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Some of the recent debates and discourses about higher education have embraced the development of shared aims and values within the professional context. The opportunity to engage in critical reflexive pedagogy is being widely acknowledged as an important element in the continuing professional development in the sector. In this paper a case study model of professional development practice is outlined: the Teaching Development Group at the University of Gloucestershire. As part of a review of its own organizational structure for some aspects of professional development, a multi‐method research project was undertaken during 2001. The first phase was a questionnaire survey of the university's academic staff to establish some baseline data and to plot general patterns and trends. This generated a database of 101 returns; a response rate of 31%. The second phase was a series of four ‘focus group’ meetings to develop a more nuanced understanding of the key themes and issues that emerged from the survey. These highlighted the positive spirit in which the scheme was received in the first instance, the difference of opinion over the direction taken by different groups and agenda setting, and some perceptions about a formal framework for teaching observation as part of on‐going professional development. From the perceptions of preferences and/or optimal practice identified in the two phases of the research, a scheme of this kind has the potential to contribute effectively to professional development when appropriately resourced, small, cognate groups have autonomy and when there is a clear differentiation between on‐going staff development and formal appraisal activities.  相似文献   
论述了十六大以来中国共产党关注民生问题的动因;从以科学发展观为解决民生问题的指导思想,以全面建设小康社会的新任务为奋斗目标,以解决民生问题推动社会主义和谐社会建设,以改善民生为重点全面推进社会建设四个方面,分析了以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体高度重视民生问题,为解决民生问题提出的一系列改善民生的措施并践行着“权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋”。  相似文献   
延安时期,陈云同志担任中央组织部部长长达七年,他的党建思想中有许多关于先进性的论述.这与党的十六大的论述有着相似之处.文章从"共产党是无产阶级先锋队"、"吸收其他社会阶层先进分子入党"、"学习是共产党员的责任"、"党的支部是战斗堡垒"、"干部决定一切"五个方面与十六大精神进行比较分析.学习并运用这些论述.对于当前我们的党建工作有着重要的指导作用.  相似文献   
田振华 《体育科技》2012,33(3):79-83
采用卡特尔16PF测量量表,以全国高校高水平足球运动员60名作为实验组,高校体育学院足球专选学生作为对照组。研究结果表明,高校高水平男足运动员在C项、F项,女足运动员在G项高于全国大学生常模;在I项上则均低于全国大学生常模。女足与男足运动员相比在C、E、F、N、Q1项上呈低分特征,在M项上呈高分特征;高水平足球运动员与足球专选学生相比,在C、G、Q2项上呈高分特征,在O项上呈低分特征。  相似文献   
本文运用文献法、录像法和数理统计法,对第16届世界女篮锦标赛中国队与对手在攻守能力进行了比较。结果表明:中国女篮本次大赛发挥失常,在近距离投篮、进攻篮板、助攻、抢断和对手有一定的差距。  相似文献   
对第16届女子篮球世锦赛各球队的11项技术指标进行统计,并运用因子分析法对所得数据进行分析和检验。结果表明:影响第16届女子篮球世锦赛成绩的技术数据指标可以分为:进攻能力类因子、投篮能力类因子、个人防守能力类因子和失误类因子,这4类决定着第16届女子篮球世锦赛各球队的综合技战术水平,影响球队的成绩;影响第16届女子篮球世锦赛各球队成绩的技术数据指标是得分、进攻篮板、助攻、三分命中率、盖帽和失误6项指标;运用因子分析对篮球比赛的技战术指标进行量化评价具有较高的可靠性,能够客观的反映各队的技战术能力。  相似文献   
对中国男篮第16届世锦赛掩护运用进行了分析,结果表明:合理的掩护战术在比赛中的作用是非常显著的。4支欧洲强队系统掩护总次数20次,中国队系统掩护次数1次,说明中国队与世界强队在系统掩护上存在差距。同时中国队基础配合不熟练,场上跑位意识不强。从掩护的第2动作拆的方面来看,各队在直接突破、直接投篮、传球给挡的同伴3项指标方面无明显差异值;但在传球给第3名同伴方面,中国队传给弱侧是2.6次,不仅显著低于本队传给强侧,也明显低于其他3支队伍传给弱侧的次数。  相似文献   
Using one cohort of 7235 middle school students in Beijing, China, we examined the evolution of the gender achievement gap in middle school. Our study found a more significant female dominance than in U.S. studies: even though boys gradually caught up during middle school, especially in Math and Science, and the gender achievement gap decreased over the distribution of test scores, girls outperformed boys throughout primary and middle school and in each quartile of the performance distribution. As well, girls had a more positive school experience than boys, and boys had a higher dropout rate by the end of middle school. Despite significant gender differences in various important characteristics that have explained the gender achievement gap in the U.S., in our study, primary school test scores seemed to be the only significant source of the gender achievement gap at the end of middle school, indicating the importance of early intervention.  相似文献   
This paper presents data from a doctoral study of the relationships between A Level English Literature and university English, a study which examines the experiences of one class of first year university English students. It argues that, whilst the socio-cultural emphases of literary study in the university have the potential to offer a great deal to students, full attention to the interplay between curriculum and pedagogy, and an understanding of the values and assumptions which students and lecturers bring to the literature classroom, are vital if students are to be genuinely engaged in the theoretical aspects of the discipline.  相似文献   
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