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从《墙头马上》看白朴婚姻爱情观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以《墙头马上》为例,以作者生平和个性为起点,结合作品故事设置和人物分析,探寻作品成功的个人缘由和社会基础。从作品中可以看出作者诸多的人生理念与社会整体理念的纠葛与妥协,也能看出占社会主导地位的仕婚理念在作品中起到的巨大作用,从而让人们感受到藏于作品内的作者的性格与内心世界。  相似文献   
This article is focused on the partnership between the WA Museum Maritime History Department and Curtin University’s Information Studies Department on a retrospective digitisation project in 2012. The aim was to digitise the Welcome Wall project’s paper records and link these records to the museum’s online maritime history collection. The paper outlines and discusses the key business process questions that were considered prior and during the embarkation on the digitisation project. The conclusion shares lessons learnt from the project.  相似文献   
古燕南赵北地处由于太行山东麓诸水东注冀中凹陷形成的一系列淀泊洼地,它是以白洋淀-文安洼为核心的自然地理分界,进而对战国时期诸侯国势力范围的划分产生了深刻影响,燕南长城及此后长城堤的修筑印证这一事实;随着白洋淀区域气候等自然环境的变迁,战国时期燕南赵北划分的地理意义渐趋式微,燕南赵北间人为的在政权疆域上的划分失去意义,燕南长城实现了由堤防—长城—堤防的功能转化;燕赵文化的融合和逐渐成熟也正是在这一时期完成的。  相似文献   
汉长城预警体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉长城是一个集预警系统、驻军系统、屯田系统、后勤保障系统、邮传系统为一体的综合性防御体系。然而由于其防御对象——匈奴骑兵超强的机动性、灵活性,汉长城防御体系中预警系统的地位骤然上升,因为尽早发现匈奴人之动向,并做好防御准备是减少损失的最佳方法。汉长城预警体系的隶属关系为郡、都尉、候、部、燧;预警方式有战略预警与战术预警两个层次。  相似文献   
罗伯特·弗罗斯特的名诗《补墙》中充斥着许多不同的对立元素,如补墙与拆墙的对立,叙述者和邻居思想上的对立以及叙述者行为和心理的对立。这些对立元素的描写,使诗中的人物形象更生动,主题更鲜明,也使读者更清楚地了解了诗人的人生感悟。  相似文献   
长城是中国古代重要的军事防御工事,最初修筑,在于阻障在交通方面机动性甚强的北方草原民族的攻击。然而长城工程又导致了新的交通条件的完备。长城本身形成了特殊的交通带,同时亦促进了"北边"地方空间幅度十分宽广的交通体系。"关市"交通,"当路塞"的作用以及长城防线与内地的交通联系也值得重视。  相似文献   
This essay examines how news discourses of former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina shaped her professional persona throughout her tenure with the company. At a time when only eight out of the Fortune 500 companies had female CEOs, she was often identified as the most powerful female CEO in the United States. This high-profile position brought with it much media attention and focus on her gender, her performance, and her “visibility.” Through a Foucauldian analysis of The Wall Street Journal, I illustrate how Fiorina's public identity was shaped and disciplined through the popular press and explore the opportunities for resisting certain subject positions. This analysis reveals the complex relationships between organizations and broader social discourses that involve gendered workplaces, glass ceilings, and even the role of the visual in organizational life.  相似文献   
笔者在实验"长城汉语"多媒体教学模式的基础上,试图分析多媒体技术对第二语言(汉语)教学的影响,旨在与传统的教学模式相比较,重点总结"长城汉语"多媒体教学模式的特点及其优越性。  相似文献   
弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫在叙事艺术上超越传统的创新为20世纪的小说发展带来了巨大的变革。她独特的创作艺术在很大程度上依赖于逻辑严谨、考虑周密的叙事技巧。创作于1917年的短篇小说《墙上的斑点》,其实凝聚了她在聚焦视点、叙事距离、叙事中的标志性过渡、叙事分层、叙事声音等叙事技巧方面的深刻造诣。  相似文献   
During the early years after the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961, a number of smuggling operations from behind the Wall were executed, and the reports of them spread through the Western media. In the 1960s and early 1970s, the popular Swedish men’s magazines Lektyr and Fib Aktuellt published several exclusive photo reportages about such operations, providing Swedish readers with information about the East Germans’ desire to escape their country, and the West Germans’ willingness to assist. This article discusses the Swedish escape reports as examples of border crossing through their form as well as their content. It is analysed, how the escape reports published in Sweden both represented and generated border-crossing activity. The smuggling stories also illustrate the entangled character of popular print media: the travels of texts and pictures beyond national, cultural and lingual borders as well as travels between apposite publications. The material of the article consists of a total of ten reportages published in Lektyr and Fib Aktuellt between 1965–1966 and 1973.  相似文献   
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