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流沙 《快乐阅读》2008,(7):104-105
他四岁那年,一只眼睛被一粒飞石击中,当时就血流如注。送到医院后,医生摇摇头说,创伤太重,无法医治。父亲不死心,抱着孩子到了当时眼科医术最好的上海,但上海的医生彻底粉碎了父亲的希望,他们坚定地说":眼睛没法医了。"  相似文献   
清澈见底的小河、古老的石拱桥、五色花岗石铺成的小道、充满民族风韵的建筑物、高高挂着的一串串大红灯笼、来来往往的人群……啊!我们终于来到了美丽的丽江古城。早上,我们随着潺潺流动的小溪,漫步在古城的商业街,展现在眼前的好像是一幅古老、典雅、幽静的水墨画,却比画真实,触手可及。一座座石桥如彩虹般横跨在小溪上,清澈的流水中,不时有红色的小鱼在水草丛中  相似文献   
晴空万里,站在平坦的桌山之顶是众多美妙时刻之一,如此美丽的画面烙在了记忆最深处,永远都不会忘记。身边不时有岩兔蹿过,清新微凉的海风抚过脸颊,想想自己正站在高过大西洋(无限蔓延的一片铁蓝)1086米的地方,顿生“会当临绝顶”的感慨。由于这座山山形奇特,因此也被赋予了一种深刻的精神意义——隐约的石英岩和花岗石悬崖以一种保卫的姿态守护这座城市近三个半世纪。  相似文献   
Fluids (fluorine, chlorine, and OH) in accessory minerals (apatite, titanite and allanite) of Pan-African granitoids(Group-Ⅰ granitoids, Group-Ⅱ granitoids and Mefjell Plutonic Complex) from the Sor Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica were precisely measured by an electronic microprobe analyzer in this study. Apatites in the granites have commonly high fluorine contents. However, fluorine contents from the Group-Ⅰ, Group-Ⅱ granitoids and Mefjell Plutonic Complex (MPC) are of important variation, which F contents (3.21~7.20 wt%) in apatite from the Group-Ⅱ granitoids are much higher than those from the Group-Ⅰ granitoids (1.22~3.60 wt%) and the MPC (3.21~4.11 wt%). Titanite in the MPC has a low fluorine content (0.23~0.50 wt%), being less than those in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids (2.28 wt%) and Group-Ⅱ granitoids (1.85~2.78 wt%). Fluorine in allanite in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids seems to have much lower contents than those from the Group-Ⅰ granitoids and the MPC. Higher fluorine contents in the titanite from the Group-Ⅱ granitoids may be mainly controlled by late-magmatic fluid-rock interaction processes associated with melt, but may not be indicative of original magma contents based on its petrographic feature. Due to very lower chlorine contents from all of accessory minerals, the authors suggest that titanite and apatite with higher fluorine contents in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids have much lower H2O (OH) contents compared with those in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids according to the partition among (F, Cl, OH).Fluorine contents in whole-rock samples show a variation from the higher in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids to the lower in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids and the MPC, which are consistent with the changes of those from the biotite and hornblende as well as fluorite occurred in the Group-Ⅰ granitoids reported previously. Based on the above study of fluorine in accessory minerals and combined with the previous fluorine contents from biotites and hornblendes, the authors suggest that apatites and titanites with higher F contents in the Group-Ⅱ granitoids and the MPC may not be an indicator of higher fluorine contents in whole-rock, which reflect fluorine contents in magma sources and/or late-thermal activity. Higher fluorine contents in apatite, titanite and allanite may be an additional evidence of A-type affinity.  相似文献   
彭成 《初中生》2010,(12):30-31
在英国伦敦闻名世界的威斯特敏斯特大教堂地下室的墓碑林中,有一块名扬世界的墓碑。 其实这只是一块很普通的墓碑。粗糙的花岗石质地,造型也很一般,同周围那些质地上乘、做工精良的亨利三世到乔治二世等二十多位英国前国王墓碑,以及牛顿、达尔文、狄更斯等名人的墓碑比较起来,它显得微不足道,甚至上面连墓主的介绍文字也没有。  相似文献   
关于科普类文章的教学,许多教师会走进这样两大误区:第一,在课堂中大讲特讲科学发展的知识,不走进课文,不进行语言训练,将语文课上成了科学课,这样的课堂就遮挡了语文教学的本来面目——是"读文",而不是"科普"。第二,有的老师认为科普类文章的教学,就得讲说明方法,否则就没有紧扣文本的特点,就没有完成教学目标。这样一来,文本叙述简洁的语言,就被直接得只剩下"举例子、列数字、作比较"等说明方法  相似文献   
在闻名世界的威斯敏斯特大教堂地下室的墓碑林中,有一块名扬世界的墓碑。其实这只是一块很普通的墓碑,粗糙的花岗石质地,造型也很一般,它没有姓名,  相似文献   
[导读]几个世纪来,专家一直认为古埃及人沿着专门建造的坡道向上拖运沉重的花岗石块料,建造了巨大的金字塔。但英国纽波特工程师彼得一詹姆斯称这不可能,认为这样的坡道需要四分之一英里长,否则它们就会因过于陡峭而无法拖运这些巨大石料。  相似文献   
大自然的神工常常使人惊叹不已,晶体便是一例.昂贵的钻石,其实是最常见的碳原子有序排列而成的纯晶体.晶莹透亮的石英.只是一种与花岗石成分相同的六角柱状晶体.  相似文献   
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