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The inconsistent spelling of American Indian tribal names at the end of the nineteenth century led in part to the development within the Office of Indian Affairs of an array of 270 standardized identifiers, ranging from Absaroka to Zuñi. These efforts paralleled the simultaneous improvement of a large suite of relevant terms by the United States Board on Geographic Names. Both compilations were included in style manuals published by the Government Printing Office beginning in 1900 and approved for the use of federal agencies. In 1903 and 1904, Charles J. Kappler, in the preparation of his multi-volume Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties, made particular use of this orthography when he created new individual titles for the recognized treaties between the federal government and the Indian Nations. Even with these coordinated attempts, however, versions of the “Names of Indian tribes and bands” register during the last century suffered both exclusions from, and an addition to, the original document from the Office of Indian Affairs.  相似文献   
李提摩太是近代英国来华的著名传教士,他将基督福音的传播与兴办世俗事务有机结合,编书办刊宣传基督教的传教特点,力图实现在中国基督教传播的本土化,引导更多的中国人皈依基督。他的传教过程,大大推动了由利玛窦开创的基督教传播的本土化(或称为中国化)路线,走上了一条"李提摩太式"的传教路线。  相似文献   
《唐尚书省郎官石柱题名考》是清人赵钺、劳格对唐尚书省左司十三司郎官石柱题名的考订,今人岑仲勉曾予补订。然二氏所订仍有缺失、遗误。本文利用石刻文献、纸质文献互证互补、考订辨疑,增补了左司、吏部、司封、司勋、考功郎中、员外郎33人,为研究唐代政治,尤其是官制提供新材料。  相似文献   
向华萍 《科技广场》2006,30(4):91-92
本文从电子政务的安全性要求出发,阐述了椭圆曲线及椭圆曲线密码体制的优点,论述了采用椭圆曲线密码体制对电子公文进行数字签名,以解决电子公文的认证问题。  相似文献   
This paper considers the policy ‘roles’ adopted by teachers enacting policy in a department. It draws on a longitudinal study of two secondary mathematics departments endeavouring to make deep change aligned with a demanding curriculum policy. The study validates aspects of an existing typology, demonstrates the existence of a variety of policy ‘critics’ and adds a category of ‘survivor’ teacher, showing the role can have considerable impact on enactment. The paper argues for an extension to a group construct of ‘policy role’, here at a department level, and shows that as teachers struggle to marry the constraints of the range of policies to which they are subject with the time and effort needed to maintain deeply espoused professional values, an adopted group role can serve either to support or constrain individual teacher efforts.  相似文献   
以曾国藩为代表的湘军人物群体是一群饱读诗书、熟习儒家经典的书生,他们生逢衰世、乱世,大部分时间都在行军打仗,因而,他们经世观的主要特点就是理学经世,将理学与经世结合起来;疏于著述和理论阐发,重践行;同时他们大多出身于农家,特别关注农业,表现出一定的农本思想.  相似文献   
北京城市学院在2007年设立了公共事业管理专业,同其他高校本专业一样,公共事业管理专业在定位与专业建设上面临很多新问题。本文通过对国内高校本专业培养目标的比较,以及分析相关领域的调研结果,试图使北京城市学院公共事业管理专业的定位更加明晰。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,国民政府社会部为统筹人才供给和职业需求的合理配置,推进大后方各项建设,进行了一系列职业介绍活动.该时期各级职业介绍机构的设立、各种应用材料的编制、各项职业调查的开展,促进了职业介绍的规范化与程序化,并在一定程度上做到了人才供给与职业需求的沟通,推动了战时各项社会建设的开展.同时,也为当前的职业介绍提供了借鉴与启示.  相似文献   
以往对民国初年省制改革的研究,大多拘泥于机构设置的现代化或军民分治、缩小省区等枝节性问题,因而不能正确认识改革的意义与失败的原因。事实上,那场改革的核心内容与重要意义在于对各省与中央的关系及省之行政运作的探讨:省制改革草案的设计不仅考虑到中央对各省的控制和各省对中央的制衡,还考虑到省之自治行政与官治行政的区别与联系,并试图对二者的运作做出合理的安排。但是由于时局、民众的心理传统和自治能力的限制,这些有益的探讨皆未能落到实处,致使如何安排各省与中央的关系以及省之行政运作这两个问题遗留下来,仍成为当前省制改革的核心内容。  相似文献   
当今研究者多认为独孤及曾任郑县尉和吏部员外郎。通过考证 ,笔者认为独孤及一生中并未担任这两种职务  相似文献   
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