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[目的/意义]图书馆学、情报学及档案学(简称“图情档学”)是当代培养新型信息知识人才的重要学科,本文揭示“十三五”期间图情档学科中外期刊论文的研究热点及趋势,以期为我国图情档学科的未来研究提供些许思路,有助于推动图情档学科的发展,提升学术话语权.[方法/过程]选取国内的CNKI和国外的Web of Science数据库...  相似文献   
欧美出版社开放存取期刊论文处理费研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余敏 《出版科学》2016,24(5):106-110
论文处理费伴随着开放存取期刊的出现而进入公众视野。20世纪末,开放存取期刊由于没有成熟的商业盈利模式,国际上知名的出版社均对这种新型数字出版方式表示过疑虑。而现今,传统出版集团相继发行各自的开放存取平台,这主要得益于论文处理费的推行。本文介绍欧美各大知名出版社旗下开放存取期刊论文处理费的相关收费情况,分析论文处理费收取的完整体系,以期为国内学术期刊开放存取平台的发展提供策略建议。  相似文献   
从增删类目、修改类名、增改注释、增加参见类目、增加复分标记五个方面分析了《中图法》(第五版)艺术类类目的修订状况,对修订后的分类法中存在的各种问题进行探讨,并提出了详尽的修改意见。  相似文献   
《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):300-313
This article engages with key questions concerning diversity training issues and trends related to media professionals in contemporary Europe. It draws on interviews with 68 senior journalists and media professionals working in six Member States of the European Union. The study on which this article is based included interview questions on four aspects of ethno-cultural diversity in European media (content, recruitment, newsmaking and training), for which interviewees were asked to comment generally and in respect of their own media organisations. This particular article focuses on responses given to questions about diversity training. On the whole, our research finds considerable variation across Member States in terms of opportunities provided for diversity training yet also that interviewees (in the main) are broadly supportive of it, if somewhat hesitant about its implementation and likely effects.

For a full explanation of the methodology of the research project, please see the introduction in this themed section: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2012.740213.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the technical universities have been more successful in facilitating the spillover and commercialization of knowledge. We compare the impact of technical and general universities on the performance of knowledge-based firms. Based on a unique data set consisting of publicly held high technology firms, the empirical evidence suggests that, in fact, firm performance is not influenced by the type of university. Technical universities do not have a differential impact on firm performance from more general universities.  相似文献   
浅析当前我国经济体制下如何增加居民收入   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十七届五中全会,审议通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》。《建议》明确提出,要保障和改善民生,促进社会公平正义。这是十分正确的,也是十分必要的。文章将从以下几个方面进行简单的阐述:一、我国经济持续快速增长,但是,我国居民的个人收入却没有跟上经济的增长,以至于出现了"国进民退"、"国富民弱"的矛盾;二、我国要实现由投资、出口拉动型向消费型经济增长方式转变,增加居民收入是必然要求;三、如何使人民群众从经济增长中受益。  相似文献   
In this article, the work of three international governmental organisations (IGOs) dealing with human rights will be discussed, namely the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)1 and the Council of Europe (CoE). In the first section, the main characteristics of the three IGOs in terms of similarities and differences will be elaborated. Then, their human rights approach to education will be described, dealing with the legal foundations. In the final section, the different strategies of implementation based on both their official mission statements and their present strategy papers will be evaluated under the heading ‘competition vs. cooperation’.  相似文献   
历史认识中人本思想提升的一个理论结果,是史学家、思想家对于包括社会结构与历史演进等理论的思考获得深入。古代中国史学家、思想家对于社会结构与历史演进的理论思考,与早熟、发达的国家制度有关,与古代中国特有的史官制度及其文化形态、史学文化传统也有密切的关系。从公元4世纪到16世纪这1000多年观念的发展来看,史家对于社会结构的认识,大致延续了《史记》、《汉书》的传统,体现了大体一致的对社会结构的认识,即呈天、地、人、政治、经济、刑法、军事、政治制度、选官制度、文化的结构顺序。随着社会的发展,中国的史学家、思想家对于社会结构及其历史演进的理解亦不断深化,尤其是对社会经济及其历史意义的认识更是日益丰富。  相似文献   
陶行知与胡适的分歧贯穿了五四之后的近三十年中国现代思想史上的大事。二人之间的最初教育分歧不在教育观点本身,而是“教育界分歧”,始于1926年“庚款风波”;其次是30年代的政治9牾,基于两种基本爱国观的难于兼容,但非以政见分歧为主要内容;其三,双方主要的、根本的分歧是30年代形成的关于基本价值观——五四价值观的分歧。陶推崇一二九“大众”运动,反思并批判五四“小众”运动;由此出发,陶形成了自己的大众教育观,及总的大众价值体系,全面否定了新文化运动及胡在其中的历史地位。  相似文献   
朱恒 《培训与研究》2007,24(10):7-10
新诗在将近一百年的发展中,没有能取得古典诗歌那样的成就,原因固然是多方面的,但新文学运动初期轻慢诗性肯定是重要原因。轻慢诗体,将诗与文、诗与(白)话等同,新诗文体一直受到合法性质疑;轻慢诗语,单纯强调语言的工具性,忽视语言的诗性,将诗歌语言与日常语言及口语等同,抛弃语言传统,导致新诗语言浅白,与几千年的诗歌传统脱节;轻慢诗情,或以科学之真否定艺术之情,或缺少节制,走向滥情,致使诗歌矫饰空洞。  相似文献   
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