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河南打造内陆开放高地的思考与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加快形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局,努力把河南打造成名副其实的内陆开放高地,是“十二五”时期河南开放型经济发展的重要目标,也是加快中原经济区建设的重要战略支撑。经过“十一五”时期的努力,目前河南开放型经济发展已经取得了显著成效,具备了建设内陆开放高地的多方面的优势,还应该在进一步提高招商引资质量、着力环境优化、破解“瓶颈”制约、拉长短板、“五外”互动、借鉴其他地区打造内陆开放高地的经验等方面进一步采取有效措施。  相似文献   
颍川郡由于地处中原,春秋战国时期经济发展,思想文化发达,自秦置郡以来,本地的豪族势力得到迅速发展,并逐渐士族化和官僚化。汉魏之际颍川郡人才辈出,名动古今,在中国历史的天空划下浓浓的一笔。颍川郡之所以会出现如此多的奇士,其根本原因在于颍川郡豪族众多,为多奇士现象的出现创造了一系列条件。  相似文献   
高黎贡山中部非主体多民族共生现象的形成是一个复杂而漫长的过程。通过对历史文献资料和田野调查资料的分析总结,我们认为首先是因为在历史上的民族迁徙中高黎贡山作为迁徙的“走廊”,以及躲避战乱的“世外桃源”和边疆开发的结果,使这里呈现了多民族共生的局面。但不同于云南其它地方的是呈现一种主体民族与多种较少民族共生的格局。高黎贡山中部因为复杂的地形特征和垂直分布的气候带,各民族原有的民族生态属性使他们寻找到了各自独特的生存空间,长期独立共存,并由此形成了各具特色的小区域族文化。  相似文献   
从《诗经》开始,“曰归曰归”的呼唤就不绝于耳。公元三世纪初到六世纪末的魏晋六朝时期,凄美的思乡情绪更加泛滥。它既源于当时剧烈动荡的社会环境下恋土情结、宗法人伦等因素对魏晋人的影响,也与当时以悲为美的审美风尚密切相关。这种思乡情愫的勃发,蕴含着独特的精神价值。  相似文献   
中央苏区小学教育是中央苏区苏维埃革命工作的重要组成部分。中央苏区小学教育的成就主要表现在:涤清错误思想的影响,坚持小学教育的导向性;加强立法工作,重视小学教育的法规性;坚持群众路线,体现小学教育的群众性;积极创造办学条件,确保小学教育的长效性;理论联系实际,注重小学教育的实践性。  相似文献   
Universities may contribute to a nation’s social cohesion through both direct and indirect means. In their syllabi they may include techniques necessary for understanding complex social problems. Faculty may model good behaviour in terms of listening and understanding points of view that may contradict their own. University administrators may illustrate ways to lead honourably, which can enhance the chances for achieving consensus with respect to future dilemmas. This project assessed typical areas of university tension, including academic freedom, equity of participation and academic honesty. Three different universities were chosen as sites for faculty interviews—a foreign private university in Kyrgyzstan, a flagship state university in Georgia, and a regional teacher training college recently upgraded to university status in Northeast Kazakhstan. Results suggest that the single most important arena wherein universities can influence social cohesion in these countries is the manner by which they address education corruption. The paper reproduces the statements of those faculty members who participate in corruption as well as those who refuse to participate. It concludes with some predictions about the future of the relationship of higher education to social cohesion.
Stephen P. HeynemanEmail:

Stephen P. Heyneman   received his PhD in comparative education from the University of Chicago in 1976. He served the World Bank for 22 years. Between 1976 and 1984 he helped research education quality and design policies to support educational effectiveness. Between 1984 and 1989 he was in charge of external training for senior officials world wide in education policy. Between 1989 and 1998, he was responsible for education policy and lending strategy, first for the Middle East and North Africa and later for the 27 countries of Europe and Central Asia. In July 2000 he was appointed professor of International Education Policy at Vanderbilt University. Current interests include the effect of higher education on social cohesion, the international trade in education services and the economic and social cost to higher education corruption.  相似文献   
公安派形成时间和原因的考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公安派形成的时间和原因向无定说。该文认为,公安派的形成时间是袁宏道吏吴和解官期间。形成的原因除了袁宏道个人的性格、胆识和才力等作家主体因素外,重要的还有两点:一是宏道周围的一批志同道合者;二是吴中地区的特殊社会环境与文化传统的影响。  相似文献   
This policy brief developed by the European Expert Group on Sexuality Education provides an overview of key issues in sexuality education. It focuses primarily on sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia but is also relevant to countries outside of these regions.  相似文献   
从公元前200年左右匈奴冒顿单于首次统一大漠游牧区、公元前100年左右汉武帝首次统一农耕区到1820年"中国"疆域最终底定,是一个渐进的过程。在此期间,匈奴、鲜卑、柔然、突厥、回纥、契丹、蒙古等北方游牧民族先后建立了若干个汗朝,它们或与中原王朝遥遥相对,或进入中原立国,或一统天下,既开创了古代中国长达一千数百年南北朝格局,亦肇始统一大漠与泛农耕地带或一统整个中国陆疆的伟业。"大漠游牧文明板块"在中国疆域形成过程中,有着不可替代的作用,具有不可或缺的地位。  相似文献   
Based on teaching practice and guided by basic socialinguisitc theories,this paper views Chinese teaching to overseas students from Central Asian countries in Xinjiang from a socialinguistic perspective.It discusses langauge contact,language variation and crosscullture and holds that there is a close connection between teaching Chinese to foriegn students and socialinguistics.  相似文献   
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