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In the past four decades much research has gone into the use of rewards in education yet little attention has been given to the use of rewards from the perspective of teachers. This mixed method study examined how elementary school teachers define and use rewards in their classrooms and how various motivational constructs such as goal orientation, self-efficacy, and autonomy relate to teachers' use of rewards. Results revealed that all teachers in our sample use some form of rewards in their classrooms and the majority use some form of tangible rewards. Rewards were most frequently given for behaviour management, but there was a significant relationship between the use of rewards for behaviour and those given for academic achievement. Performance goal orientations for teaching were positively related to the use of tangible rewards and a higher degree of classroom control and negatively related to teacher self-efficacy. When asked to report on the appropriateness of using rewards in the classroom only one-third of the teachers reported that they should be used conditionally.  相似文献   
科学史:学科独立与学术自主   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检视职业科学史家追求学术自主的历程,就所涉及的学科元问题以及学术纲领的重建问题,陈述见解。指出传统的学术自主概念是先天的、排他的,在日益开放的当代学术条件下,科学史家必须更新学术自主的概念,并通过深刻的历史反思、积极的史学实践探索和耐心的对话,扩展科学史的向度空间,推进综合科学史的发展,维护学科独立,追求学术自主。  相似文献   
近代科学的体制化是“实验型”科学知识生产制度及其意义不断展开的历史过程,也是科学的社会功能和文化价值不断被重新发现的过程。要深刻理解近代以来科学与文化的关系,必须从这个影响深远的历史进程出发。“求真知”的科研文化和“致实用”的功利主义科学价值观共同构成了近代科学体制化的必要条件。但在这两个文化要素之间存在着冲突,具体表现为科学的“功利性”和“自主性”之间的摩擦与对抗。  相似文献   
"承认"是德国古典哲学中的一个重要概念,它最初的理论形态是由费希特和黑格尔奠定的。随着近几十年来实践哲学的复兴,"承认"理论在当代语境中针对各种现实问题,发展出了不同的理论形态,主要包括:作为自主的个人之间相互尊重的承认理论,关于个体的身份或者本真性的承认理论,以及作为多元文化共同体之存在基础的承认理论。"承认"作为当代实践哲学的主要原则具有重要的现实意义,同时也有其局限性。  相似文献   
"以学生为中心,引导学生进行探求式学习,从而发展学生分析问题、解决问题等高级思维能力"是我国大学英语教学的最终目标。在实践中,其表现为学生自主性培养。国内外学者从不同角度对其进行探讨,但仅限于大学生或中小学生研究。本研究通过问卷调查高职学生的英语自主学习能力。结果表明,学生总体英语自主学习能力较低,尤其在目标计划制定、策略监控、学习过程监控三个方面。  相似文献   
私法自治理念是法理学、私法和公法的重要理念,本文从制度角度,对私法自治理念进行传统法和现代法解读,然后抽象到法理高度。概括出私法自治理念的传统法和现代法内涵。  相似文献   
政府简政放权、校级层面的学术治理机构设置与完善以及校院两级管理改革是高校学术自主权改革的三个主要路径。在前期研究的基础上,以这三个改革为主要内容,重新对高校办学自主权具体指标进行拆解和结构化,通过综合指数研究的方法,试图揭示改革开放四十年来我国高校办学自主权的变迁特征。研究结果表明:第一,总体上,随着政府不断简政放权,高校通过学术治理机构完善和具体学术决策权向学术权力的让渡,获得了越来越多的学术自主权,学校内部也呈现出越来明显的学术本位特征;第二,在学术自主权的变迁路径上,沿着先外部自主权后内部自主权、先“如何提供”的生产决策后“提供什么”的战略决策规律演进;第三,不同类型和不同层次高校的学术自主权也呈现一定差异性,其中部属高校和拥有博士学位授予权高校在学术自主权的增长中贡献了更多力量。  相似文献   
本文归纳了近年来日渐流行的建构主义理论,以其中的知识观,学习观,教学观,教学原则为理论基础,结合教学实践,探索在中学信息技术课程中如何改变传统教学模式,培养学生自主学习能力。  相似文献   
In recent years, democracies across the globe have seen an increase in the popularity and power of authoritarian, nationalist politicians, groups, and policies. In this climate, the proper role of education in liberal democratic society, and in particular its role in promoting characteristics like autonomy and open-mindedness, is contested. This paper engages this debate by exploring the concept of autonomy and the obligations of liberal democratic societies to promote it. Presenting the conditions for the exercise and development of autonomy, I argue that the intellectual virtue of open-mindedness is necessary (though not sufficient) for possession of the capacity for autonomy and the motivation to exercise this capacity. In considering the importance of autonomy in liberal democratic societies, I argue that education for autonomy and open-mindedness can be justified by appealing to several liberal democratic aims: ensuring fair opportunity in the pursuit of the good life and preparing students for citizenship in diverse society. My analysis of the relationship between autonomy and open-mindedness aims to contribute to the literature by identifying a conception of autonomy that explicitly acknowledges its connections to intellectual virtue, thus clarifying one aspect of its value and identifying an important component of education that supports autonomy.  相似文献   
鉴于当前教育改革引发的大班教学的现实以及自主学习理念的风行,计算机/网络化课堂教学以及其配套教材建设作为一种新的课堂教学模式迫在眉睫,对其进行研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。在中国石油大学(华东)大学一年级《大学英语》课程实验的基础上,该实证研究探讨外语教学中研发和使用计算机/网络教材的可行性及面临的问题。  相似文献   
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