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清代地方志的纂修与刊出需要一定的财力支持,如资料的搜集与整理、修纂人员的聘请以及编修,包括修成后的刊出都需要资金投入。而地方志的编修较为琐细,通常耗费甚巨,如果遇到经费不敷的情况,编纂就难以进行,即使修成也难能付梓。清代施行的捐输,对于当时产生了深刻的影响,而这一财政措施对文化的兴废也有不可忽视的影响,如地方志的修刊就与其存在密切的关系。例如《乐清县志》在道光年间的重修就是一例,此志的重修成书就得益于当地官吏的动议与士绅的赞襄。而在其书末附有捐输名单,并详记所捐资额,通过所附资料信息,可见其捐输总额之大,参与人员之多,也可见民间捐输对当时地方志修刊支撑性作用之一斑。  相似文献   
论捐赠换书中心数据库建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在关系数据库设计的理论基础上,通过对广东省捐赠换书中心业务工作流程的分析,设计并建设了捐赠换书中心图书流通管理系统数据库,该数据库主要用于捐赠换书中心图书的捐赠、交换、漂流相关的数据管理,通过该数据库的建设,论述了数据库建设的步骤及重点。  相似文献   
袁克宇 《科教文汇》2011,(3):110-110,119
血站属于特殊性医疗行业,在同一地区业务活动中竞争尽管不是异常激烈,但如何才能保证本地区临床医疗急救用血,留住既往的献血者并发展潜在的献血员,除了加强对无偿献血的宣传外,更重要的是血站自身的服务水平,以及工作人员能否对献血者给予无微不至的人文关怀。  相似文献   
高校人才培养的目的是为社会发展提供智力支持和人才保障,那么人才培养的质量就必须紧贴社会发展的需求。建立人才培养质量的反馈机制,对于及时了解培养方向有着重要的指导作用。校友作为学校教育的培养对象,是学校培养质量的直接践行者,对学校教育质量是否符合社会发展需求是最直接的感知者。建立基于校友视角的高校人才培养质量反馈机制,对学校及时调整人才培养的方向有着积极的作用。  相似文献   
校友捐赠是高校特有的、同时也是比较普遍的社会回馈现象,将校友捐赠纳入人才培养质量评价体系具有逻辑依据、理论依据和实践依据。将校友捐赠纳入人才培养质量评价体系,具有完善人才培养质量评价体系、提升人才培养质量、实现教育目的的核心价值以及具有增加办学经费、扩充办学资源、促进大学自治和学术自由的“附加”价值。由于当前获得校友捐赠的院校还不普遍,因而,建议先将校友捐赠纳入学科评估指标体系,因为对办学效果较突出的学科而言,校友捐赠更有现实性。  相似文献   
高等院校是影响教育募捐政策执行效果的核心要素之一。妨碍我国教育募捐政策执行效率的高校因素表现为募捐意识不强,“守株待兔”思想严重;缺乏募捐规划;募捐物种类单一;募捐专业化程度较低、募捐资金使用不够规范等方面。其解决出路在于:确立主动募捐的观念;制定高校募捐规划;增加募捐物种类,拓宽募捐渠道;加强募捐队伍职业化建设;规范募捐资金管理,增加透明度。  相似文献   
Historically, legislature has been utilized to facilitate appropriate use of cadavers in the anatomical sciences. However, cadaver acquisition and use have also been guided by ethically appropriate and morally acceptable principles. Various global and regional frameworks of “ethical practice” guide body donation, including the use of unclaimed bodies by institutions. These frameworks are responsive to, and reciprocal with the various ethical, moral and legal factors that influence the development of body donation programs. This reciprocity supports the notion that anatomists and anatomical societies have a responsibility to advocate for legal reform when required. In this study, two body bequest programs from geopolitically and socially disparate countries are used as cases to contrast existing legal and governance frameworks for body donation and to examine whether anatomists can direct the acquisition of ethically donated cadavers. The study includes an Australian donor program that has exclusively accepted bequests since its inception, and a South African program that has recently transitioned to a bequest system. Elements such as consent by next-of-kin and Inspector of Anatomy, use of unclaimed bodies and ethics committee approval amongst others, are compared. It is acknowledged that legal frameworks for cadaver acquisition generally deliver broad guidance on acceptable utilization of bodies for the anatomical sciences. However, professional discretion is of importance in adapting to societal needs and values. Thus, while anatomists have been able to progress toward more ethical practice than that which is required by the law, they must continue to do so as societal values evolve.  相似文献   

Purpose: Capacity development for agricultural research and development is missing an opportunity. Initiatives tend to focus on developing capacity of individuals and even when the ultimate aim is social change leave the transformation of individual into social learning largely to chance. I use the lens of social learning systems, particularly concepts from Community of Practice theory, to explore how that theory can provide practical insights into transforming individual into social learning and the design considerations that would support this.

Design/methodology/approach: Using as a case study a professional development programme, African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), I conducted a use-oriented systemic inquiry among 26 AWARD participants, with myself as informed investigator within the system of inquiry. Data from interviews and questionnaires were subjected to qualitative analysis using analytic induction with sensitizing concepts from Community of Practice theory.

Practical implications: I identify strengths and challenges, and provide five design considerations that might enable the individuals participating in a capacity development programme to continue to engage after the programme ends and self-organize for concerted action.

Originality/value: The originality of this research article is the use of the three central Community of Practice concepts of domain, community and practice as analytical tools for understanding individual and social learning among the alumni of a professional capacity development programme. This has value for designers of capacity development initiatives.  相似文献   
潘奇  朱一鸣 《科研管理》2017,38(6):116-124
企业持续捐赠是否值得?基于时间压缩不经济及动态能力理论,以中国A股上市公司捐赠的面板数据为依据,本文分析并检验了企业持续捐赠的价值效应。研究发现,虽然持续捐赠不能直接给企业带来价值增值,但以企业通过持续捐赠获取的各种无形及有形资源需要积极运作为推论,进一步的实证表明,随着企业动态能力增强,企业持续捐赠的价值效应逐趋明显。另外,拓展性检验还发现,促成以上资源获取及能力发挥的情境因素越凸现,企业持续捐赠的价值回报亦越大。本文为针对性地探明企业持续捐赠的价值效应提供了新的理论和经验证据,有助于职能部门出台适宜的引导政策促进企业持续捐赠行为,同时也有利于企业探寻可行的对策提升持续捐赠的回报。  相似文献   
美国加州大学系统捐赠基金运作实践及启示   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文介绍了加州大学系统在捐赠筹措、管理、投资经营、收入使用等方面的总体经验,重点介绍其三类投资基金的运作和绩效,并结合我国大学捐赠资金运作现状提出几点建议.  相似文献   
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