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凤滩电厂是我国1978年建成投成的大二型水电企业。电厂以发电为主,同时兼有减轻沅水尾闻洪水灾害,改善酉水航运条件等综合效益。电厂的建成,在改善湖南电力工业布局、提高电力系统的调度灵活性和运行稳定性等方面,发挥了重大作用。  相似文献   
6月9日凌晨,一场突如其来的特大洪水袭击了绥宁县。灾情最严重的县五中,凌晨两点,校长黄友文就率领老师们安全转移了550多名学生;灾情严重的红岩学校校长袁龙,鞋子被洪水冲走,赤着双脚行走百多里,第一时间查看所属14所学校的灾情;桃坪学校向先锡老师,最先发现洪流,最先向校长报告,自己却因奋战在学校抗洪一线,家里让洪水洗劫一空……  相似文献   
崔小萍 《辅导员》2009,(1):30-32
传说在尧帝时期,黄河流域经常发生水灾。庄稼被淹了,房子被毁了,老百姓只好往高处搬。为了制止洪水泛滥,保护农业生产.尧帝曾召集部落首领召开会议,征求治水能手来平息水害。鲧被推荐来负责这项工作。鲧接受任务后,采用堤工障水的方法,就是造堤筑坝把居住区围护起来以障洪水,结果洪水冲塌了堤坝,水灾反而闹得更凶了。因为他治水九年都不得成功,最后被放逐羽山而死。  相似文献   
一次洪水中,一个上帝的信徒匆忙中爬上了山坡,等待上帝的救助。这时,从远处驶来一只小船,他没有求救,小船渐渐远去。水越涨越高,一艘轮船慢慢地驶了过来,他仍然没有求救,他在等待上帝的出现。当洪水快要把山坡淹没的时候,头上  相似文献   
A grid and Green-Ampt based(Grid-GA)distributed hydrologic physical model was developed for flood simulation and forecasting in semi-humid and semi-arid basin. Based on topographical information of each grid cell extracted from the digital elevation model (DEM) and Green-Ampt infiltration method, the Grid-GA model takes into consideration the redistribution of water content, and consists of vegetation and root interception, evapotranspiration, runoff generation via the excess infiltration mechanism, runoff concentration, and flow routing. The downslope redistribution of soil moisture is explicitly calculated on a grid basis, and water exchange among grids within runoff routing along the river drainage networks is taken into consideration. The proposed model and Xin’anjiang model were applied to the upper Lushi basin in the Luohe River, a tributary of the Yellow River, with an area of 4 716 km2 for flood simulation. Results show that both models perform well in flood simulation and can be used for flood forecasting in semi-humid and semi-arid region.  相似文献   
王勇 《考试》2010,(Z1)
第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。  相似文献   
7月27日至28日,吉林市连降大到暴雨以及特大暴雨。此次强降雨直接导致吉林市饮马河流域的金家乡、温德河流域的口前镇和松花江支流漂尔河的旺起镇等乡镇受到不同程度的洪涝灾害。  相似文献   
This paper was intended to investigate the effects of using e-books (or texts with multimedia support) in an ERP (extensive reading program) on EFL (English as a foreign language) learners' attitudes toward reading in English. In a junior high school in northern Taiwan, 109 students from 3 intact classes were recruited in the 10-week ERP of e-books. Each class was introduced to a list of 140 selected e-books for the reading program; each student was then encouraged to read e-books after school, with the target of reading 4 e-books every week. The degree of changes in reading attitudes was assessed by using the reading attitudes scale (Stokmans, 1999) before and after the e-book ERP. In addition, the teacher's class notes of the students' reading behaviors and reactions as well as their spontaneous oral or written feedback were analyzed to be triangulated with the quantitative data. The results showed that the e-books had positive effects on the students' attitudinal changes in all dimensions of reading attitudes, namely, utility, development, enjoyment and escape, as well as in all the cognitive, affective and conative components. The results also showed that the features of the e-books, especially oral reading, highlighting, animations and music/sound effects, were considered important to change their attitudes. The implementation of interaction and learner control in the e-books guaranteed positive attitudinal changes as well.  相似文献   
中国南方少数民族神话中的洪水和同胞婚姻构成有机联系的整体:洪水是神话创作者用以灭绝人类的工具,是他们为同胞婚姻设定的必要条件,与历史上的洪水灾难并无直接联系;神话中的同胞婚姻不是历史上曾经存在的同胞婚姻的再现,而是人类潜意识中同胞婚姻欲望的表现。神话中的同胞婚姻以"世界上只有同胞二人"和"天意许可同胞婚姻"为前提,旨在强化现实生活中同胞不可结婚的普世原则。  相似文献   
<正>本刊讯7月19日,省教育厅副厅长杨德林赶赴受灾严重的池州市贵池区,检查教育系统受灾情况,指导抗洪自救工作。在特大洪水面前,池州市特别是贵池区教育系统无一伤亡,学校得以较好地保存。杨德林对此表示充分肯定,并向投入到抗洪自救工作中的池州市教育战线的干部和教师  相似文献   
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