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美国每年都有不少高等院校收到巨额匿名捐赠,其数额甚至高达3.6亿美元.笔者认为,这些机构或个人自愿向高等院校提供巨额捐赠且不求利益回报的主要原因是他们对受赠院校的信任,而信任的基础是有效的制度安排、充分的信息披露以及专业水准的捐赠基金管理和运作.  相似文献   
我国《人体器官移植条例》是规范我国人体器官移植的相关立法。细究条例的相关内容,该《条例》尚存在一些问题,如捐献主体资格、捐献主体范围、捐献补偿、器官分配机制等,文章就这些问题进行探讨,以期完善今后的立法。  相似文献   
高校教育基金会接受社会捐赠已经成为高校经费筹集的重要来源,对大额捐赠的依赖是目前国内多数教育基金会的普遍现象。在当前宏观经济增速下滑、经济步入新常态的情形下,这种高度依赖大额捐赠的教育基金会筹资模式具有不可持续性。新媒体时代的到来以及便捷支付工具的深入发展,为校园微公益的发展提供了难得的机遇,高校应该对小额捐赠投以足够的重视,拓展筹资范围。本文借用了经济管理学科中的长尾理论,提出我国高校教育基金会在未来发展过程中,应该充分利用社交媒体尽可能扩大捐赠项目的影响与覆盖面,在此基础上引入众筹概念,提升捐赠项目的个性化程度,更加关注小额捐赠,实现大额捐赠与小额捐赠的共同发展。  相似文献   
中国大学排名缘起于大学的理论研究与高等教育实践的需要。科学计量学作为学科理论研究在中国的兴起,为大学排名奠定了理论基础;中国当代高等教育发展的实践需要,为大学排名提供了崭新课题和原生动力。同时,一批勇于研究与实践的敢于担当的学者涌现,使大学排名破土而出,从而呈现了异彩纷呈、特色各见的中国大学排名榜——校友会榜、武书连榜、软科榜和中评榜等。中国大学排名从产生到成熟表现出与时俱进的峥嵘历程、评价指标的相融相鉴以及各领风骚的独特定位等发展态势。  相似文献   
抗震救灾凸显了中国民营企业的形象。企业社会责任与企业形象,如同水与流、形与影。传统信任文化裹挟的汹涌民意,在救灾捐赠这个特殊的接骨点上,将民企的社会责任与形象品牌,推到了历史的风口浪尖。民企良心在现代传媒的聚光灯下被一再地展现和拷问。救灾捐赠中民企形象的重塑,应当以人为本,应当注意传统信任文化的影响,应当注意网络捐赠的“策略”,还应当注意“另一个战壕里的战友”——国企。  相似文献   
Historically, legislature has been utilized to facilitate appropriate use of cadavers in the anatomical sciences. However, cadaver acquisition and use have also been guided by ethically appropriate and morally acceptable principles. Various global and regional frameworks of “ethical practice” guide body donation, including the use of unclaimed bodies by institutions. These frameworks are responsive to, and reciprocal with the various ethical, moral and legal factors that influence the development of body donation programs. This reciprocity supports the notion that anatomists and anatomical societies have a responsibility to advocate for legal reform when required. In this study, two body bequest programs from geopolitically and socially disparate countries are used as cases to contrast existing legal and governance frameworks for body donation and to examine whether anatomists can direct the acquisition of ethically donated cadavers. The study includes an Australian donor program that has exclusively accepted bequests since its inception, and a South African program that has recently transitioned to a bequest system. Elements such as consent by next-of-kin and Inspector of Anatomy, use of unclaimed bodies and ethics committee approval amongst others, are compared. It is acknowledged that legal frameworks for cadaver acquisition generally deliver broad guidance on acceptable utilization of bodies for the anatomical sciences. However, professional discretion is of importance in adapting to societal needs and values. Thus, while anatomists have been able to progress toward more ethical practice than that which is required by the law, they must continue to do so as societal values evolve.  相似文献   
校友捐赠是高校特有的、同时也是比较普遍的社会回馈现象,将校友捐赠纳入人才培养质量评价体系具有逻辑依据、理论依据和实践依据。将校友捐赠纳入人才培养质量评价体系,具有完善人才培养质量评价体系、提升人才培养质量、实现教育目的的核心价值以及具有增加办学经费、扩充办学资源、促进大学自治和学术自由的“附加”价值。由于当前获得校友捐赠的院校还不普遍,因而,建议先将校友捐赠纳入学科评估指标体系,因为对办学效果较突出的学科而言,校友捐赠更有现实性。  相似文献   
以在校大学生为对象,通过准实验设计研究在公益活动中融入体育元素对大学生捐赠行为的影响及其影响机理。研究发现:公益体育可以显著提高大学生的捐助行为,这种影响是通过情感卷入和行为卷入的中介作用实现的,大学生的体育兴趣正向调节公益体育与捐助行为的关系,而公益意识的调节作用不明显,说明借助公益体育提升捐助行为的重点对象应是体育兴趣高的人群。研究结论丰富了公益体育的相关理论研究,并为如何更好地策划公益体育项目,有效将公益与体育相结合以提升捐助行为、以及精准确定公益体育的对象提供理论和经验支持。  相似文献   
苑婷婷 《档案管理》2021,(2):123-123,125
本文首先论述了目前高校校友档案管理存在的问题,简要说明高校校友档案服务平台构建的意义,认为这是编撰校史的重要依据;最后重点阐述高校校友档案服务平台构建途径,建议保证高校校友档案服务平台构建部门的独立性与专业性,并且通过跟踪服务的方式不断地完善校友档案信息.  相似文献   
The Covid-19 pandemic launched the use of online courses in Chinese medical schools during February 2020. To evaluate the state of gross anatomy education in China during the pandemic, a nationwide survey was conducted through convenience sampling by email or respondent invitations on social media. A total of 359 questionnaires were received from the respondents. The first response from a given school was included in the study to represent that school, thus, 77 questionnaires were used for analyses. Schools represented were from all provinces in mainland China as well as Hong Kong and Macao. The survey found that before the pandemic, 74.0% and 33.8% of the 77 schools conducted online theoretical and practical sessions, respectively, on gross anatomy, and 36 (46.8% of 77) had temporarily suspended practical sessions at the time the survey was conducted. Body donation programs were also affected with 26.0% and 27.3% of the 77 schools having suspended donation programs or saw a decreased number of donations. During the pandemic, 40.3% of the 77 schools kept or initiated the implementation of active learning, and online assessment was continued in 49.4% of the 77 medical schools. Another 26 (33.8%) schools initiated online assessment during the pandemic. A total of 359 answers were included for the analysis of the “teachers’ perception of the online teaching experience.” Over half (51.0%) of the 359 responded teachers were very statisfied or satisfied with the effectiveness of online teaching during the pandemic. A total of 36.2% of these respondents preferred to implement online teaching of theoretical sessions after the pandemic, and 89 (24.8%) teachers were keen to return to traditional face-to-face anatomy education.  相似文献   
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