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学院批评主要指高校教师的文艺理论与批评著作,它是我国目前文艺理论与批评的重要组成部分。学院批评要获得进一步发展,需要努力贴近文艺工作现实,大力进行理论整合,切实建立起“为中国老百姓所喜闻乐见”的优良文风。  相似文献   
试论“电子政务”中的电子文件管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推进电子政务已成为各国政府的首要目标。而电子电子文件的管理问题日益显示出其重要性 ,引起各国的档案学家们的关注和思考。本文通过对当前我国电子政务中有关电子文件管理方面所存在的问题的分析 ,提出了一些改进措施 ,旨在提醒人们在电子政务的推行过程中 ,提前防范因电子文件管理不当而可能造成的严重后果  相似文献   
为了管理集中部署的远端服务器,系统管理员需要采用远程管理方式。云南广播电视大学教务管理系统采用SSH安全外壳协议对Linux服务器进行远程管理,利用Windows远程桌面工具完成对Windows服务器的远程管理是两种简单易行、安全可靠的远程管理方法。  相似文献   
Census information of some form has been collected in Canada since the 1611 census of New France. Aboriginal people, identified or not, have been included in these enumerations. The collection of this information has had a profound impact on Aboriginal people and has been an element that has shaped their relationship with the dominant society. In response, Canadian Aboriginal people have often resisted and refused to co-operate with census takers and their masters. This article is an examination of this phenomenon focused on the censuses conducted in the post-Confederation period to the present. A census is made to collect information on populations and individuals that can then be used to configure and shape social and political relations between those being enumerated and the creators of the census. However, the human objects of the census are not just passive integers and they have resisted its creation in a number of ways, including being “missing” when the census is taken, refusing to answer the questions posed by enumerators or even driving them off Aboriginal territory. A census identifies elements of the social order and attempts to set them in their “proper” place and those who do not wish to be part of that order may refuse to take part. Archivists and historians must understand that the knowledge gained in a census is bound with the conditions of own creation. This has been noted by contemporary Aboriginal researchers who often state that the archival record of their people often distorts history and reflects the ideas and superficial observations of their Euro-Canadian creators. Changes to the Census of Canada since 1981, have increased the participation rate and therefore changed the nature of the record.
Brian Edward HubnerEmail:

Brian Edward Hubner   is currently Acquisition and Access Archivist at the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections. He was previously employed at the Archives of Manitoba, in Government Records; Queen’s University Archives, Kingston; and at the National Archives of Canada, Ottawa. He has a Master of Arts (History, in Archival Studies) from the University of Manitoba, and a Master of Arts (History), from the University of Saskatchewan. The 2nd edition of Brian’s co-authored book on the history of the Cypress Hills of Saskatchewan and Alberta is being published in 2007. He has published articles and delivered conference papers on Canadian Aboriginal peoples including “Horse Stealing and the Borderline: The N.W.M.P. and the Control of Indian Movement, 1874-1900.” His current research interest focuses on relationship between Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian archives. Brian is married and has two children.  相似文献   
张宏岩 《青海科技》1998,5(1):27-28,35
通过对青海省工业企业的财务状况分析,对目前企业存在的资产负债结构不合理、资产运营氏下等特征,提出了若干建议。  相似文献   
国家教育部规定普通高校必须开设《形势与政策》课,但实际上大多都没有开,或者是遇到特别重大的国际国内问题时才应付一下。鉴于这门课对于大学生在正确认识历史和社会走向上的重要性,高校应该把它重视起来,用“专题课、专家讲、讲大事、社会化、讲座式”的思路进行教学改革,以提高教学效果。  相似文献   
相对于理性的讨论,教育批评是一种效率不高的交流教育问题的方式,极容易导致被批评者受到伤害,也不能带来问题的解决。最常见的教育批评要么前提假设存在问题,要么对问题原因的指向模糊。但是教育批评现象又必然会存在,回避其存在,或者希望把教育批评变成理性的、没有缺点的教育讨论的想法都是不可行的,所以作为必然会存在一种概念的批评,批评者、身处教育中的被批评者都存在一些问题。既然这样,就不能把教育作为一种理想的世界,而且要区别教育公共问题与专业问题,以减少教育批评的弊端。  相似文献   
江苏开放大学已经明确了学生的服务与管理实行"学务导师制",这是学校服务与管理体系中的关键环节。所谓"双导师制"即负责专业教学的课程导师与负责学生服务与管理的"学务导师"。"双导师"负责制是江苏开放大学与江苏电大的不同,也因此区别于其他各级各类的"网校"。学务导师是开放学生服务与日常管理的具体责任人。学务导师负责学员的学籍、选课、甚至毕业的一系列工作。  相似文献   
清中叶是清代的转型期,官方势力与地方势力争夺豫北地区公共领域控制主导权的斗争随着荒政的发生而不断深入,呈现愈演愈烈之势:官方对主导权的掌控表现出超乎寻常的肯定;地方对主导权的争夺表现为视死如归的追求。乡绅阶层有所崛起,却在官方建立的合法性统治秩序下难以有所作为,"绅权大张"成为一种情结。  相似文献   
《国榷》是一部编年体明史巨著,其史学价值主要有五:一是记载较为系统和完整,二是史料来源颇为可靠和真实,三是为研究明代科举史提供了系统而丰富的史料,四是为研究明代政治史提供了不可或缺的史料,五是为研究明代社会史提供了重要的参考资料.  相似文献   
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