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《儒林外史》是一部儒士小说,但同时也建构了一个武侠的群体,由作者对武侠的激赏可见他是有意为之。从作者对武侠的描写透视《儒林外史》群侠的特点及其生成原因,在此基础上分析书中武侠描写的文化蕴涵:作者在《儒林外史》中用心雕塑武侠群像,既是集体心理治疗的一种体现,更是重塑士精神、重构士群体的一种尝试。吴敬梓希冀以勇武、正义、慷慨的侠气警醒、救赎儒士阶层,促使其摆脱衰迈之气,奋发有为,从而创造清明安乐的理想社会。武侠群像在小说中不是可有可无,而是大有深意及作用。  相似文献   
原型范畴理论是认知语言学的重要内容之一。本文运用原型范畴理论从语音、语法、词汇层面分析了澳大利亚英语与标准英国英语的差异。作为英语的一种地域性变体,澳大利亚英语是基于英国英语,并融合土著语及移民语言而形成的一门综合性的语言。研究和学习澳大利亚英语,对于改进我国的外语教学及提高学生的跨文化交际能力具有重要作用。  相似文献   
在英国东印度公司对华茶叶贸易史上,港脚贸易扮演着特殊而重要的角色,它们之间既有相辅相成、互相促进发展的一面,又存在相互排斥、彼此竞争的关系.在历史推进的过程中,英国对华贸易的两大商业势力之间的矛盾日益尖锐,相互排斥的一面逐渐占据了上风.  相似文献   

In May 1857, a number of battalions in the Bengal army of the East India Company rebelled against their immediate British officers and the British administration in the North Western Provinces (NWP), Oudh and Bihar. The protracted conflict that stretched over a year was extremely violent, killed thousands of British officers and civilians and provoked an equally ruthless suppression. It ended the Company’s rule and the British Crown assumed administration in 1858. Even before the end of the conflict, the British elites such as former governor of the NWP George Russell Clerk and former Governor-General of India Ellenborough argued that English education was responsible for the revolt. They also listed the missionary schools and girls’ education as the leading causes. This paper attempts to examine the educational policies prior to the revolt and the condition of schools during the revolt, as well as the historical validity of the arguments put forth by Clerk and Ellenborough.  相似文献   
晚唐五代著名诗僧贯休一生游历四方,交游众广。他的足迹几乎遍及整个中国南方,和他交游往来的有数十人之众。其中又以诗人文士居多。  相似文献   
美国革命以后 ,英国政府从美国革命中吸取教训 ,对其帝国政策进行了调整。英国工业革命的发展 ,对外贸易变得越来越重要 ,成了英国经济的生命线。英国政府及国内民众的帝国观念也发生了很大变化 ,英国已经对拓殖新的殖民地不感兴趣 ,英国此时强调的是占据贸易商埠及战略基地  相似文献   
维多利亚时期是一个女性犯罪十分突出时代,特别是以醉酒和卖淫为代表的道德犯罪更是占了相当的比例。然而,在这一时期,酗酒和卖淫之所以遭受到强烈的谴责,并不仅仅在于她们违背了法律,更重要的是违背了社会对她们的角色期待,违背了当时占主流的中产阶级妇女观。本文试图通过对这一时期女性道德犯罪现象的描述来探讨中产阶级妇女观究竟在多大程度上影响了社会对待女醉鬼和妓女们的态度。  相似文献   
In much of the educational literature, researchers make little distinction between African-American students and students of the African Diaspora who immigrated to the United States. Failing to describe these salient student differences serves to perpetuate an inaccurate view of African-American school life. In today’s large cities, students of the African Diaspora are frequently learning science in settings that are devoid of the resources and tools to fully support their success. While much of the scholarship unites these disparate groups, this article details the distinctive learning culture created when students from several groups of the African Diaspora learn biology together in a Brooklyn Suspension Center. Specifically this work explains how one student, Gabriel, functions in a biology class. A self-described black-Panamanian, Gabriel had tacitly resigned to not learning science, which then, in effect, precluded him from any further associated courses of study in science, and may have excluded him from the possibility of a science related career. This ethnography follows Gabriel’s science learning as he engaged in cogenerative dialogue with teachers to create aligned learning and teaching practices. During the 5 months of this research, Gabriel drew upon his unique lifeworld and the depth of his hybridized cultural identity to produce limited, but nonetheless important demonstrations of science. Coexistent with his involvement in cogenerative dialogue, Gabriel helped to construct many classroom practices that supported a dynamic learning environment which produced small yet concrete examples of standards based biology. This study supports further investigation by the science education community to consider ways that students’ lifeworld experiences can serve to structure and transform the urban science classroom.
Ed LehnerEmail:
2008年北京奥运会之后,各国体操队均面临着队伍的调整和人员更新问题,中国男队同样以年轻队员为主,进行重新定位。因此,2010年荷兰体操世锦赛团体冠军,成为人们公认的中、日之争。比赛结果是中国团队以总分274.997分,仅以1.228分的微小优势赢得比赛,原因应归结为中国团队以隐现亮点,主动出击而智取日本队。  相似文献   
大卫.帕金翰是英国著名的媒介教育思想家,他在基于历史事实和时代发展状况的基础上,对英国媒介教育中的传统保护主义进行了诊断,指出"童年之死"是传统保护主义的最大恶果,并就此提出了"超越保护主义"的思想观点。在"超越保护主义"的设计上,帕金翰要求为儿童赋权,使媒介回归现实世界,成为可自主支配的教育资源。  相似文献   
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