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我国是在20世纪80年代中期才开始进行外保温工程试点,对于外保温的发展起了很大的促进作用,由于烧结砖外贴苯板技术温在建筑节能和室内环境舒适等方面中能有效的消除热桥、保温效率高、热稳定性能好、增大使用面积、节能效率高等优点而成为目前我国北方寒冷地区主导的节能型墙体,非常适合于我国北方寒冷地区新建节能建筑和现有住宅建筑节能改造的墙体保温,是一种非常值得推广的外保温技术.  相似文献   
时下,在推动新课程教学改革的进程中,在一些地区盛行由教研部门牵头,城区优秀教师"送课下乡""送课上门"活动,其目的就是让乡村学校的教师能够呼吸新鲜气息,学习新的教学方法,让其学有目标,用意良好。然而,最近我走访了一些乡村学校的教师  相似文献   
原子、原子核内容包括α粒子散射、能级、天然放射性现象、α射线、β射线、γ射线、核子、中子、质子、原子核、核能、质量亏损、裂变、链式反应、聚变等,以及原子核式结构、半衰期、核反应方程、爱因斯坦的质能方程等规律.所涉及的基本方法,由于知识点相对分散,要加强对物理现象本质的理解,运用逻辑推理的方法,根据已有的规律和事实、条件作出新的判断.在核能的计算时对有效数字的要求也很高。  相似文献   
新闻:广州中学生网上发帖寻兴奋剂应对中考"广州中考体育救救命!""体育中考有兴奋剂检查么?""中考体育能不能吃兴奋剂?"今年,广州中考体育考试项目首次由200米取代50米跑,不少初三学生担心会发挥失利影响成绩,纷纷在网上交流增强体力的招数,使用"兴奋剂"的心得,何处能购买到"兴奋剂"。有网友干脆调侃说,可以上网看看美女,刺激肾上腺分泌,提高成绩。  相似文献   
Objective: The purpose of this work was to investigate the distribution pattern of fibrinolytic factors and their inhibitors in rabbit tissues. Methods: The components of the fibrinolytic system in extracts from a variety of rabbit tissues, including tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), plasminogen (Plg), plasmin (Pl) and α2 plasmin inhibitor (α2PI), were determined by colorimetric assay. Results: The tissue extracts in renal, small intestine, lung, brain and spleen demonstrated strong fibrinolytic function, in which high activity of tPA, Plg and Pl was manifested; whereas in skeletal muscle, tongue and stomach, higher activity of PAI-1 and α2PI showed obviously. Also excellent linear correlations were found between levels of tPA and PAI-1, Pl and α2PI, Plg and Pl. In related tissues, renal cortex and renal marrow showed distinctly higher activity of tPA and lower activity of PAI-1, with the levels of Plg and Pl in renal cortex being higher than those in renal marrow, where the α2PI level was higher than that in renal cortex. Similarly, the levels of tPA, Plg and Pl in small intestine were higher than those in large intestine, but with respect to PAI-1 and α2PI, the matter was reverse. In addition, the fibrinolytic activity in muscle tissue was lower, however, the levels of tPA, Plg, and Pl in cardiac muscle were obviously higher than those in skeletal muscles, and the levels of PAI-1 and α2PI were significantly lower than those in skeletal muscle. Conclusion: Our data demonstrate that a remarkable difference of the fibrinolytic patterns exists in rabbit tissues, which has probable profound significance in understanding the relationship between the function of haemostasis or thrombosis and the physiologic function in tissues.  相似文献   
有一对贫穷的孪生兄弟,就盼哪天能发大财,他们四处寻找机遇。一天,兄弟俩结伴出发寻找机会,只见偌大的街道空荡荡的,一路上散落着一些小铁钉。这些东西能值几个钱?老二不屑一顾。老大不嫌弃,弯腰一一把它们捡起来。  相似文献   
智媒时代,大数据、人工智能、人机交互技术的运用为可视化报道带来前所未有的发展机遇。目前的可视化报道在叙事呈现、数据使用、渠道整合、人才储备等方面需进一步提升。因此,可视化报道应从数据赋能、互动场景、增强情感、与传统媒体深度融合四个方面寻求突破,创新呈现方式,拓宽报道视野,增强报道深度,体现媒体社会责任。  相似文献   
“两会大家谈”节目创新编排,注重点面结合、以小见大,拓展新领域、布局新赛道,搭建融媒直播间和元宇宙演播室,打破时空限制,实现“主题+创意+技术+艺术”的有机统一;打好融合“组合拳”,上下联合、区域联动、纵横联通,全景式、立体化、多角度报道全国两会盛况。  相似文献   
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