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一元二次方程根与系数的关系问题历来是教学难点.这个问题需要通过对二次函数图象动态变化的全面分析与考查,才能把根的问题转化为函数值、对称轴、交点等问题,因而问题的分析综合度高,难度较大.我们希望通过同课异构教学设计和分析为同行提供一些我们的经验和体会,供同行探讨.  相似文献   
2010年全国高考理综卷(Ⅰ)第28题在本卷化学题中难度系数最小只有0·30,但考生的平均分只有4.55(河北省教育考试院统计数据),是什么原因导致这种情况呢?试题考查了考生的哪些方面的能力呢?  相似文献   
Hilbert-Huang transform method has been widely utilized from its inception because of the superiority in varieties of areas. The Hilbert spectrum thus obtained is able to reflect the distribution of the signal energy in a number of scales accurately. In this paper, a novel feature called ECC is proposed via feature extraction of the Hilbert energy spectrum which describes the distribution of the instantaneous energy. The experimental results conspicuously demonstrate that ECC outperforms the traditional short-term average energy. Combination of the ECC with mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) delineates the distribution of energy in the time domain and frequency domain, and the features of this group achieve a better recognition effect compared with the feature combination of the short-term average energy, pitch and MFCC. Afterwards, further improvements of ECC are developed. TECC is gained by combining ECC with the teager energy operator, and EFCC is obtained by introducing the instantaneous frequency to the energy. In the experiments, seven status of emotion are selected to be recognized and the highest recognition rate 83.57% is achieved within the classification accuracy of boredom reaching 100%. The numerical results indicate that the proposed features ECC, TECC and EFCC can improve the performance of speech emotion recognition substantially.  相似文献   
解一元一次方程的一般步骤是:“去分母,去括号,移项,合并同类项,系数化成1”.在解方程时,要根据方程的形式,灵活安排求解步骤,并且还要针对每个方程的特点,综合运用所学的知识,选择简便的解法,以便提高分析、解决问题的能力.本以课本题为例,来谈解一元一次方程的几种技巧。  相似文献   
多项式展开式系数的计算是高考中常见的题型,下面谈一谈它的解法.  相似文献   
从广义特征向量的定义出发,给出了常系数齐线性微分方程组的一基本解组的形式,运用此基本解组形式解常系数齐线性微分方程组比较简单.  相似文献   
设f(x) ,g(x)∈F[x],且 °(f(x) ) =n , °(g(x) ) =m ,其中f(x) =a0 xn+a1xn -1+…+an (1)g(x) =b0 xm+b1xm -1+…+bm (2 )用矩阵表示f(x) =(a0 ,a1,…,an) (xn,xn-1,…,1) T (3)为了叙述方便,给出如下定义.定义1 在(3)式中,称1×(n +1)矩阵A =(a0 ,a1,…,an)为多项式f(x)的系数矩阵;称(n +1)×1矩阵X =(xn,xn -1,…,1) T 为f(x)基底矩阵。其中f(x)的系数矩阵A与基底矩阵X都是f(x)按降幂排列而构成的,且A的行数和X的列数都等于 °(f(x) ) +1。显然(f(x) =AX .定义2 已知多项式(1) ,(2 ) ,则(n +1)×(n +m +1)矩阵B(f,g) =b0 b1…bmb…  相似文献   
本文对等吸光点的重特性:吸光度只与总浓度有关,与各组分浓度无关;各组分摩尔吸光系数之间存在着一定关系。给出了证明。  相似文献   
本文推广了文〔1〕中的两个定理,得出的结果更具有一般性  相似文献   
本文对具有变系数和变时滞的细胞神经网络模型ddt x(i t)=-C(i t)x(i t) j=n 1!ai(jt)f(j x(jt)) j=n 1!bi(jt)f(j x(jt-!ij(t))) I(i t)进行研究,通过构造泛函,给出了这类模型全局吸引性易于验证的充分条件。在实际应用中,设计验证所需条件是很方便的,具有更为广泛的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   
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