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研究两性表面活性剂椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱(CAB)浓度在2.0×10-5到1×10-3mol/L范围对苹果酸-溴酸钠-[CuL](ClO4)2(L为5,7,7,12,14,14-六甲基-1,4,8,11-四氮杂环十四-4,11-二烯)-硫酸组成化学振荡体系的影响。  相似文献   
中看不中用的反弹在CPI猛虎周末或下山的威胁下草草收场,底在眼下还是在未来,"危机"中能否寻找"战机",请看下文——主持人期指杀跌利空未尽主持人:上周指出A股转入区间振荡,本周走势大致如此。下周是否延续这个趋势?硅谷子:在外围市场持续下跌、国际板扩容、加息等政策紧缩压力下,大盘自周四开始大幅回落并探至中期趋势  相似文献   
本文针对振荡电路中LC振荡的不稳定性.提出了使用SAW器件稳频技术,介绍了SAW器件的特点在SAW谐振器件发射机中的稳频原理。  相似文献   
A new electrochemical oscillatory system of bromate in alkaline solution is reported.In Pt-Bromate-Alkaline solution system,two different types of electrochemical oscillations(Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ) can be observed.Type Ⅰ appears before hydrogen evolution and Type Ⅱ involves periodic hydrogen evolution.Type Ⅰ relates to the adsorption/desorption of the hydrogen on platinum electrode,and Type Ⅱ with periodic oscillation stems from the coupling of electrochemical reactions(the reduction of bromate and evolution hydrogen reaction) with mass transfer(diffusion and convection).More over,under the right conditions,the two types appear in different oscillatory modes,for example,simple periodical mode and mixed one,etc..Crossed cycle in the cyclic voltammograms,which is the basic characteristics for electrochemical oscillatory systems,has also been observed as expected.  相似文献   
We investigate alternating response of the spin current in a quantum dot system coupled to a normal metal electrode,to which an alternating driving voltage and a pumping rotating magnetic field are applied.The expression of the time-averaged spin current and its differential is obtained based on a non-equilibrium Green's function method.We find that for a given rotating frequency,the spin current increases rapidly and appears to have small steps when the driven frequency increases.As the driven frequency is further increasing,the spin current can be significantly enhanced and approaches a stable value.The photon-assisted processes bring about interesting features of spin current.The influence of the gate voltage and temperature on the spin current is examined in detail.  相似文献   
大型机械抛石排的研制:机械抛石排是孟州河务局针对小浪底水利枢纽投入运用后清水下泄后,孟州河段河床下切,根石下蛰,出险几率增多,抢险和根石加固工程量大,劳动强度高等问题而研制出的具有滑、抛两种功能的防汛抢险新机械。  相似文献   
本文先导出N维空间具有中心势的广义位力定理,然后利用位力关系,求出N维库仑势和各向同性谐振子势原点处的各种空间矩的几率分布,波函数及其导数。  相似文献   
概述了电化学振荡体系、实验研究方法、分类、实验判据及其应用和前景。  相似文献   
1 问题的缘起《化学教学》2 0 0 0年第 7期刊登了陈浴淙老师的文章《铜和硝酸的振荡现象实验和讨论》(以下简称《铜》文 ) ,当时读过以后留下深刻的印象。事隔一年有余 ,因学校举行科技活动 ,有一学生想做趣味化学实验 ,请我提出参考意见 ,我立刻就想到了“铜和硝酸的振荡现象实验” ,便积极地向他推荐此实验。不料学生做了几次都没有成功 ,我怀疑是学生的操作不当造成的 ,于是便亲自上阵 ,但是结果是大失所望。于是我不得不对此文重新审视 ,仔细研究 ,越看越觉得疑窦丛生。发现《铜》文不仅与事实不符 ,而且与理论相悖。2 几点疑问为了便…  相似文献   
阿发  陈功摄影 《网球》2013,(5):112-116
减振器,我们通常又叫它"避震器",但实际上"避震器"的说法是不正确的,这源自对英语单词的错误翻译,减振器的英语是Vibration Dampener,意思是振荡阻尼,而"震动"所对应的单词是shock,指的是球拍在击球瞬间产生的震动,这种震动是无法避免的,而在震动之后产生的"余震",才是振荡(又称振动)。这个过程类似于我们拨弄琴弦,当拨动的瞬间琴弦产生震  相似文献   
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