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晚清,"以夷制夷"外交策略大致孕育于19世纪60年代到70年代,80年代正式形成,特别是在甲午战争期间,晚清政府秉承"以夷制夷"外交思想,采取了"联俄制日"外交,即利用俄国和日本在华利益冲突,使之彼此制约,以达到抵制日本侵略,保护自己的目的。但是,由于清政府的腐朽,"联俄制日"不仅没有达到"制日"的目的,反而为俄所用,同其签订了《中俄密约》,为俄国扩大在华侵略打开了方便之门。  相似文献   
林逋的隐逸是内心的归隐,是心灵的自由和淡泊,而不是割断与世事的一切联系。他的酬唱赠答诗和送别诗数量颇多,几占其诗作总量的一半。这些诗歌反映了诗人的人生观和世界观、悠然自得的生命本真状态、待人的热情与真诚,以及对历史、现实的思考和评论。  相似文献   
Whereas present theories of transformative learning tend to focus on the rational and reflective actor, in this article it is suggested that spontaneous action may play a decisive role in transformative learning too. In the spontaneity of action, novelty finds its way into life, gains momentum, is respected by others and reflected by the actor. Such transformation processes are investigated both with the means of theoretical reflection and of empirical inquiry. Based on nine narrative interviews typical phases of transformative learning processes are identified. Owing to the comparative nature of the study, it was also possible to develop an age-related typology that overlaps certain phases of the transformation process. These empirical findings constitute the background against which the nexus of spontaneous action and transformative learning is reflected theoretically. Theories drawn upon include John Dewey's Pragmatism and George Herbert Mead's Social Pragmatism. Both scholars provide rich theoretical concepts for reflecting on the nature of that what so often eludes from the control of both educators and learners: the spontaneity of the beginning.  相似文献   
在都市故事充斥影院的今天,《鸡犬不宁》则带着浓厚的河南腔走到了观众的面前。再现了社会转型时期人们为生活拚搏和事业追求所经历的困惑,反映了生活中平凡的人们面对转行、重新择业、中年婚姻危机等诸多人生问题。大红这个富有张力的人物形象,和周遭的人物相类比,作者用黑色幽默的表现手法创造出喜剧效果,让观众在喜剧背后读出深刻的悲剧含义。  相似文献   
我国改革开放以来,中国远程教育评估经历了学习国外经验的初期、探索研究的实践期、大范围评估的成熟期,中国远程教育评估在不同时期发挥了不同的历史作用。通过远程教育评估,远程教育的质量得到了社会的认可,验证了远程教育有较好的投资效益,促进了远程教育的持续发展。远程教育评估保证了教育质量,又为大众化高等教育的发展打下坚实基础。中国远程教育评估的发展变化对中国远程教育产生着深远的影响。研究远程教育评估的发展历史,可以看出,远程教育评估是一个年轻的有生气的事业,其活动日益广泛,成为国家办教育的一个组成部分。  相似文献   
王阳明“知行合一”学说发展的三个阶段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王阳明的“知行合一”学说可分渐次深入、不断成熟的三个发展阶段,不仅每一发展阶段有一典型事件作为标志,而且每个阶段有其自身的特点,值得人们去探索和了解。  相似文献   
采用水蒸气蒸馏法分别从甘肃省兰州市的榆中、七里河、西固不同产地百合中提取挥发油.用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对其挥发油中的化学成分进行分离和结构鉴定,并运用气相色谱峰面积归一法,确定所鉴定出的化合物峰面积相对含量约占挥发油总量.结果显示,不同产地兰州百合挥发油的成分和含量存在一定差异,榆中百合挥发油共鉴定出23种化合物;七里河百合挥发油共鉴定出1 0种化合物;西固百合挥发油共鉴定出54种化合物.  相似文献   
local government authorities (LGAs) are organised around operational structures with business processes spanning within departments and across other government organisations. In such an organisational setting, the harmonisation of Information Technology (IT) operations, integration of cross-departmental processes and the underlying Information Systems (IS) signifies a challenge in delivering integrated services. This paper attempts to explore enterprise application integration (EAI) adoption in the UK local government authorities (LGAs). Despite the hype of EAI adoption in private domain, its application in LGAs is inadequate as there is a lack of adoption models/frameworks that can be used by the public sector. The context of the study is to consider the transformation of IT infrastructure management and operations with EAI technologies. The empirical findings, generated through a detailed case analysis, manifestly exemplify that EAI predominantly acts as a ‘back-office’ technology that facilitates operations by developing a flexible and maintainable integrated IT infrastructure. Our proposed framework is believed to be imperative and unique as it provides a more systematic way to examine the adoption of integration technologies, extends the established norms for EAI adoption by utilising a prioritisation technique to classify the importance of factors. The contribution of the research extends the literature on EAI and identifies theoretical and practical opportunities that facilitate LGAs in their decision-making process to produce more robust proposals for EAI adoption.  相似文献   
本文对完善担保法律制度的几个问题进行了探讨 ,提高我国《担保法》不应将具有代位清偿能力作为保证人的资格要件 ;当事人对保证方式没有约定或约定不明确的 ,应当按照一般保证承担保证责任 ;人民法院受理破产案件后 ,债权人未申报债权的 ,保证人不再承担保证责任 ;抵押人所担保的债权可以超出其抵押物的价值 ,在抵押物的同一价值上可以设立重复抵押。  相似文献   
全面建设小康社会对公平和效率的选择是总量和个量、经济公平和社会公平、扩“中”,和保“低”的统一。为此,必须以财产制度的持续创新确保“效率优先”;必须以健全的稳定机制实现公平,这是全面建设小康社会的重大理论和实践课题。  相似文献   
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