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摘要:中非高校的体育交流对于促进中非关系和谐发展、加强南南合作新领域、提升中国体育教育国际化水平、助力非洲国家体育教育等方面具有重要意义。运用文献资料法对中非高校体育交流进行了探讨,结果认为:中非高校体育交流有3个阶段,1978年开始中非高校体育交流的起步阶段;80年代进入中国培养非洲体育留学生的单一渠道发展阶段;21世纪以来中非高校的体育交流进入多元渠道发展阶段。其中多元渠道发展阶段表现为由中国培养非洲体育留学生单一渠道拓展为继续扩大培养非洲体育留学生、孔子学院体育交流、中非高校赛事交流的3个渠道。中非高校体育交流主要存在以下不足:中非国家没有互派体育代表团、没有互换体育留学生、缺失校际之间的体育合作计划等。  相似文献   
本文采用文献分析的方法,以传播政治经济学的观点,对非洲从殖民时期到20世纪末的新闻事业发展进行分析,揭示在非洲新闻事业的发展过程中存在着殖民统治、民族独立和民主-商业化等三种新闻发展逻辑,同时展现了非洲新闻业发展中所表现出的独特特征,最后指出,对非洲的新闻传播发展逻辑应该根据非洲国家自身的实际发展情况来定位,单纯的追寻西方和固守传统模式显然都可能缺乏充足的理由。  相似文献   
近现代,随着西方对非西方殖民奴役的启动,西方便将编纂其历史的方法论带入非西方。非洲作为深受西方奴役的国度,在自主性被剥夺的同时,沦为了由西方编纂历史的被动体。非洲独立主权的获得,颠覆了西方视时间为线性和进步的传统观念;国际政治环境的变化,使西方看到有必要扬弃对象的给定性,并重新塑造。随着国际政治局势朝着有利于非洲的转变,西方对非洲史的编纂。由此转向了对其社会和文化史的突出,并在世界史或全球史中给非洲留出位置。西方对非洲历史文化的发展性探索,证明了非洲确是世界史或全球史进程中的重要构成,新史学理念由之得以完善。  相似文献   
The curriculum is a critical element in the transformation of higher education, and as a result, I argue for the inclusion of what I refer to as an African epistemic in higher education curricula in South Africa. In so doing, attention is directed at the decolonisation of the curriculum in higher education in South Africa, which aims to give indigenous African knowledge systems their rightful place as equally valid ways of knowing among the array of knowledge systems in the world. In developing my argument, I maintain that a critical questioning of the knowledge included in higher education curricula in South Africa should be taken up in what I call transformative education discourses that examine the sources of the knowledge that inform what is imposed on or prescribed for curricula in higher education in South Africa, and how these higher educational curricula are implicated in the universalisation of Western and European experiences.  相似文献   
The evidence base that explores Black African parents’ experiences of an Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is limited. This article describes an exploratory mixed methods research study undertaken during 2009–2011, that explored Black African parents’ engagement with a UK EPS. Quantitative data were gathered from the EPS preschool database and parents completed the Family Support Scale which explored the social support they accessed outside of the EPS, such as relatives. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore five parents’ experiences of the preschool EPS. The interview data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The findings highlighted key themes pertinent to educational psychology practice and are applicable to all families regardless of ethnic background. Psychological theories and frameworks are discussed alongside the implications for educational psychology practice.  相似文献   
Mission schools in Africa in the first half of the twentieth century were in many ways microcosms of the great educational debates of the times. The objectives of policies regarding access, governance and curriculum were part of a historical evolution of mission education but they were also increasingly a reflection of significant new trends that were to reshape the theory and practice of colonial education. New forms of educational research and professional expertise were to play an ever‐increasing role in shaping the forms and content of the education provided. The brief of the mission churches was to meet with the increasing demand for schooling. Church and state gradually expanded their cooperation in the field as the costs of education outstripped the resources of the missions and the demand for mass education came to be linked to nationalist demands for political and economic rights. This paper is concerned to map the background to those international influences that shaped the policy and practices of mission education and the increasing engagement of colonial governments with the field of education. It addresses the question of the worldwide Protestant mission church’s response to the changing political, social and economic environment of the first half of the twentieth century. In particular it seeks to explore how mission initiatives shaped thinking about education in Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America