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以往对民国初年省制改革的研究,大多拘泥于机构设置的现代化或军民分治、缩小省区等枝节性问题,因而不能正确认识改革的意义与失败的原因。事实上,那场改革的核心内容与重要意义在于对各省与中央的关系及省之行政运作的探讨:省制改革草案的设计不仅考虑到中央对各省的控制和各省对中央的制衡,还考虑到省之自治行政与官治行政的区别与联系,并试图对二者的运作做出合理的安排。但是由于时局、民众的心理传统和自治能力的限制,这些有益的探讨皆未能落到实处,致使如何安排各省与中央的关系以及省之行政运作这两个问题遗留下来,仍成为当前省制改革的核心内容。  相似文献   
The culture of schooling in the United States has become increasingly focused on outwardly proving student competence. Some achievement goal theorists suggest that a major casualty of performance-oriented classroom environments may be student motivation for developing and improving competence. The present study extends across theoretical frameworks of motivation to highlight student perceptions of contextual variables that may mitigate or “buffer” the negative relationship between a perceived performance-oriented classroom goal structure and mastery goals. Survey data were collected from 178 high school students in 15 mathematics classes. Multilevel modeling was used to test student perceptions of three contextual buffers: classroom community, teacher’s autonomy support, and a mastery classroom goal structure. Two significant interactions revealed that classroom community and autonomy support erased the negative effect of a perceived performance classroom goal structure. Results provide practitioners with tools for counteracting potential negative implications of emphasizing performance in the classroom.  相似文献   
大学自治是几百年来一直被西方奉为圭臬的大学基本理念。自中世纪以来,法国大学的自治历史可以分为三个阶段,即中世纪巴黎大学自治历史,中央集权制下的自治历史,"五月风暴"后的自治历史。从法国大学自治历史进程的分析中可以得出如下结论:控制与反控制是大学自治的主题;通过法律形式保障大学自治;教授会在大学自治中发挥重要作用,建立行政契约制度是大学取得自主权的有效途径。  相似文献   
远程课程的设置与学生自主学习能力的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006/2007学年,法国Stendhal大学远程语言开放课程项目小组编制和实施了一个专门为提高学生汉语听力理解能力的混合课程.为了解该混合课程中远程部分的课科设置对学生自主学习能力的发展是否有影响、有什么样的影响、还存在哪些问题及如何解决这些问题等,我们于2008年10月开始进行了一次混合课程实验,实验采用集体讨论法和问卷调查法,对12名学生进行了研究.研究发现,通过对该混合课程的学习,学生在技术领域、信息领域、方法领域、社会领域、认知领域、元认知领域、心理情感领域等方面的自主学习能力都有不用程度的发展.领域不用,发展的程度也大不相同,一些学生在技术领域、信息领域、方法领域的进步远远大于在认知领域和心理情感领域的进步,而社会领域的自主学习能力发展最为薄弱,在远程平台上几乎没有学生间的互动.为提高学生的远程互动,课程设计者必须意识到团队任务的重要性并能够适当地在课程中予以引入.  相似文献   
This study examined 126 students' (14–16 years of age; 66 females) perceptions of self-disclosure to their mothers with respect to their mistakes in class activities. Specifically, we hypothesized that self-disclosure would predict adolescents' ability to learn from mistakes they made in classroom tasks. In addition, we hypothesized that perceived mothers' love withdrawal would correlate negatively with adolescents' self-disclosure, whereas perceived autonomy support would correlate positively with self-disclosure. Further, we hypothesized that the effect of mothers' parenting practices on adolescents' ability to learn from their mistakes would be mediated by adolescents' self-disclosure of their school experiences. Results, using SEM analyses, showed the importance of mothers' autonomy support for adolescents' self-disclosure and learning from their mistakes in classroom tasks.  相似文献   
Academic training, where senior scientists transfer their knowledge and skills to junior scientists through apprenticeship, plays a crucial role in the development of scientists. This study focuses on two aspects of academic training, autonomy and exploration, to investigate how different modes of training are incentivized and how they affect junior scientists’ performance and career prospects. Drawing on a sample of 162 supervising professors and their 791 PhD students in life science labs in Japanese universities, this study suggests two fundamental conflicts in academic training. First, autonomy granted to PhD students under apprenticeship improves their long-term performance but decreases short-term performance. Because the latter effect costs supervisors, while the former does not benefit them in general, this inter-temporal tradeoff creates an incentive conflict between supervisors and students, inducing non-autonomous training. The short-term cost for supervisors can be compensated in the form of labor input or reputation gain from previous students in the long term, but this typically happens when students are trained with limited scope of exploration, which hinders the originality of students’ knowledge production. This reduces the diversity of knowledge production, presenting another incentive conflict between individual scientists and the collective scientific community.  相似文献   
综合运用了比较分析方法、历史考察方法、价值分析方法、系统论方法等法学方法依次阐明对流质契约的一般分析,检讨我国流质契约禁止主义说的主要观点,论证解禁流质契约的科学合理性,探讨我国流质契约制度重构的路径选择,以期对发展和完善《物权法》以及对我国民法典的制定有所裨益。  相似文献   
布鲁贝克是20世纪美国著名的高等教育研究专家,其著作《高等教育哲学》是西方第一部以高等教育哲学为书名的专著。在这部作品中,布鲁贝克论述了学院或大学的一个重要传统——学术自治,他从哲学的高度出发,指出学术自治并不是无限度的。通过分析布鲁贝克关于学术自治及其限度,以及学术自治和集体谈判、学术自治和学生参与的关系,对《高等教育哲学》进行了解读。通过对学术自治的解读,能更清晰地了解高等教育的运行规律。  相似文献   
This study investigated students’ activating positive affective experiences in mathematics lessons, their antecedents, their cognitive and motivational consequences, as well as their effect on achievement. The participants were 682 Grade 8 and 9 students from 37 classes from Germany and Switzerland who participated in a video study of lessons on the Pythagorean theorem. Control and value beliefs as well as autonomy support proved to be relevant predictors of positive affective experiences. Moreover, positive affective experiences were associated with more cognitive activity during the lessons, which for its part predicted achievement in the posttest. In a follow-up test, there was also an indirect effect of positive affective experiences on achievement, mediated by cognitive activity and expectancy of success.  相似文献   
论开放大学的法律地位及其办学自主权的法律保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据我国《高等教育法》规定,高等学校应当依法设立,具有独立法人资格,拥有办学自主权。上海开放大学从成立之日起,就面临法律地位的困境。上海开放大学“身份认定”缺失,虽称为“开放大学”,但其“身份”没有发生实质性的改变,还不是真正意义上的开放大学。建设缺乏法律保障的开放大学,不仅严重制约我国开放大学的发展,也严重影响我国终身教育的推进。这与国际开放大学的发展趋势极其不适应。因此,依据相关法规.以法律文本形式明确开放大学独立高等教育学校法人地位和办法体制,从而将其纳入我国高等教育体系和范畴,保障办学自主权,实在是势在必行。  相似文献   
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