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兰科新种泸水兰(Cymbidium lushuiense)作了描述与绘图。此新种产云南西部泸水,与莎草兰(Cymbidium elegans)相近,但本新种具向心开放的花序,唇瓣上的2条纵褶片在顶端合生且略膨大,褶片下部两侧各具1条长3-5mm的狭披针形附属物。  相似文献   
新种墨脱毛兰可能是足茎毛兰的“异常整齐花”型。  “异常整齐花”现象在兰科中时     有所见,在不同分类群中情况各异,至今尚未见系统的研究。本文认为辐射对称花被是兰科的     正常特征之一,主要见于原始的种类和少数进化的种类,也不同程度地存在于“异常整齐花”实     体中。具辐射对称花被的兰科植物大多数不是“异常整齐花”型,判断时要参酌其他特点,持慎     重态度。兰科“异常整齐花”有两种情况,一是异常型,亦即正常植株中仅偶见“异常整齐花”,     或同一个种可同时产生“异常整齐花”植株与正常植株,两者并存。另一种情况是正常型,亦即     只产生“异常整齐花”,而无正常的两侧对称花。后者意味着在进化过程中的一种飞跃,即形成     了新植物。对此最好作为独立的种处理,特别是在它的来源还不清楚的情况下更是如此。目     前所认为的一些所谓“异常整齐花”实体,大都是推测而已,其中有些或许在将来会被证明为正    常的、原始的植物。  相似文献   
Calanthe tangmaiensis K. Y. Lang & Y. Tateishi (Orchidaceae) isdescribed as new from Xizang, China.  相似文献   
以世界广布的兰科植物为例.它在广东和中国的分布是非常复杂和有趣的.在中国169属当中.世界广布占2.95%.泛热带分布占4.73%.热带美洲和热带亚洲间断分布占0.6%.旧大陆热带分布6.5%.热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布9.46%,热带亚洲至热带非洲分布2.95%.热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布38.46%,北温带分布7.69%.东亚和北美间断分布2.36%.旧大陆温带分布1.18%,温带亚洲分布、地中海分布和中亚分布不存在,东亚分布14.79%.中国特有8.28%.但进一步的分析表明兰科的原始分布中心主要在东亚热带至亚热带地区.即主要是在华夏植物区系发生和发展起来的.  相似文献   
 本文从兰科植物中一些属于中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区典型分布属(或亚属的地理分布格局的研究,提出此两个植物亚区在我国四川省境内是以峨眉山和岷江为其分界,及这条线的走向是从南坪(九寨沟),松潘(黄龙寺)、茂汶、灌县(光光山)、宝兴、二郎山(天全以西)、峨眉山、石棉、西昌、德昌、米易至攀枝花市。  相似文献   
The Gongga Mountain Region, located on the eastern fringe of Qinghai- Xizang Plateau and at the north-eastern end of Hengduan Mountains, is one of the well-known large mountain areas in Sichuan Province.  There are forty five high peaks with the elavation of 6000 m or over in the area, among which the Gongga Mountain is the highest one, with its summit being at the altitude of 7556 m, whereas the Dadu River Valley in the eastern part of the area is only 1150 m above sea level;  The rela- tive height in the region is thus about 6400 m.      As we know so far the orchids in Gongga Mountain Region comprise 34 genera and 75 species with 1 variety, of which 12 species are epiphytes, 59 species with 1 variety terrestrials and 4 species saprophytes (Table 1.).      I.  The geographical distribution in the Gongga Mountain Region.      The vertical distribution of the orchids in the area.      Eastern flank:  There are 39 species with  I  variety  of orchids  at  1150-2300 (-2400) m alt. in the subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest zone, of which 12 species, such as Bulbophyllum andersonii, Dendrobium hancockii, Otochilus porrecta, etc., are epiphytic (including a semiepiphyte, Pleione bulbocodioides), 25 species with 1 variety, such as Bletilla formosana, Calanthe davidii, Cypripedium henryi, etc., are terrestrial, and 2 species are saprophytic (i.e. Gastrodia elata and Neottia listeroides), the upper limit of the real epiphytic orchids is 1800 m alt.  At the altitude 2300(-2400)-3600 (-3800) m, in the coniferous forest zone, found are 23 species, including 20 terrestrial species with 1 variety, such as Amitostigma gonggashanicum, Calanthe fimbriata, Coe- loglossum viride, etc., 2 saprophytic species (Neottia acuminata and Risleya atropurpu- rea) and one semiepiphytic species.  