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江泽民同志关于“马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质”这一崭新的哲学命题,是对马克思主义基本特征的科学概括。坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进是党的十六大报告的精髓。我们学习贯彻十六大精神,必须紧紧把握这一精髓。  相似文献   
全面建设小康社会是跨入新世纪后全国各族人民的奋斗目标。全面建设小康社会的内涵可以从时间、空间和质量三个层面上来界定。其建设重点应该体现在农村、农民工作中,体现在西部大开发的战略中,体现在扶贫开发、城镇化建设和可持续发展的过程中。为此,须明确今后主要工作的思路。  相似文献   
This paper examines how scientific and technological (S&T) human capital is transformed into financial capital through the creation of firms by scientists. The analysis is based on a database describing the positions held by 132 founders from 62 French biotech SMEs. It shows that star scientists engage in highly risky but also valuable firms. Less famous scientists must develop their human capital rather than valorising a stock. The paper concludes by pointing to three paradoxes concerning the commitment and compensation scheme of star scientists and the managerial position of less known scientists.  相似文献   
Using a unique database on Swedish patents owned by small firms and individuals, survival models estimate how different factors influence the decision to commercialize the patents. Such an analysis has seemingly never previously been undertaken. Since the owners know more about the patents than potential external financiers, problems related to asymmetrical information are present. To overcome these problems when inventors and small technology-based firms need financing, Sweden has for a long time relied on government support rather than private venture capital firms. The empirical results show that the larger is the share of patent-owners’ costs covered by government financial support during the R&D phase, the lower is the probability of patents being commercialized. This lower degree of commercialization is likely to depend on (1) the soft terms of the government loans, where the patent owner can avoid paying back the loan if the patent is never commercialized and/or (2) that the government is not able to select promising projects. The first explanation is related to moral hazard and the second one to adverse selection. The policy suggestion is for government to change the design of the loans, to base them on firms rather than projects.  相似文献   
1937年8月14日,中日空军在杭州地区上空发生一次大规模的空战。对这次空战,《东南日报》作了声势浩大的报道,报道内容也十分翔实,不少还是独家新闻。"八·一四"空战揭开了抗战和"二战"空战的序幕。《东南日报》对这次空战的报道,也在新闻史上留下了不朽的一笔。  相似文献   
认真学习贯彻落实党的十七大精神,需要提高学院各级领导干部的"六种能力",即科学判断形势的能力,应对复杂局面的能力,依法治校的能力,总揽全局的能力,构建和谐校园的能力,拒腐防变、廉洁从政的能力。  相似文献   
本文介绍了义务教育阶段北欧四国的英语教育目标,初中学生校内外英语学习环境,四国中学英语教师课堂教学及师资培训情况,指出了北欧英语基础教育值得我们学习、借鉴的地方.  相似文献   
"9.11"恐怖袭击事件的发生,对美国高等教育产生了深刻而久远的影响.在其后的五年时间中,美国高等教育国际化开始出现了一些新的动向,主要表现为美国国务院对赴美留学国际学生签证和学科加以限制、国会颁布配套法案法规规范固化国际教育交流渠道;高校学生赴海外留学目标国家多元化;国家划拨专款加强外语教学,高校围绕恐怖袭击开设敏感性区域研讨性课程等主要发展趋向.  相似文献   
轰轰烈烈的"一二·九"运动在中国革命史上写下了光辉篇章,为全面抗日战争做了充分准备。作家鲁迅是这次运动的间接参与者,他积极帮助运动中遇到困难的学生,使得这次运动得以顺利进行,他还在一些杂文和通信中表达了自己对学生的担心和忧虑。对鲁迅与"一二·九"运动的研究,有助于我们深刻体会鲁迅坚持战斗的精神,体会鲁迅始终跟中国共产党保持一致的坚定立场。  相似文献   
在介绍青田基本情况及十一五期间青田社会经济发展概况的基础上,对十二五期间青田的经济社会发展做出了展望,即坚持科学发展,使青田继续保持走在丽水各县市前列的势头,为此,要通过"工业强县"、"农业富民"、"商贸活县"来打造"实力青田"。  相似文献   
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