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孩提时,一逢大雨过后,我总喜欢在屋檐下独自堵水沟玩。往往我好不容易垒成的“拦水坝”,就被源源不断流下的“洪水”冲垮了。三番五次地重来,五次三番地失败,后来,我在已垒好的“拦水坝”下挖一个拱形洞,以让大水能从“水库”中及时泻下,这样,我的‘拦水坝”也就安然无恙了。  相似文献   
一直以来,水库在我国国民经济发展中都有着举足轻重的地位,也发挥出不可替代的作用,尤其是在农业、工业生产中,更是做出了卓越的贡献。随着时代的进步和社会的发展,这一趋势逐渐朝着上升的方向发展,但是与此同时也存在着诸多的问题。如水库坝体结构老化、渗漏、带病运行等现象较为常见,不仅造成了水资源的浪费,还严重的影响着社会生产。本文就小型水库病害与垮坝现象进行了分析,探讨了其两者之间的关系并提出相应的处理措施。  相似文献   
本文简要论述水坝施工质量的管理、施工质量的控制、GPS的应用以及冬雨季施工应注意的问题这几方面,最后总结性地提出了自己的看法,以提供参考。  相似文献   
<正> 1.技术介绍河道治理措施中稳定河槽滩岸是防止堤防工程出险的关键。现在河道整治工程都是沿岸修筑土石坝,优点是就地取材,修做工艺简单。但是,这种结构的缺点是投资大、易出险,洪水位较高时险情抢护比较困难,尤其是在洪水漫顶的情况下,整坝冲垮溃决的现象时有发生,成为危害河道工程安全的重大隐患。为了实现长治久安的目标,西北水科所原总工韩瀛观教授于上个世纪八十年代最早提出应用四面六边透水  相似文献   
人们为了利用水的巨大的能量,需要在江河上修建拦水大坝,以提高上游的水位,从而增大水的重力势能.一般情况下,水坝的截面为一梯形,即水坝的下部要比上部修得厚.在初中《物理》第一册第十章第三节“液体压强的计算”课文后的“想想议议”:工程师们为什么要把拦河坝设计成下宽上窄的形状?对此常见这样的回答:由于水的压强随深度的增加而增大,水坝下部比上部受到水的压强大,为了防止水坝被水压坏,所以坝的下部比上部修得厚。  相似文献   
水坝是人类最古老的工程类型之一。自工业革命以来,融合各种近现代科技的水坝工程在江河径流上筑起一道道屏障,在防洪、发电、供水和灌溉方面发挥了重要作用。但围绕水坝工程的争议自水坝诞生以来从未间断,特别是其生态影响一直是核心议题之一。文章首先分析历史上水坝工程生态争议的发展脉络,然后剖析中外水坝工程生态争议的基本特征并阐释其内在原由,最后就如何客观理性地看待水坝工程的生态争议提出几点见解,包括正确认识水坝工程生态争议的合理性,在工程建设中树立符合生态文明的工程生态观,和建立有利于生态保护的本土工程伦理学。  相似文献   
鄢梅 《华章》2009,(18)
黑石二级水电站工程挡水坝段采用橡胶坝,本文结合本工程实际对充水坝袋的参数计算、坝袋横断面曲线、坝袋底板长度及充排水系统的设计进行简要介绍.  相似文献   
An optimal allocation of earth is of great significance to reduce the project cost and duration in the construction of rock-fill dams. The earth allocation is a dynamic system affected by various time-space constraints. Based on previous studies, a new method of optimizing this dynamic system as a static one is presented. In order to build a generalized and flexible model of the problem, some man-made constraints were investigated in building the mathematic model. Linear programming and simplex method are introduced to solve the optimization problem of earth allocation. A case study in a large-scale rock-fill dam construction project is presented to demonstrate the proposed method and its successful application shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   
In order to quickly explore the quality of cut-off wall in dams, a new method of high-density seismic image was adopted and estimated by model and in-situ wall tests. The vibration exciter was employed and several parameters such as hypocentral distance, length of signal record and sampiing space in signal collection were determined, which are 8 m, 0.25 ms and 128 ms respectively. Through time and frequency field signal analyses, it is concluded that, the smaller arrival times of reflected longitudinal and surface waves, and the higher their main frequencies, the higher the strength of the wall, vice versa. Accordingly the construction quality of the wall can be evaluated quickly by high-density seismic image.  相似文献   
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