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介绍一种具有非接触体温测量的新型多功能红外语音体温计。该体温计基于普朗克黑体辐射定律和高性能红外温度传感器,采用单片机数据处理和语音处理、LCD显示等技术,能够对体温进行有效准确的非接触测量。该体温计功耗低,测量速度快,并有年历、语音报温和报时,安全可靠,使用方便等特点,可广泛应用于日常保健及医学测试领域。  相似文献   
白花烤烟新品系大理一号(DL01)的特征特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DL01是大理州烟草公司烟叶技术中心种子站于2001年在弥渡县新街镇的云烟85良种田中选育出的变异株,经培育而成的烤烟新品系,其花色纯白.与当地主栽品种K326相比,DL01的苗期生长势、抗病性、产量、产值、外观质量、上等烟比例、烘烤特性、色素含量及年度间的稳定性等9个方面,均优于K326,具有更加优良的特性,值得生产中试用.  相似文献   
Automatic word spacing in Korean remains a significant task in natural language processing owing to the extremely complex word spacing rules involved. Most previous models remove all spaces in input sentences and insert new spaces in the modified input sentences. If input sentences include only a small number of spacing errors, the previous models often return sentences with even more spacing errors than the input sentences because they remove the correct spaces that were typed intentionally by the users. To reduce this problem, we propose an automatic word spacing model based on a neural network that effectively uses word spacing information from input sentences. The proposed model comprises a space insertion layer and a spacing-error correction layer. Using an approach similar to previous models, the space insertion layer inserts word spaces into input sentences from which all spaces have been removed. The spacing error correction layer post-corrects the spacing errors of the space insertion model using word spacing typed by users. Because the two layers are tightly connected in the proposed model, the backpropagation flows are not blocked. As a result, the space insertion and error correction are performed simultaneously. In experiments, the proposed model outperformed all compared models on all measures on the same test data. In addition, it exhibited reliable performance (word-unit F1-measures of 94.17%~97.87%) regardless of how many word spacing errors were present in the input sentences.  相似文献   
Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to predict the sentiment polarities of specific targets in a given text. Recent researches show great interest in modeling the target and context with attention network to obtain more effective feature representation for sentiment classification task. However, the use of an average vector of target for computing the attention score for context is unfair. Besides, the interaction mechanism is simple thus need to be further improved. To solve the above problems, this paper first proposes a coattention mechanism which models both target-level and context-level attention alternatively so as to focus on those key words of targets to learn more effective context representation. On this basis, we implement a Coattention-LSTM network which learns nonlinear representations of context and target simultaneously and can extracts more effective sentiment feature from coattention mechanism. Further, a Coattention-MemNet network which adopts a multiple-hops coattention mechanism is proposed to improve the sentiment classification result. Finally, we propose a new location weighted function which considers the location information to enhance the performance of coattention mechanism. Extensive experiments on two public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of all proposed methods, and our findings in the experiments provide new insight for future developments of using attention mechanism and deep neural network for aspect-based sentiment analysis.  相似文献   
介绍与实现了一种X波段宽带低噪声放大器(LNA)。该放大器选用NEC公司的低噪声放大管NE3210S01(HJFET),采用微带分支线匹配结构和两级级联的方式。利用ADS软件进行设计、优化和仿真。最后研制的放大器在10-13GHz范围内增益为(21.5±1)dB,噪声系数小于2 dB,驻波比小于1.8。  相似文献   
使用TCP/IP协议栈可以开发客户机和服务器应用程序,而通过参数调整可以进一步提高或限制Socket的性能。探索了4种获取基于TCP/IP应用程序的最大性能的方法,并论述了对GNU/Linux环境进行优化从而达到最好效果的方法。  相似文献   
介绍了一款新型的液晶显示器M zLH01-12864的功能配置、引脚功能等,并且结合凌阳单片机SPCE061A介绍了该显示器在单片机系统中的应用。  相似文献   
瞿秋白是集革命家、理论家、宣传家、文学家、诗人于一身的我党早期卓越领导人之一。秋白的旧体诗词意蕴深厚、意境醇雅、形式多样、古色古香,别具艺术审美价值。从对传统古典韵文接受生态之视角看,其旧体诗词,包括集句诗、活剥诗、打油诗等等,既有对于古典韵文外在形式的仿拟,又有对于古典韵文内在意境的汲取,内外结合,形神兼备,“采铜于山”,“自铸伟词”,水乳交融,出神入化,从而构成了秋白旧体诗词的真、善、美与雅、婉、秀兼容并茂的艺术审美特征。秋白旧体诗词之美,主要源于家乡贤哲的熏陶、书香门第的承传、勤学苦读的磨砺及其时代风云的激荡等因素。秋白旧体诗词,无愧为中国三千年诗歌花园中的一株艳丽夺目而雅婉凄关的奇葩。  相似文献   
本文从编程、数控系统、误操作、机床本身机械故障及坐标系五个方面分析了数控车床实训中容易出现的问题及解决方法。  相似文献   
为了解大学生网球教学比赛的负荷特征,探索HR(心率)和BSP(收缩压)、BDP(舒张压)在网球运动负荷监控研究中效用,通过实验观测了12名普通大学生在网球教学比赛中的HR和BSP、BDP变化情况,研究发现:大学生网球教学比赛后即刻平均心率HR为116.17±6.73bpm;赛中最大值心率HRmax只达到144bpm。HR可作为网球运动负荷监控的有效指标,而BSP、BDP的监控效用不明显。  相似文献   
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