There are only 2 terrestrial species (i.e. Cypripe- dium tibeticum and Orchis chusua) at 3600(-3800)-4000m alt., in alpine shrub zone, the upper limit of the terrestrial orchids being 4000 m alt.  At 4000-4400 m alt., in alpine meadow zone no orchids have so far been found.      Western flank:  There are 14 species of orchids, such as Habenaria limprichtii, Hemipilia flabellata, Satyrium ciliatum, etc., at 2300-2800 m alt., in the river valley shrub zone, and they all belong to the terrestrial orchids.  At the altitude of 2800- 3800m, in the coniferous forest zone found are 19 species of orchids, among which 18 species are terrestrial (such as Amitostigma monanthum, Cephalanthera longifolia, Pe- ristylus coeloceras, etc.) and one is saprophytic.  There are only 4 species of terrestrial orchids (i.e. Cypripedium tibeticum, Gymnadenia orchidis, Orchis chusua and O. dian- tha) at 3800-4800 m alt., in the alpine shrub-meadow zone, the upper limit of vertical distribution of terrestrial orchids being 4400 m alt.  Twelve species here are common to the eastern flank.       II.  The floristic composition of orchids in Gongga Mountain Region.       1.  Twenty three species, belonging to 13 genera, are widespread in Whole East- Asian Region.       2.  Eight species, belonging to 8 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Japanese Subregion.      3.  Forty one species with 1 variety, belonging to 24 genera, are the elements of the Sino-Himalayan Subregion, more than five times the elements of the Sino-Japanese Subregion.      4.  The floristic features of the orchids in the area.       (1)  The floristic elements are mainly temperate and subtropical ones.       (2)  The life form is mostly terrestrial.       (3)  The species endemic to China are prolific (35 species with 1 variety, belong- ing to 18 genera, are endemic to China, and 26 species with 1 variety are distributed in south-western China and its adjacent region; Amitostigma gonggashanicum is endemic to the area).      The floristic composition of orchids in the area is characterized by the dominance of terrestrial species and temperate and subtropical East-Asian elements, though with a few Indo-African tropical elements (such as genus Satyrium (1 species) ).      In conclusion, it may be considered that the species of orchids are abundant and floristic elements are comparatively complex in the Gongga Mountain Region.  相似文献   
从里约布兰科队的无名之辈到比利亚雷尔的绝对核心,生于巴西圣保罗的塞纳走过了一条坎坷的荆棘路,而今年夏天银光闪闪的德劳内杯,则是对他不辍努力的终极回报。  相似文献   
基本案情 本案原告波兰科曼多有限公司(Komandor S.A)系“KOMANDOR及图形”商标(G703647号商标,见附图)的所有人,该商标于2002年6月18日经中国商标局核准注册,核定使用商品为国际分类第6类、第、9类的“金属制滑动门、金属制双向滑动门、金属制滑板”及“非金属制滑动门、非金属制双向滑动门、非金属制滑版”。  相似文献   
<正>我是《团结报》地方记者,发稿主要在北京、浙江,1998年退休前后,在上海发表纪实文史稿也竟有90多篇之数,怪哉?清夜扪心思忖,原来我与上海有份浓得化不开的文缘。家父上世纪20年代初由乌镇一家冶坊闯上海滩,不知何年参与《申报》发行业务,一度被派往湘西常德,开拓了印度新德里,锡兰科伦坡的市场。后来他跑到松江,  相似文献   
珍稀濒危植物金佛山兰生态形态特征观察及与金兰的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金佛山兰是我国特有的珍稀濒危植物,其野生种群数量正急剧减少。对金佛山兰种群的分布、生态环境、植株发育状况等进行了实地观察,对比研究了金佛山兰和金兰花的形态结构特征。金佛山兰所具有的近辐射对称的花被、无特化唇瓣、顶生柱头以及具5枚退化雄蕊特等特征均说明它在兰科中系统发育地位的原始性。连续观察发现,金佛山结果率不高,不具有以有性繁殖扩大种群数量的优势,主要靠营养繁殖维持种群延续。近年来,金佛山兰种群的数量急剧减少、分布区内干扰加剧等状况均表明其濒危程序的严重,因此加强对其进行保护性研究是十分迫切而必要的。  相似文献   
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