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正原文展示:近视一族江苏泗洪县淮北中学袁慧敏你随便走进中学的任何一间教室,打声招呼,绝对会受到"倍加关注"的招待。别以为我在信口胡说,这确实是我们中学生中的一道风景线,美其名曰:近视一族!只要老师手中的粉笔在黑板上开始做无规则运动,下面便跟着运动开了,或是架上"啤酒瓶底"或是模仿起了"蒙眼"。探头者有之,伸颈者亦有之,奇形怪状的姿势层出不穷,各施其法,各展才能,统一目的:搜寻黑板上的白线究竟为何物。每每观之,总令人忍俊不禁。  相似文献   
今天上午,我开始喜欢我的新老师了。我进教室时他已坐在他的荃位上.时不时有他去年的学生在经过教室门口时探头与他打招呼:“您好,老师!”“您好,佩尔波尼先生!”还有的进来与他握手,然后又跑午了。看得出那些学生都很爱戴他,都想再回到他身边。  相似文献   
100MW汽轮发电机定子线圈三通焊接的水浸探伤研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对100MW汽轮发电机定子线圈三通焊接的特殊结构和形状,采用水浸探伤方法检测其钎焊质量,并通过试验研究该工艺方法的可行性和合理性.  相似文献   
正2013年国家档案局对《市、县级国家综合档案馆测评办法》及其《测评细则》进行了修订。现对修订后的《测评细则》中部分难点和变化点问题进行说明。档案馆的面积《测评办法》明确提出:档案馆面积未达到《档案馆建设标准》(JB103-2008)要求的,不能评为国家一级档案馆;而测评国家二级档案馆和国家三级档案馆的,可按比例得分。在测评时,一是需出具本档案馆的竣工图纸(如果是正在建设新馆的档案馆,其  相似文献   
Fabrication method and device of ultra-small gradient-index (GRIN) fiber probe were investigated in order to explore the development of ultra-small probes for optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging. The beam- expanding effect of no-core fiber (NCF) and the focusing properties of the GRIN fiber lens were analyzed based on the model of GRIN fiber probe consisting of single-mode fiber (SMF), NCF and GRIN fiber lens. A stereo micro- scope based system was developed to fabricate the GRIN fiber probe. A fiber fusion splicer and an ultrasonic cleaver were used to weld and cut the fiber respectively. A con- focal microscopy was used to measure the dimensions of probe components. The results show that the sizes of probe components developed are at the level of millimeter. Therefore, the proposed experimental system meets the fabrication requirements of an ultra-small self-focusing GRIN fiber probe. This shows that this fabrication device and method can be employed in the fabrication of ultra- small self-focusing GRIN fiber probe and applied in the study of miniaturized optical probes and OCT systems.  相似文献   
说明了装置探头和手持式同步机的硬件电路设计和软件设计。通过实验,对装置的测量精度进行了验证,在现场环境下,进行了实测试验,验证了装置的功能。  相似文献   
吴卫东 《中国德育》2015,(23):75-78
【教学目标】《生命只有一次》是《品德与社会》(鄂教版)六年级上册第一单元第三课。通过本课学习,能正确地认识生命只有一次,初步理解生命的意义,并产生善待生命,珍爱生命的愿望。【教学重点】生命对于每个人只有一次,因而格外宝贵。  相似文献   
针对目前文物艺术品市场赝品泛滥的局面,为梳理我国文物艺术品市场,帮助广大藏友解决目前困扰在心头的藏品真假问题,我中心特约数十名具有很高知名度、美誉度的国家级权威鉴定专家组成的专家团,为海内外单位和个人进行藏品鉴定、评估。本中心的专家本着王立军主任提出的"做一个有益  相似文献   
The influence of external low frequency (0-100 Hz) vibration on the tip-sample interaction in SPM is the main concern of this paper. A concept, vibration rejection ratio (VRR) proposed by Thompson et al, was investigated theoretically and experimentally. A concise theoretical background was introduced, a vibration stimulating and measuring system for SPM was built up, and an experimental research of the influence on SPM VRR was carried out with different SPM probes, samples, tip pre-loads and open/close loops of tip-sample interaction. It was proved both in theory and experiment that SPM VRR had correlations with the spring constant, the air damping constant, the effective mass of the cantilever, the contact spring constant and the contact damping constant between tip and sample. SPM's vibration rejecting ability can be improved by longer cantilever probe, softer sample surface, greater tip pre-load, and close-loop control for tip-sample interaction. More attention should be paid to a proper combination of the above parameters.  相似文献   
在非洲的一家公园最近发生了一件令人不可思议的事。内部监控探头记录下了整个过程:两只憨态可掬的小动物,利用长长的棍子爬出墙壁,一只在下面,伸出爪子把底下的门闩放平向后拉,轻车熟路地打开了底下的门闩,再顺着门栏杆向上爬,一只前手伸出去一圈圈拉展绞紧的铁扣,另一只东张西望地在地上放风。不一会儿,上面的门闩也被拉开了,然后上面那只身手敏捷滑下来。同时,地上那只推开门,召唤同伴。"1、2、3、4、5……"一只只小家伙们就这么堂而皇之地集体"越狱"成功了。  相似文献   
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