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关于赃子>郭注与向注的关系,目前"扬弃说"占绝对优势.为了证明"述而广"义的合法性,扬弃论者从剽窃论者所据史料的可疑性、向郭两注版本的异同、向郭两注文义的异同、向郭其他著作与今本<庄子注>的对比、前人对向郭两注的态度等五个方面作了全面的论述,但是如果认真检讨一下,其论证、论据都是应当再作进一步斟酌的.郭象是否属盗窃关键在思想,在对向秀的哲学思想作出正确评价前,"向郭之争"恐怕是永远也不会结束的.  相似文献   
现代学人对王阳明的"无善无恶"说及其"四句教"诠释依然有所不同。大致可将其分为三类:一类是一体说,以唐君毅先生为代表;一类是两层说,以牟宗三先生为代表;一类为境界说,以陈来先生为代表。通过对这三类诠释进行述评,可以增进我们对阳明学说的理解。  相似文献   
王翠红 《天中学刊》2011,26(1):68-71
《奏弹刘整》一文体例奇特,不仅为散体,还夹杂着当时的方言口语。这种文体上的混乱皆因注家妄引本状、供词、吏议忝入正文所致。本文在比勘《文选集注》与诸后出刻本的基础上,依据《文选集注》中的陆善经注和编者案语,对《奏弹刘整》正文及李善注文旧貌作了一番复原工作,并探讨了其递变过程中的影响因素。  相似文献   
江州经学的崛起与兴盛,范宁在余杭、豫章的崇学敦教及其一以贯之的力批玄风、崇儒抑俗与忠而能犯的经学人格,使范宁<论语>注在玄、佛盛行的东晋经学中独树一帜.具体地说,范宁注文独有的特色就是在秉承儒经本旨、抱守汉儒尤其是郑玄朴实解经的基础上,兼容魏晋重义解的新学风:其既通训诂与尚音韵、考据;更重义解,通过义解来探求<论语>经文原意,发明先秦儒家的道德修身和伦理政治等孔门意旨.这与魏晋玄学<论语>注旨在借由义解而过分阐发三玄玄理,有很大的不同.  相似文献   
沈玉成先生的《左传译文》对于普及和宏扬祖国的传统文化功莫大焉。然而,书中也存在着一些明显的错误和漏洞。今举其典型,连缀成文,以期起到拾遗补缺的作用。  相似文献   
《风俗通义》中的某些篇章已经具备了志人小说和志怪小说的显著特征,两汉时期小说之所以能够产生,志怪小说、志人小说之所以都取得了相应的发展,与两汉杂史别传的发展是分不开的,《风俗通义》可作为其中的一个代表.这使《风俗通义》在文学史上、小说史上都具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
Human interpretation of images during image annotation is complicated, but most existing interactive image annotation systems are generally operated based on social tagging, while ignoring that tags are insufficient to convey image semantics. Hence, it is critical to study the nature of image annotation behaviors and process. This study investigated annotation tactics, transitions, strategies and their efficiency during the image annotation process. A total of 90 participants were recruited to annotate nine pictures in three emotional dimensions with three interactive annotation methods. Data collected from annotation logs and verbal protocols were analyzed by applying both qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings of this study show that the cognitive process of human interpretation of images is rather complex, which reveals a probable bias in research involving image relevance feedback. Participants preferred applying scroll bar (Scr) and image comparison (Cim) tactics comparing with rating tactic (Val), and they did fewer fine tuning activities, which reflects the influence of perceptual level and users’ cognitive load during image annotation. Annotation tactic transition analysis showed that Cim was more likely to be adopted at the beginning of each phase, and the most remarkable transition was from Cim to Scr. By applying sequence analysis, the authors found 10 most commonly used sequences representing four types of annotation strategies, including Single tactic strategy, Tactic combination strategy, Fix mode strategy and Shift mode strategy. Furthermore, two patterns, “quarter decreasing” and “transition cost,” were identified based on time data, and both multiple tactics (e.g., the combination of Cim and Scr) and fine tuning activities were recognized as efficient tactic applications. Annotation patterns found in this study suggest more research needs to be done considering the need for multi-interactive methods and their influence. The findings of this study generated detailed and useful guidance for the interactive design in image annotation systems, including recommending efficient tactic applications in different phases, highlighting the most frequently applied tactics and transitions, and avoiding unnecessary transitions.  相似文献   
1992年,开始动意编写《历代赋评注》,到2010年出版,这期间发生了很多令人不愉快的事。但是这期间辞赋研究却有很多成果出版,给这部大书的编写和修改提供了很大的帮助。虽然这部书出版较晚,其首创的价值打了折扣,但这部书收录的作品之多,评注之详是其他很多选本不具备的,应该有一定的学术价值。  相似文献   
苏词研究是近世以来中国古代文学研究的热门话题,其中有关苏轼词集的编刻整理累计有二十余种。由张志烈、马德富、周裕锴主编的《苏轼全集校注·苏轼词集校注》,在参考传世苏词各重要版本和近期学术界研究成果的基础上,对苏轼词集作校勘、注释、编年、集评、辨疑等文献整理工作,在各个领域均进行了新的探索。撮其要者,在以下三个方面最为突出,这就是:意象词旨的深微探析、编年本事的精细考订、词语注释的准确追寻。  相似文献   
王夫之的《楚辞通释》是其研究《楚辞》的力作,王夫之对《楚辞》的训释多有独到的视野,是《楚辞》研究的宝贵财富,文章选择数则与王逸注进行比较,从而可以窥见王夫之《楚辞》研究的成就。  相似文献   
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