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君不知,独处之时,并非总是孤寂。生命的火花,在此刻点燃;混乱的思绪,在此刻开始井然有序;因生活而疲倦的躯体在这一刻恢复活力;麻木的心,在此刻变得柔软、温暖……一个人,可以蜷在被窝里,享受那份难得的自在与清静,那一份安宁,如片片加了  相似文献   
徐弘毅 《小读者》2011,(6):12-12
忽视别人是一种错误,轻视自己也是一种失误。 人需要尊重和被尊重。事需要看重和被看重。情需要珍重和被珍重。缘需要注重和被注重。 天地很宽,不要自己容不下自己。  相似文献   
一天,富有的父亲带着儿子从城里去乡下旅行,想让他见识一下穷人是怎么生活的。在农场一户最穷的人家里,他们度过了一天一夜。旅行结束后,父亲问儿子:旅行怎么样?好极了!这回你该知道穷人是什么样了吧?儿子回答:是的,我知道了。你能描述一下富人和穷人的区别吗?儿子想了想,说:我们家只有一条狗,可他  相似文献   
Dualism is one of the views concerning the nature of mind. Arguments have been forwarded for and against dualism. Western philosophy lacks a clear distinction between soul and mind. Closely related to the concept of mind is the question of consciousness, a clear view of which has also eluded the westem thinkers. Jain philosophy describes "jiva" (soul) as the sentient substance, which is non-physical and not sense-perceptible; consciousness and "upayoga" (manifestation) are the differentia of "jiva". Consciousness manifests itself in many ways: intelligence, intuition, conation, bliss, perception (cognitive elements), emotions, will, attitude and behavior, awareness of pleasure and pain. Jain distinguishes between soul and mind. The mind does not possess consciousness, which is the exclusive property of soul. Mind like soul is not permanent entity, and it exists only when consciousness manifests as thoughts, beliefs, desires, emotions and feelings. All these activities are influenced by karma, which is interface between soul and mind. Our existence is seen to be at three levels: soul, mind and body. Soul is the source of intelligence; mind (subtle body) is the executive and regulatory body and material body is the place of physical actions. A model of interactions between these three units is presented. The soul perceives and knows the external world through mind, so the perceptions made by soul are influenced by mind. The relationship between brain and mind is discussed. The brain is seen as the center for information storage and processing, its activity is regulated by mind, which in turn is conditioned by the soul. The conscious experience is made by the soul, not the mind. The Jain model of soul, mind and body avoids all objections raised against dualism, as interaction between soul and karma body (unconscious part of mind) is assumed to be based on parallelism, and that between mind and body is through radiations not violating the law of conservation of energy.  相似文献   
我泱泱中华.历来称誉“诗之国度”。在灿若星河的诗人群体当中,有一人是最华彩、最夺目的亘古恒星。他那响自天外的绝唱,片尘不染的襟怀,飘逸绝伦的风度。济世安国的壮志。千年以降,仍然深深震撼着亿万炎黄子孙的心灵。  相似文献   
下课了,外语老师已经走出了教室,而我心中的"怨气"还没有消散。因为上课时,我和同学说了几句话,结果被老师狠狠地教训了一通。"不就是上课说几句话?而且是和课堂内容有关的,为什么要这样指责我……"我很不服气,嘴里嘀咕着。  相似文献   
随着新课标的改革与发展,生态课堂应运而生。它要求在教学中,激发学生潜能,启迪学生智慧,让课堂成为师生互动与心灵对话的平台。  相似文献   
人人都在渴望幸福,人人都在感受幸福。幸福是奉献,是给予,是获得,是享受。一句祝福的话语是幸福,一个理解的眼神是幸福。幸福是心灵的感觉,幸福是生命的体验。卡耐基曾说:"世界上的每一个人,都在追求幸福。有一个可以得到幸福的可靠方法,就  相似文献   
一篇得到大家认可的习作能够引起人们的共鸣,情真意切因而引人入胜,所谓具体、生动。作为习作起步阶段的指导,教师除了要激发、保证学生的习作兴趣外,最重要的就是要让学生的心灵充实起来,让习作丰满起来,不妨从以下几个方面入手。  相似文献   
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