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甲醛.又称蚁醛.是一种最简单、最常见的醛类物质。甲醛相对密度为1.06,易溶于水,沸点为~21℃.常温多以无色气体状态存在.具有强烈的刺激性气味。浓度为35%~40%的甲醛水溶液俗称福尔马林.是常用的组织防腐剂和消毒剂.属于强毒性物质.其对人体的危害主要有刺激作用、毒性作用和致癌作用三个方面。近年来。对其检测方法多种多样,现就部分方法做一综述。  相似文献   
ClO2作为一种高效强氧化剂已被联合国世界卫生组织(WHO)列为AI级安全消毒剂,具有消毒、杀菌、防腐、除臭、保鲜、漂白等多种功能.新课程3种版本教材都给予了高度关注.  相似文献   
周媛媛 《今日科苑》2013,(16):47-49
人们在尽情享受"更高、更快、更强"的奥林匹克精神的同时,中国健儿的优异表现更让我们感到自豪。但在赛场之外,"兴奋剂"这个伴随百年奥运并与之共生的"毒瘤",似乎越来越被人们所关注。众多世界名将折戟沙场。而在2012伦敦奥运会上,令国人振奋的中国游泳队,水军小将们一个个腾空出世,凭借自身实力创造5金2银3铜的历史最佳战绩时,当16岁的叶诗文在400米混合泳最后50米的冲刺阶段,游出了比男子400米混合泳的冠军得主罗切特还要快上0.17秒的惊人速度时,英国知名体育评论员克莱尔·保丁竟然含沙射影的发出这样的感叹:"这实在有太多问题需要解释了。"  相似文献   
The efficiency of chlorine and chloramines disinfection on biofilm development in a simulated drinking water distribution system was investigated by using heterotrophic bacterial spread plate technique. The experiments were carried out with four annular reactors (ARs) with stainless steel (SS) or copper (Cu) material slides. The results showed that there were fewer bacteria attached to Cu slides without a disinfectant compared with those attached to SS slides. When the water was disinfected with chloramines, the heterotrophic plate counts (HPCs) on the biofilm attached to the Cu slides were significantly lower (by 3.46 log CFU/cm^2) than those attached to the SS slides. Likewise, the biofilm HPC numbers on the Cu slides were slightly lower (by 1.19 log CFU/cm^2) than those on the SS slides disinfected with chlorine. In a quasi-steady state, the HPC levels on Cu slides can be reduced to 3.0 log CFU/cm^2 with chlorine and to about 0.9 log CFU/cm^2 with chloramines. The addition of chloramines resulted in a more efficient reduction of biofilm heterotrophic bacteria than did chlorine. We concluded that the chlorine and chloramines levels usually employed in water distribution system were not sufficient to prevent the growth and development of microbial biofilm. The combination of copper pipe slides and chloramines as the disinfectant was the most efficient combination to bring about diminished bacterial levels.  相似文献   
木铎憨鱼 《游泳》2012,(5):72-73
在刚刚落下帷幕的伦敦奥运盛典中,看到游泳健儿在泳池中奋力争先、屡创佳绩,游泳爱好者们是不是也会热血沸腾、跃跃欲试呢?不过,进入泳池中劈波斩浪之前,别忘了选择一套适合自己的基本装备——泳衣。泳装按适用人群可分为女士泳衣、男士泳衣(泳裤)、儿童泳衣;按照适用场合分为休闲泳衣、专业竞技泳衣、快速泳衣。按照外观款式分,女式泳衣总的可分为连体式(一件式)和分  相似文献   
消毒剂是指能迅速杀灭病原微生物的药物。消毒剂的种类很多,它们杀菌的机理有所不同,有的能使病原体蛋白变坏,发生沉淀;有的和病原体酶系统结合,影响菌体代谢;  相似文献   
1强氧化剂。氧化细菌内活性基因1)液氯氯气与水反应产生具有强氧化性的次氯酸,它能穿过细胞膜,减弱酶活性,甚至使其丧失,因而可杀死水中的病菌,自来水常用氯气消毒杀菌.  相似文献   
全民抗疫让我们深深体会到:疫病应对中的舆论监督,是像口罩、防护服一样珍贵的消毒剂!2月1日,《财新》推出封面报道《新冠病毒何以至此》,洋洋四万字,信息立体,追根溯源,涉及疫情变化、医疗救治、官方政策、科研进展、公众生活诸多方面,可以说是这场新冠病毒疫情报道的集大成!印证了一句并不过时的话:关键时刻,深度报道还得看专业杂志!  相似文献   
介绍二氧化氯消毒剂及其在饮用水消毒应用的优越性。指出随着国家规范的逐步合理修订,二氧化氯必将替代氯气全面应用于给水领域。  相似文献   
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