by the 1930s. It also attempts to situate those issues within a wider educational framework by linking them to the emergent debate concerning pragmatism and utilitarianism in regard to progressive education in the USA and the quest for social democratic education in the United Kingdom and Europe as part of a response to socialism, nationalism and totalitarianism. In short, the paper explores the influence of the Christian mission churches with regard to social policy, in general, and the provision of education, in particular, during the interwar years, with special reference to areas influenced by the work of the International Missionary Council. At a time when there was a crisis of support for ‘foreign missions’ how did the debates between fundamentalist‐evangelicals and supporters of a ‘social gospel’ transform themselves into debates regarding the role of missions in non‐Western societies? And how did these essentially ecclesiastical/theological issues come to influence public policy, specifically educational policy, in the long term? The conclusions are that mission churches had a very significant influence on the shaping of educational thinking in the colonial and imperial context at a time when state influence in the sector was still often quite weak. The origins of the conference and research culture that has informed educational policy since the establishment of the United Nations Organization had its roots in the broad context of the Charter of the League of Nations, with a meeting of religious and secular goals, prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. Between 1910 and 1939 there was a significant history of educational reform and community development that has only been partially documented in relation to its global significance. This is an attempt to build a framework for understanding the nature of those changes and what was achieved. The investigation is conducted through an exploration of the three great World Mission Conferences of the International Missionary Council (IMC) held at Edinburgh (1910), Jerusalem (1928) and Tambaram, India (1938). The attempts of Christian churches to engage with dramatic social changes associated with industrialisation, urbanisation, poverty, cultural change and the rise of anti‐colonialism, with specific regard to the field of educational policy, are documented and analysed.  相似文献   
The aims of the study were to examine enterprise information security in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bursa, Turkey and to compare the results with similar data gathered from different countries. This study was conducted through questionnaires consisting of 49 questions grouped into 9 sections. The questionnaires were delivered to 97 SMEs in Bursa, Turkey. The companies have been operating for 15.93 ± 11.67 (2-54) years. The number of PCs in the companies and their years of use were in the ranges of 53.51 ± 64.88 (2-240) and 12.47 ± 6.32 (1-30) years, respectively. According to the findings of this study, it can be speculated that when Communications and Operations Management and security policy improve, other security parameters in the companies, such as Organizational, Personnel and Physical and Environmental Securities improve as well. In addition, the results have shown that Turkish companies do not attach as much importance to information technology security as their counterpart companies from different countries do.  相似文献   
强玲 《科教文汇》2011,(23):60-61
1990年,威尔逊因《钢琴课》第二次荣获普利策奖。随着创伤理论的兴起,对《钢琴课》的重新解读令人深刻地体会到这更是一部关于非裔移民的创伤戏剧。这部戏剧围绕姐弟俩对于处置祖先留下来的钢琴截然不同的态度展开,追述了家族的历史,刻画了姐姐伯妮斯和弟弟威利在家族遭受变故后受到创伤迷失自我,走出创伤重获新生的艰难历程。  相似文献   
电影《土生子》(2019)改编自非裔美国作家理查德·赖特1940年出版的同名长篇小说。作为该书的第三度银幕改编,影片对原著的人物形象与叙事体系进行了大刀阔斧地重构。影片彻底改造了别格原本恶劣的人物形象,以使其更加符合当代美国左翼社会要求的"理智的受害者"的个性特征;并通过改变叙事视角与叙事框架从结构层面为主人公别格的犯罪事实进行辩解及掩饰。隐含在这一系列变更背后的是该影片乃至整个美国电影市场对美国当代身份政治理念的唯命是从,以及在处理作为反英雄形象的黑人角色时的畏首畏尾的态度。  相似文献   

There are a variety of websites and newsgroups that focus on Africa and African life. The links reviewed range from economic to health and science to the arts and current events.  相似文献   
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