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Flex技术及其在毕业生赠书系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Flex技术实现清华大学图书馆毕业生赠书系统的数据统计功能,并且与其他技术解决方案如OWC控件和Silverlight等进行对比分析,阐述使用Flex技术的原因。  相似文献   
在经济全球化的今天,伴随着新自由主义以及新公共管理思潮的盛行,传统的高等教育管理已经面临挑战,以市场为导向的管理对于高等教育的发展日益重要。借鉴西方发达国家高等教育管理的成功经验,论文主要从市场营销、投资管理和筹款管理三个方面对于目前大学管理中这种新取向进行了初步探讨。论文认为,随着高等教育领域生源竞争以及资金竞争的进一步加剧,我国大学也必须注意借鉴其他非营利组织在市场营销、投资管理与筹款管理方面的有益经验,重构我国现有的高等教育管理体制。  相似文献   
目前中国公益募捐活动宣传中存在着宣传对象面狭窄、宣传代言人单一、宣传技巧呆板等问题。文章针对以上三个问题提出改进的建议,并运用新闻传播学、受众心理学及社会学、伦理学的相关理论论证所提建议的可行性。  相似文献   
George Ashline 《PRIMUS》2017,27(6):598-605
We describe the context for and implementation of a departmental alumni network. More than a database compiling facts about graduates, this network provides students with information and inspiration. It also offers a wonderful opportunity to support lifelong learning through the development of collaborative relationships between alumni and faculty and students. We suggest several features and progression steps for such a network. As an integral component of these efforts, we describe the creation of “alumni spotlight” profiles featured on our departmental website and include a top-10 list of objectives and benefits of such a resource. In addition, we offer ideas for possible enrichment and extension of the network to serve different programmatic purposes.  相似文献   
我国高等教育经费结构现状与高校社会捐赠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"穷国办大教育",是我国发展教育事业所面临的最大挑战,对于高等教育的发展来说,经费短缺是各高校不得不面临的重大问题。教育经费是高等教育事业发展的基础和保障,在国家财政拨款不能显著增加的情况下,高校要依靠自身的条件和努力去拓宽资金筹措渠道,实现高等教育经费的多元化筹资。社会捐赠作为一项公益事业,是高校筹集资金的重要渠道之一。当前我国高校社会捐赠面临总体捐赠力度不够、募捐渠道单一化等困境,高校应该对此予以高度重视,在认真借鉴和学习西方高校成功开展社会募捐的经验的同时,结合本校实际采取相关措施,积极吸引社会捐赠,从而推动我国的高等教育事业不断发展壮大。  相似文献   
Benefits from the use of cadavers in anatomical education are well described. Historically, human embryos and fetal cadavers were used in anatomy education to understand development and congenital malformations. Recently, three-dimensional printed models produced from archival fetal specimens, and online repositories of images from archival collections of embryos and fetuses, have been used as an educational tool in human development courses. Given that the archival specimens were likely obtained prior to the era of informed consent, this raises questions about their appropriate and ethical use. Because some institutions in the United States retain archival collections of embryonic and fetal specimens that were once used as educational tools, their existence and utility require frequent reexamination against contemporary ethical frameworks to guide appropriate use or utilization. Four ethical rationales for uses of these collections are examined, including destruction, indefinite storage, use in research, and use in health professions education. Guidelines for the use of archival collections of human embryos and fetuses are presented. Indefinite storage and use in health professions education are supported, while use in research is also permitted, however, such use is limited and dependent on circumstance and purpose. The development of current digital repositories and three-dimensionally printed models based on archival collections that were collected without informed consent, or those promoting commercial opportunity, are not supported. New embryonic and fetal donations obtained with informed consent should include reference to potential uses with new technology and virtual, genetic, or imaging applications.  相似文献   
日本高等教育的募捐策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据经济合作与发展组织的统计,日本是其成员国中公共性教育支出最低的国家,尤其是在高等教育方面,大量的经费来自社会捐赠等私人资本。那么,日本高校如何面向社会筹款,在筹款时经常采用那些策略和方法,本文对此问题进行了较为充分的探讨。  相似文献   
体育社团赖以生存和开展有效活动的动力是物质基础,除了国家级社团能够获得财政支持外,其他类型社团大多都需要自筹,经费问题给体育社团的活动开展带来了很大的压力,尤其是不开展经营活动的公益性体育社团。因此,公益性体育社团应充分了解和利用相关政策,获取公益捐赠税前扣除资格。  相似文献   
一直以来高校体育场地建设由国家进行财政拨款,自身筹资能力差。随着高校产业化和市场经济的深入发展,高校建立健全市场化的筹资模式,是高校体育场地建设可持续发展的关键。建立健全高校体育场地筹资模式的关键是政府摆正自己的位置,高校大胆采取多种适合体育场地建设的融资方式,同时积极争取社会捐赠资金和高校联合互助金。  相似文献   
我国图书馆社会捐助的缺失分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
曲晓玮 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(6):144-146
社会捐助是图书馆事业发展的重要支持力量,文章从观念缺失、环境缺失、机制缺失三个方面,分析了我国图书馆社会捐助存在的主要问题。  相似文献   
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