mails ils risquent en même temps de mettre en danger la tolérance religieuse engendrée aujourd'hui par la nature multiconfessionnelle des écoles religieuses.
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