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本文使用氯化锡作为丁酸和戊醇的酯化催化剂。通过L9(3^4)正交实验探讨了回流时间、反应温度、催化剂与酸物质的量比、酸与醇物质的量比等因素对产品丁酸戊酯产率的影响。当n(催化剂):n(酸)=1:150,n(酸):n(醇)=1:1、4,在155—160℃下回流搅拌反应2.0h,不使用任何带水剂时;产品丁酸戊酯的产率为83.4%。  相似文献   
"毒大米""地沟油""工业盐",开门七件事中,能让我们放心的已经不多了。近日,山西醋产业协会副会长王建忠称,市场上真正意义上的山西老陈醋不足5%,95%放了添加剂。老陈醋发酵周期为28天,使用添加剂后只需一天甚至更短时间。中国配制食醋标准强调不得使用工业冰醋酸,但这一禁令并未起到很  相似文献   
仔细算算,从开学到现在,来明集中学已有半年多的时间。在这半年多的日子里,我的初中生活就如一个装满酸、甜、苦、辣的调味瓶,一应俱全。  相似文献   
This study examined how much 4-year-old children know about herbs and spices. We researched how much knowledge children could obtain through experiential learning by growing plants in an herb garden and by using herbs and spices in their food. An experiment with one control and one experimental group was carried out, each comprising 18 children. With semi-structured interviews, the authors established the state of the children's previous knowledge on herbs and spices and recognition of plants, exemplified by growing plants and plants used in food dishes. Children from the experimental group then continued to grow herbs and spices and use them in food dishes. Following these activities, the acquired knowledge was established with repeated semi-structured interviews in both groups. At the beginning of the experiment, the children's prior knowledge and recognition of plants were very rudimentary. Only 33% of the children in the experimental group recognized parsley, 22% of them knew chamomile, and 17% of them knew sage and chamomile in tea. Following the activities, children of the experimental group showed statistically significant improvement in plant recognition (mint 100%, oregano on pizza 100%, chamomile 94%, parsley 94%, and oregano 94%). We conclude that through activities of growing plants in herb gardens and their use as food ingredients already in early childhood when eating patterns develop, children obtain much knowledge of herbs and spices.  相似文献   
香料,曾是财富和高雅的象征,因而成为东西方航海的重要目的之一。但明朝朝贡贸易的亏损与西欧香料战争贸易的获利形成了鲜明的对比。香料贸易引发的历史思索:香料贸易和海洋观念折射出东西方历史的发展的不同。  相似文献   
在这个以美为时尚的时代,爱美之心人皆有之。香水飘香,遍体香气扑鼻,人们自然对香水情有独钟,厚爱有加。香水就像吃饭、睡觉、化妆一样,已成为人们生活、工作、休闲甚至爱情必不可少的一  相似文献   
感动 《良师》2010,(11):17-17
香子兰是一种豆科植物,它在花落后会结出豆荚形的果实。成熟的香子兰果实晒干变黑后,就会成为散发浓郁香味的香料,这种香料被广泛用于食品和化妆品。由于产量低,其价格仅次于藏红花,是世界上第二昂贵的调味“香料之王”。  相似文献   
葱的叶子很滑,很绿,呈管状。我家阳台上种了很多葱。妈妈炒菜总离不开它。鱼的腥味太重,放几段葱叶调调味;汤的味道太淡,放几段葱叶添点香味;煎鸡蛋颜色太单调,放些葱进去增加点亮色……  相似文献   
指导学生习作要更加注重学生对于习作的兴趣,让学生“乐于书面表达,增强习作的信心”,“注重表现自己觉得新奇有趣的,或印象最深、最受感动的内容”。下面,笔者结合自身平时的一些做法,就如何迎合学生的习作口味,使学生乐于习作。谈几点策略:  相似文献   
“香料书”可不是用来闻的,它是地地道道的一本“烧菜书”。不但书上写着做莱的方法,连香料都自备了——它的每一页都是用不同的香料做成的。专业美食家或调酒师用它米练习嗅觉,而第一次烧菜的你,根本不用担心忙乱之中找不到调料或者放错调料了,  相似文献   
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