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The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires states to establish accountability systems that are both valid and reliable. If one follows the language of the law literally, there is no design that will meet both requirements. If one interprets the law more flexibly, it is possible to create such a design. States will need to approach the problem carefully if they are going to appropriately balance the various probabilities of making incorrect decisions about schools.  相似文献   
“九子鞭”与“莲花落”是土家族同一类型但不同性质、不同风格的曲艺形式。部分学者认为,土家族民间曲艺“九子鞭”就是“莲花落”,流行时间是宋代,它不是土家族创造的而历来为乞儿们所演唱等。笔者认为这些学者弄错了土家族民间曲艺的基本概念.混淆了土家族两种不同性质、不同风格的曲艺形式,导致了关于土家族“九予鞭”起源时间、功能以及引证资料等方面的错误。笔者在实际调查的基础上,运用民俗学、民族学、历史学、音乐学、文献学等相关学科理论对此予以辨正,将“九子鞭”与“莲花落”作对比研究。  相似文献   

The family is the fundamental unit in society and perhaps the oldest and most important of all human institutions. Several studies have indicated a positive correlation between strong, successful families and family participation in outdoor recreational activities. This paper addresses the role of structured outdoor recreation programming in family enrichment. Findings from two studies based in the United States are presented: one on the effect of a one-day family outdoor adventure program on parental and child perceptions of family functioning and the other from a qualitative inquiry into the meaning of family residential camping experiences. The first study collected both quantitative and qualitative data from 24 families who participated in an 8-hour outdoor adventure program. The second study utilized structured interviews with 11 families participating in a residential camp experience. Findings from both studies demonstrate that structured outdoor family recreation programming has a strong positive relationship with family strength. Furthermore, findings indicate that the type of outdoor adventure activities being used in the treatment of dysfunctional and maladaptive families is also effective in providing family enrichment experiences.  相似文献   
日本新世纪文学与二次世界大战密切相关,但是其主题既不是反对侵略战争,也不是反对战败,而是从人道主义的立场出发,对整个世界大战进行反思,描写战争的残酷,战时经济困乏以及给普通民众造成的感情扭曲等的心理创伤。作品中都或多或少地流露出反战、厌战的思想意识,其中既有深层次的社会、政治、思想、文化等方面的原因,也与作家的个人体验密切相关。日本反战文学主要包括两个内容;一是对战争的揭露,二是对核战争的反对。纵观日本二战后的文坛,无论从数量上或质量上说,这一意义上的反战文学一直占主导地位。日本新世纪文学是从反战文学起步的。但是也毋庸讳言,由于战前的错误教育和舆论导向,日本人和日本作家对日本军国主义者发动的这场侵略战争的认识和态度不尽一致,所以日本当代反战文学并不是清一色的反对侵略战争的文学,也存在打着反战的旗号为军国主义分子招魂和美化侵略战争的所谓反战文学。二者针锋相对、壁垒分明。,我们期待着日本作家能从加害者的角度,从整体上,从广阔的文化背景上,探讨和剖析这场浩劫的内在原因;如能对这场战争的帝国主义性质给予必要的批判,将具有更加发人深省的影响和巨大推动力量。倘若如此。这必将是世界爱好和平人民的福音。  相似文献   
托马斯·沃尔夫(1900—1938)是20世纪二三十年代活跃在美国文坛的著名小说家。他的作品选材切近生活,风格朴实奔放、抒情色彩浓郁,以暗示和象征的手法感染读者。虽然他的很多作品以情感旋律作为内在的结构,具有很强的抒情性,但他毕竟是一位现实主义小说家,现实主义的创作手法在其小说中随处可见。短篇小说《虎种》以纯真与邪恶的完美统一反映了20世纪初美国的种族问题,揭示了美国黑人在种族歧视的压力之下,走上毁灭道路的过程。作者用洗练的笔法,写出了美国社会在繁荣外表下隐藏的社会危机,以及作者对世界、人类本身的思考。  相似文献   
从冥想的一般领域切入,探讨了在儿童范畴内冥想的支持理论,在总结前人对儿童冥想研究的基础上,提出几点建议.  相似文献   
This article presents findings of a state-wide trauma informed child-welfare initiative with the goal of improving well-being, permanency and maltreatment outcomes for traumatized children. The Massachuetts Child Trauma Project (MCTP), funded by the Administration of Children and Families, Children’s Bureau was a multi-year project implementing trauma-informed care into child welfare service delivery. The project’s implementation design included training and consultation for mental health providers in three evidence-based treatments and training of the child-welfare workforce in trauma-informed case work practice. The learning was integrated between child-welfare and mental health with Trauma Informed Leadership Teams which included leaders from both systems and the greater community. These teams developed incremental steps toward trauma-informed system improvement. This study evaluated whether MCTP was associated with reductions in child abuse and neglect, improvements in placement stability, and higher rates of permanency during the first year of implementation. Children in the intervention group had fewer total substantiated reports of maltreatment, including less physical abuse and neglect than the comparison group by the end of the intervention year. However, children in the intervention group had more maltreatment reports (substantiated or not) and total out-of-home placements than did their counterparts in the comparison group. Assignment to MCTP, however, was not associated with an increase in kinship care or adoption. Overall, the results are promising in reinforcing the importance of mobilizing communities toward improvements in child-welfare service delivery.  相似文献   
Relying on data from a nationally representative sample of youth involved in the child welfare system (CWS) in 1999–2000 (the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, Cohort 1) and 2008–2009 (Cohort 2), this study implemented a diverse set of disparity indicators to estimate area-socioeconomic disparities in mental health (MH) services use and changes in area-socioeconomic disparities between the two cohorts. Our study found that there are area-socioeconomic disparities in MH service use, indicating that the rates of MH service use among youth referred to the CWS differ by area-socioeconomic positions defined by county-level poverty rates. We also found that area-socioeconomic disparities increased over time. However, the magnitude of the increase varied widely across disparity measures, suggesting that there are different conclusions about the trend and magnitude of area-socioeconomic disparities, depending upon which disparity measures are implemented. A greater understanding of the methodological differences among disparity measures is warranted, which will in turn impact how interventions are designed to reduce socioeconomic disparities among children in the CWS.  相似文献   
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