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新形势下成人高等教育课程体系构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
当前我国成人高等教育课程体系存在着课程目标单调、课程内容片面、课程结构单一、课程评价僵化的现象,必须以科学发展观为指导,实现成人高等教育课程体系课程目标的全面性、课程内容的整合性、课程结构的综合性、课程评价的灵活性。  相似文献   
1IntroductionIntrusion detection systems(IDS)can be catego-rizedinto two types bytheir detection algorithms:mis-use detection and anomaly detection.Misuse detectiondefines known attack signatures(using expert know-ledge),and tries to find the ones that ma…  相似文献   
抗生素耐药性的来源与控制对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
抗生素除了大量用于人类疾病的治疗外,还作为饲料添加剂被广泛应用于动物养殖业。微生物的抗生素耐药性就是指微生物能够在抗生素存在的情况下生长和繁殖。抗生素耐药性是环境微生物固有的,即所谓的内在抗性,但是人类大量使用抗生素带来的抗生素抗性基因的扩散和传播普遍存在,且已开始威胁到全球人群的健康。微生物对抗生素的抗性主要有3个机制:(1)抗生素的外排;(2)抗生素的降解或修饰;(3)抗生素作用位点的保护。大量研究表明,抗生素的使用和抗生素抗性的蔓延呈现良好的相关性,而且环境微生物的抗性可以通过基因横向转移向人类致病菌扩散,最终可能导致超级细菌的爆发,直接影响人类健康。为了应对全球性的抗生素抗性问题,必须加强:(1)全球抗生素使用和环境排放的监管政策和管理体系;(2)建立快速和透明的抗生素耐药性监测体系,使其涵盖医院、养殖业、污水处理厂等;(3)建立抗生素药物创新基金,通过政府和企业的联合,加快新型药物的研制;同时加强知识产权保护,使新药创制走上可持续之路;(4)加强抗生素耐药性相关的基础与应用研究,包括耐药性发生和传播的生态学机制,消除和缓解耐药性发生和传播的环境技术及其系统解决方案等,包括改进污水处理厂的处理工艺,削减出水中抗性基因和抗性菌的比例;(5)加强抗生素耐药性的科普宣传,提高全社会对耐药性的认知能力,从而在源头上有效控制抗生素在农业和医疗方面的滥用及其环境污染。  相似文献   
新疆耕地开发流失模式时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈红  吴世新  冯雪力 《资源科学》2010,32(9):1726-1733
应用中国科学院土地利用变化时空信息平台,在新疆1990年、2000年、2005年、2008年四期土地利用 时空数据库的基础上,利用GIS空间分析提取新疆三个时段的耕地开发利用时空流转数据,并结合新疆环境背景 数据库分析近20年来新疆耕地开发流失模式的时空特征变化。结果表明:近20年间,新疆耕地开发速度呈现急剧 上升又减缓的趋势,2000年-2005年间达到峰值;耕地开发由壤质绿洲地区逐渐向砾质和砂质的戈壁、沙地等未利 用地扩展延伸,由引渠水灌溉向地下水灌溉发展,打破河流、土质定开发的传统模式;近20年间,新疆耕地流失速 度持续下降,撂荒一直是耕地流失的主要因素,建设占用在耕地流失中的比例持续下降,生态退耕在耕地流失中的 比例持续上升,人为因素对耕地流失的作用逐渐增大,建设占用和生态退耕的耕地主要分布在绿洲地区,撂荒耕地 由绿洲地区向沙地、戈壁扩展。  相似文献   
任何社会都有一套与当时的历史条件相适应的道德观念体系。它是在该社会中占主导地位的道德价值取向。它对不同的道德价值标准进行调节、引导和限制,使之趋同。中国过去长期形成的“重义轻利”的道德价值观,尽管它有一定的负面作用,但它所提倡的注重道德义务、在获取物质利益之前应首先考虑其是否正当的原则,即使在现在看来仍有其合理性和现实意义。  相似文献   
截止2006年3月底,杭州市已成立教育集团51个,有188成员单位实施了名校集团化办学;全市实施名校集团化办学的中小学校114所,占全市学校总数的9.5%,其中六城区92所,占六城区学校总数的38.3%;有333所城乡中小学开展了城乡结对互助活动,占全市学校总数的30%,其中有近1000多名教师加入了互助活动,淳安、建德、桐庐等地有近10000余  相似文献   
In this article we discuss an exciting experiment in non-linear dynamics. This provides an imaginative platform for bringing in chemical, physical, biological, mathematical and computational sciences together. There are implications for earth sciences as well. B M Deb is a theoretical chemist who has been designing experiments for chemistry teaching laboratories for more than thirty years. Mainak Sadhukhan, Sudarson Sekhar Sinha and Sucheta Sengupta were students of PBIR-Chemical Sciences. Ranjit Biswas is a physical chemist working on both theory and experiment in chemical dynamics.  相似文献   
This article argues that ESD should be integrated into lifelong learning and provides an example of how this might be done. It draws on a case study of a joint project between the Shangri-la Institute and the Bazhu community in Diqing, southwest China, to analyse a community-based approach to Education for Sustainable Development and assess its implications for lifelong learning. The article examines the different knowledge, skills and values needed for ESD across the life span and asserts the need for these competencies to be informed by the local context. The importance of linking ESD with local culture and indigenous knowledge is emphasised. The article goes on to propose methods for integrating ESD into lifelong learning and underscore the need for learning at the individual, institutional and societal levels in formal, non-formal and informal learning settings. It calls for institutional changes that link formal, non-formal and informal learning through the common theme of ESD, and establish platforms to share experiences, reflect on these and thereby continually improve ESD.  相似文献   
How do epistemological attitudes and beliefs influence learning from text? We conceptualize epistemological attitudes and beliefs as components of metacognitive knowledge. As such, they serve an important function in regulating the use of epistemic strategies such as knowledge-based validation of information and checking arguments for internal consistency. We report results from two studies that investigated the effects epistemological attitudes and beliefs on the use of epistemic strategies in academic learning and the motivational states that mediate these effects. Study 1 (N = 289) tested a mediation model with epistemological attitudes (separate vs. connected knowing) and textual characteristics as distal predictors, and learning goals (learning factual knowledge vs. developing an own standpoint) as mediator variables. Separate knowing had large indirect effects on the use of epistemic strategies via the goal to develop an own point of view. In addition, learners adapted their learning goals and epistemic strategies depending on objective characteristics and the perceived familiarity of the texts they read. In Study 2 (N = 124), epistemological beliefs concerning the uncertainty of knowledge increased the use of epistemic strategies only when extrinsic study motivation was low. A mediated moderation model established this effect to be mediated by specific epistemic curiosity. These results illuminate the mechanisms of how epistemological attitudes and beliefs affect self-regulated learning. In contrast to other types of learning strategies, the use of epistemic strategies seems to be strongly and consistently linked to epistemological attitudes and beliefs.  相似文献   
美国大学图书馆游戏服务的调查与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过网络调查,总结出美国大学图书馆提供游戏服务的几种方式,如游戏资源借用、举办游戏主题活动、开发信息素养游戏、将游戏应用于信息素养教学。分析游戏对于大学图书馆读者服务具有的几点价值,如形成特色馆藏、创新服务内容、宣传图书馆服务、开展信息素养教育。在此基础上对我国大学图书馆开展游戏服务提出建立游戏馆藏、开辟游戏空间、开展游戏活动、在图书馆服务工具设计中融入游戏理念、将游戏与信息素养教育相结合的5点建议,供国内大学图书馆开展相关服务参考。  相似文献   
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