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Magazine Review     
Storytellers and their Stories Nobody's growing up is without stories, especially for the generations of Chinese who grew up with the company of radios. Classic Chinese storytelling pieces are the most popular radio programs, like The Romance of the Three Kingdoms performed by Yuan Kuocheng, Heroes Biography of Yue Fei by Liu Lanfang in Sui and Tang Dynasties by Shan Tianfang, and Outlaws of the Marsh by Tian Lianyuan. Their influence goes beyond that of ordinary novels. Their four storytelling artists are household names now, dubbed as the Top Four Storytellers in China. This issue of Biographical Literature focuses on the four artists, telling the stories of these storytellers.  相似文献   
Zheng Wen's photography exhibition entitled "Covered and Recovered Streets" was recently on view at Inter Art Gallery in Beijing's 798 Art District. With Zhu Qi as curator and Na Risong as artistic director, the exhibition displays 26 photographic works featuring street advertising and reflecting the artist's conservations and reflections on the ever-changing era of communication. Pasted, painted and covered over and over, the street advertisements common in our daily life are restructured with camera and transformed into abstract photographs, bearing unique details of color, texture, brushwork and composition.  相似文献   
《泡女郎》的作者舒勇近日在意大利佛罗伦萨获“劳伦佐·美第奇”终身成就奖,成为首次获此殊荣的亚洲艺术家。佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展由瑟罗拉兄弟于1997年创立,定期在佛罗伦萨的达巴索古堡举行,与“威尼斯双年展”、“米兰双年展”并称意大利“三大艺术展”。  相似文献   
《当代艺术家写真展》近日于今日美术馆举办。艺术家徐聚一因主编《艺术跟踪》之便,一直对中国当代艺术家进行跟踪拍摄。几年下来留存了数十万张图片,该展作品即为从中挑选而得。徐聚一作为有着丰富视觉经验的综合艺术家,本来就对艺术家的工作与生活状态有着深切了解,更因彼此熟知,他得以深入艺术家的工作乃至生活中,从而超越“专业”摄影的局限,任意捕捉,随心抓拍,  相似文献   
李洪涛大师是当今世界上活着的、为数不多的杰出的艺术家。——美国兰多夫梅肯学院院长马丁博士感谢您美轮美奂的作品。认识您,感知您的艺术,是我最大的荣幸。您是天才的艺术家。您的艺术可与历史上任何艺术大师相比,无论是莫奈或是任何成就卓著的艺术家。只有您,才可以与他们相提并论。这世界将因您的奉献而变得更加美好。——美国第23届劳工部长阿丽克希丝·赫尔曼女士  相似文献   
文化部召开驻外工作人员年会2010年文化部驻外文化处及驻外中国文化中心负责人年会在京召开,系有史以来驻外文化处(组)和驻外中国文化中心负责人齐聚一堂的会议。在全国宣传部长会议和全国文化厅(局)长会议闭幕之后,我  相似文献   
中国美术馆十分高兴地迎来韩国当代著名艺术家尹明老先生的展览。在中韩两国的文化交流中,视觉艺术一直占有重要的位置。许多中国艺术家参加了在韩国举办的各类当代艺术展,在北京也有许多韩国画廊经常介绍韩国艺术家到中国。尹明老先生多次来访中国,  相似文献   
长久以来,亚历山大·柯尔达(1898~1976)是备受人们欢迎和喜爱的现代艺术家。但直至近年,新生代艺术家才真正回头,从近距离观照柯尔达雕塑点、线、面的造型组合,色彩和动、静态平衡间的协调关系及其用铁丝、铁片和信手拈来的各种材质取代传统大理石、木料创作的革命精神。  相似文献   
<正>Judged by the artist’s painting technique, The Young Couple is far from being the best of hundreds of oil paintings selected from across the country. However, to the surprise of many, The Young Couple  相似文献   
<正>From April 30 to May 28, artists from around the world will present an art gala for the audience in Beijing. This year, the annual Meet In Beijing Arts Festival will highlight the interaction between artists and audiences, with an aim to promote diversity of art forms and cooperation among arts groups, arts institutions, government agencies and arts professionals and provide opportunities for their sustainable development.  相似文献   
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