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Educational technology research and development - Learning Management Systems are used in millions of higher education courses, across various countries and disciplines. Teachers build courses...  相似文献   
This study aims at understanding international news differences by studying the headlines of over 360,000 news stories posted on the Twitter pages of 12 Arabic and English news organizations. The most referenced countries as well as figures and political actors are examined in these headlines, and the results show that a number of news values elements provide insight into the nature of the news selection. While Arabic channels are mostly focused on the events taking place in the Middle East (proximity), some English-language channels show clear preference for the countries from which they are located, especially CNN and Sky News, as well as Arabic and English state-owned media outlets like France 24 and RT (agenda and ideology). The findings suggest that news content largely follows a number of news values criteria that can explain the news selection process.  相似文献   
This article investigates the online comments of news items posted on the Facebook pages of two popular Arabic-language radio channels: Radio Monte Carlo—France24 and Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW). This study examines over 184,000 comments with a special focus on the most liked posts in order to understand how audiences of regular radio interact on social media. The results indicate that audiences seem to be more engaged with posts that encourage participating in broad issues, interacting with clever quotes, and entering contests and less so with reading breaking news. With regards to news events and serious issues, this study also examined how social media users of these two Facebook “radio” sites responded to postings that differed from their own opinions, and seemingly actively engaged with contrasting or oppositional views or sentiments.  相似文献   
盐岭包括六个峡谷,具有出露充分的地质学和古生物学特征,并且交通便利。这些特点吸引了研究者对这个独特地区的地质时代测定方面的浓厚兴趣,开始对寒武纪三叶虫、二叠纪腕足类、三叠系下统菊石、下第三系大型有孔虫和上第三系及第四纪脊椎动物产生的古地理进行了研究调查。在地质学家眼中,这些盐岭峡谷充满着如此美妙的地质遗址,堪称为世界上独特的野外自然历史博物馆,同时也可能被建设为巴基斯坦的一个地质公园。  相似文献   
The interplay among and connections between objects (structured or unstructured), images, language and symbols that lead to mathematical reasoning and the stating of mathematical propositions of very wide generality is well worth closer study. I believe that the subtle distinction between the way mathematical ideas are constructed from objects and the particular characteristics of the objects is often not clear in many teachers' minds. In the plenary, with the help of colleagues, using practical examples and situations, I would like to explore the distinction between the mathematical ideas that are being discussed in classrooms and the objects that are used in helping with abstractions. The use of interactive technology in the creation of mathematical meanings will form an important part of my colleagues' contributions.  相似文献   
Following the 1990 World Conference on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand, many developing countries are making efforts to achieve basic education for all by the year 2000. However, when it comes to measuring educational progress, there are few methodologies that can overcome the many problems and controversies in this area. This paper describes a serviceable methodology for measuring basic education (competencies in reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as selected life skills), which has proven to be simple, inexpensive and rapid. This approach, termed the Assessment of Basic Competencies (ABC), has been tested in Bangladesh on 2,100 children between the ages of 11 and 12. The results are discussed here. This methodology may be of use to education programme managers in other developing countries.
Zusammenfassung Nach der Weltkonferenz über Bildung für Alle 1990 in Jomtien, Thailand, bemühen sich viele Entwicklungsländer um eine Grundbildung für alle bis zum Jahr 2000. Wenn man jedoch die Methoden zur Bemessung der Leistungen der Schüler betrachtet, gibt es nur wenige Methodologien, die die zahlreichen Probleme und Kontroversen auf diesem Gebiet bewältigen können. Dieser Artikel beschreibt eine praktische Methodologie zur Bewertung der Grundbildung (Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten, arithmetische Fähigkeiten sowie ausgewählte zum Leben notwendige Fahigkeiten), die sich als einfach, preiswert und schnell erwiesen hat. Dieser Ansatz wurde in Bangladesh an 2.100 Kindern zwischen 11 und 12 Jahren getestet. Das Ergebnis wird in diesem Artikel erortert. Diese Methodologie könnte Bildungsprogrammleitern in anderen Entwicklungsländern von Nutzen sein.

Résumé En réponse au Congrès Mondial sur l'Education pour Tous qui a eu lieu en 1990 à Jomtien, Thaïlande, de nombreux pays en voie de développement multiplient leurs efforts pour réaliser l'éducation de base de tous d'ici l'an 2000. Quand il s'agit pourtant d'évaluer le progrès pédagogique, rares sont les méthodologies pouvant faire face aux nombreux problèmes et controverses existant dans ce domaine. Cet article décrit une méthode efficace pour évaluer l'éducation de base (compétences en écriture, lecture et arithmétique de même que certaines aptitudes à la vie pratique), qui s'est révélée simple, économique et rapide. Ce procédé, appelé Evaluation des Compétences de Base (ABC — Assessment of Basic Competencies), a fait l'objet d'un essai au Bangladesh auprès de 2100 enfants entre 11 et 12 ans, dont les résultats sont discutés ici. Cette méthode pourrait être intéressante aux organisateurs de programmes d'éducation dans d'autres pays en développement.
Ten normal subjects (NS) and 28 stone formers (SF) underwent 1 and 2 gm. calcium loading test following three days of calcium restricted diet (400 mg/day). On 4th day first 24-hr. urine sample was collected. An additional 1 and 2 gm. of calcium (Calcium gluconate) was given orally on 5th and 6th day respectively and 24-hr. urine samples were collected on both the days. Before loading, all the NS had normal calcium excretion (<200 mg/day). Calcium loading caused hypercalciuria in 10% and 20% cases respectively. Among SF, 17.9% cases were already hypercalciuric and calcium loading increased it to 42.9% and 46.4% patients respectively. The results indicated that exogenous calcium had only limited capacity to increase urinary calcium and that the magnitude of rise was relatively higher in SF. The increased excretion in SF was primarily due to intestinal hyperabsorption of calcium.  相似文献   
Medicinal plants have been used by marginal communities to treat various ailments. However, the potential of endophytes within these bio-prospective medicinal plants remains unknown. The present study elucidates the endophytic diversity of medicinal plants (Caralluma acutangula, Rhazya stricta, and Moringa peregrina) and the endophyte role in seed growth and oxidative stress. Various organs of medicinal plants yielded ten endophytes, which were identified as Phoma sp. (6 isolates), Alternaria sp. (2), Bipolaris sp. (1), and Cladosporium sp. (1) based on 18S rDNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The culture filtrates (CFs; 25%, 50%, and 100% concentrations) from these endophytes were tested against the growth of normal and dwarf mutant rice lines. Endophytic CF exhibited dose-dependent growth stimulation and suppression effects. CF (100%) of Phoma sp. significantly increased rice seed germination and growth compared to controls and other endophytes. This growth-promoting effect was due to the presence of indole acetic acid in endophytic CF. The gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis showed the highest indole acetic acid content ((54.31±0.21) μmol/L) in Bipolaris sp. In addition, the isolate of Bipolaris sp. exhibited significantly higher radical scavenging and anti-lipid peroxidation activity than the other isolates. Bipolaris sp. and Phoma sp. also exhibited significantly higher flavonoid and phenolic contents. The medicinal plants exhibited the presence of bio-prospective endophytic strains, which could be used for the improvement of crop growth and the mitigation of oxidative stresses.  相似文献   
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