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陕北生物资源开发与水苏糖基地的建设   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
因特殊自然条件及历史原因,陕北地区仍是中国最不发达的区域之一.20世纪60年代以来,这里进行过多次生物资源开发,但因与国家某种基地建设结合起来,在资源开发的同时,并没有使经济发展起来,人民不能得到更多实惠,且使生态环境不同程度地遭到破坏.基于此,提出要改变贫困落后面貌,必须实现跨越式发展.随着市场经济的确立,资源开发战略必须调整,树立全新思路,加快资源开发的市场化进程,走资源开发的产业化道路.以保持资源独特优势,实现可持续发展为前提,把环境保护与资源合理开发利用和生态产业发展有机结合起来,建设水苏糖基地.水苏糖基地建设的目标是,以水苏糖为主导产业,使生产企业成为水苏糖原料供应商和水苏糖系列深加工保健产品供应商,逐步形成水苏糖原料一功能性食品配料-保健食品一生物医药产品等多元化的生产经营格局.通过产业化,利用自己的比较优势,在进行生态建设的同时增加人民收入,达到"治沙"与"治穷"的统一.  相似文献   
用固体超强酸Fe2O3-SO42-为催化剂、己二酸和辛醇为原料合成己二酸二辛酯的过程中,催化剂的活化温度、催化剂的用量、醇酸比、反应时间对收率都有较大的影响.研究表明,己二酸的用量在0.1 mol的情况下,用固体超强酸Fe2O3-SO42-为催化剂,催化剂的活化温度500℃,催化剂用量1.5 g,醇酸比31,反应时间2.5 h,是最适宜的反应条件,酯收率达85%.  相似文献   
本文介绍了汽车使用42V电源供电的优点和发展趋势,分析了汽车42V电源的电气系统的结构特点,并提出了采用高电压供电的两种解决方案.虽然汽车业完全采用和实现42V电源技术会遇到许多困难,但是汽车电源技术由传统的14V标准向42V转化已经成为汽车工业发展的必然趋势.  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法对第42届世界体操锦标赛中国女队与世界强队各项比赛成绩进行对比研究,客观分析了中国女子体操队的实力状况。结果表明:平衡木难度价值有待提高,缺少高难度空翻,高低杠动作类型单一;腿部力量差是跳马与自由体操仍为弱项的根本原因;完成优势减弱、弱项差距大和稳定性差是导致中国女队总体技术实力与世界强队存在较大差距的重要因素。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、录像观察与统计法及分析归纳等方法,对参加第42届体操世锦赛男子自由操决赛选手的成套动作进行分析发现:使用9个高难度的“空翻类”动作和1个C组难度的“非空翻类”动作构成一套10个D分价值的难度动作,并采用“空翻二连接”获取更多的连接价值,是当今世界男子自由体操动作编排发展的主要趋向;采用3个“空翻二连接”结合3个高难“单空翻”,并且在第3串、或第4串空翻动作之后完成“非空翻”动作,将成为自由体操顶尖选手D分价值动作编排的趋向特征;而合理取舍难度并促使成套动作的完成质量达到最优化,将成为众多优秀自由操选手亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   
汽车上用电设备的增加给汽车电源及供电系统带来巨大的压力,采用高压(42V)电源将成为未来汽车电源发展的必然趋势。在满足大功率负载要求的同时,新型智能功率半导体器件DC—DC可与现有汽车用电设备电压标准(14V)匹配,实现车用供电系统智能化管理,节约电源资源,降低制造和使用成本。  相似文献   
Social learning theory, in explaining cognitive development, fails to account for rule invariance in the face of capricious and informationally impoverished experience, offers no explanatory mechanism for the process by which systems of abstract rules are acquired, and offers less flexibility than alternative explanations based on operations and reflective abstraction.  相似文献   
Research activities are increasingly global so that embeddedness in international knowledge networks is decisive for inventive and innovative performance. We analyze determinants of countries’ embeddedness in the global photovoltaics knowledge network for the period 1980–2015 and argue that positions in this network are determined by the structure and functionality of national research systems and by instruments within the policy-mix for renewable energies. We show that cohesion and connectedness of the national research system positively affect international embeddedness, whereas centralized systems are detrimental to embeddedness. This indicates that a diffusion oriented research system allows better access to international knowledge flows. Policy instruments, especially demand side instruments, show a positive effect on embeddedness.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the fragmentation of the EU innovation system in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) by estimating the intensity and direction of knowledge spillovers over the years 1985–2010. We modify the original double exponential knowledge diffusion model proposed by Caballero and Jaffe (1993) to provide information on the degree of integration of EU countries’ RES knowledge bases and to assess how citation patterns changed over time. We show that EU RES inventors have increasingly built “on the shoulders of the other EU giants”, intensifying their citations to other member countries and decreasing those to domestic inventors. Furthermore, the EU strengthened its position as source of RES knowledge for the US. Finally, we show that this pattern is peculiar to RES, with other traditional (i.e. fossil-based) energy technologies and other radically new technologies behaving differently. Our results provide suggestive, but convincing evidence that the reduction in fragmentation emerged as a result of the EU support for RES taking mainly the form of demand-pull policies.  相似文献   
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