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To increase participation of students of color in science graduate programs, research has focused on illuminating student experiences to inform ways to improve them. In biology, Black students are vastly underrepresented, and while religion has been shown to be a particularly important form of cultural wealth for Black students, Christianity is stigmatized in biology. Very few studies have explored the intersection of race/ethnicity and Christianity for Black students in biology where there is high documented tension between religion and science. Since graduate school is important for socialization and Black students are likely to experience stigmatization of their racial and religious identity, it is important to understand their experiences and how we might be able to improve them. Thus, we interviewed 13 Black Christian students enrolled in biology graduate programs and explored their experiences using the theoretical lens of stigmatized identities. Through thematic content analysis, we revealed that students negotiated experiences of cultural isolation, devaluation of intelligence, and acts of bias like other racially minoritized students in science. However, by examining these experiences at the intersection of race/ethnicity and religion, we shed light on interactions students have had with faculty and peers within the biology community that cultivated perceptions of mistrust, conflict, and stigma. Our study also revealed ways in which students' religious/spiritual capital has positively supported their navigation through biology graduate school. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of why Black Christian graduate students are more likely to leave or not pursue advanced degrees in biology with implications for research and practice that help facilitate their success.  相似文献   
This paper asserts that the religious assumptions of Christian academies need to be fully examined in relation to any analysis of their cultural practices, impact or policy implications. It proposes that Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, cultural capital and symbolic power can be broadened out from their traditional use in accounting for social positioning in order to explore the interaction of religious faith and institutional culture. The emergent analytical framework outlined relies on series of theoretical tools drawn from Bourdieu whose social theory and concepts are already employed extensively in sociology of education research and studies of religion.  相似文献   
戊戌维新变法前后,基督教新教传教士看到晚清政府准备推行教育改革,设计了系统的教育变革方案,并积极上书晚清政府.其设计主要包括教育管理体制、学校系统和教学内容等方面,其内容在迎合中国士大夫传统思想的同时,体现出近代教育的要求,其目的则在于获取中国新式教育的领导权.  相似文献   
This article argues that Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials may be read as a series which attempts to assault the Christian doctrine of God. We believe that this demonstrably accords with Pullman’s personal views, and that, through his story, he seeks to foster such views in his readership. However, the accuracy of his attack falls short of its intended mark when it is examined alongside classical Christian theology. The Authority which Pullman’s narrative destroys is actually more akin to the Christian view of the devil than he is the divine, and the victories of Will and Lyra—as a new Adam and Eve—have strong resemblances to the victories which Christianity claims for Christ and Mary. Pullman’s narrative, therefore, becomes an inversion of his deicidal intention rather than an inverting and revolutionary destruction of theology.
Jonathan PadleyEmail:
在洋务运动中,译书成为洋务派的主要事业之一。但是中国境内的传教士是译书的主力。传教士的译书一方面满足洋务学堂的需要,一方面向社会发行,广泛传播了西学,促进了中国教科书的近代化,促进了洋务教育对民智启蒙作用,为洋务教育的深入开展奠定了社会基础,间接地加速了科举制度的解体。  相似文献   
以甘肃省农村某教会为例,对基督教徒的皈依历程及影响皈依的因素做了调查,研究结果表明:基督教皈依者的皈依历程较短,大部分在接触到基督教的最初一年里就皈依了基督教;影响个体皈依的因素中,首要的为神秘的宗教体验,其次为寻找精神慰藉及追求教义的真理启示;个体皈依之后,怀疑改变宗教信仰的倾向明显,保持基督教信仰的坚定性较弱。具体为皈依历程短暂的个体改变宗教信仰的倾向性较之经历了更长皈依历程的个体更高;具有开放的宗教怀疑和批评态度的个体,改变宗教信仰的倾向性更强。二者之间存在显著的正相关。  相似文献   
基督纪元体系包括两大部分 :“基督纪元”与“基督纪元前” ,该纪年体系从出现到最终形成经历了 10 0 0多年 ,与基督教史学由盛而衰的历程相应。基督教史学的历史年代体系一开始是以创世纪元为纪年基础的 ,作为最能够体现基督教史学特征的一种独特的纪年方法 ,基督纪元是随着基督教教徒“自觉意识”的提高而被提出、并随着基督教史学的日趋成熟而被确立起来的。基督纪元前是在基督教史学历史年代体系的危机日益加剧的情况下、作为一种辅助手段而被推广开来的 ,它的使用和推广方便了历史年代的标计、促进了对古代历史的研究 ,却加速了基督教史学的衰落  相似文献   
基督教伦理与王安忆小说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当下的文学写作普遍宣泄感官刺激,德性品质匮乏。出于对人的负罪意识匮乏的深层忧虑,王安忆吸收了西方基督教文化中有益的部分,在文本中通过唤醒国民的负罪意识,提出建立负罪感这样一种最低的伦理底线,来确保社会伦理的构筑与维系。其具有深刻的伦理意义的作品,让我们看到了中国人文知识分子忧国忧民的情怀。  相似文献   
东吴系女作家程育真是一名皈依基督的理想主义者,她一直试图在文本中建立一个充满平等博爱的"理想国",然而其温婉的风格一涉及现实的洪流便转为一种理想失落的感伤。整体上看,程育真的创作具有基督教的神性色彩。  相似文献   
在中国近代报刊发展史上,外国人的报刊尤其是来华传教士的教会报刊扮演了重要的角色。当传播活动发展为传播事业后,社会因素和社会力量对传播产生了重要影响。在华传播的教会报刊作为晚清时期"西学东渐"的重要传播载体,在传播教义和西学的同时,也要受到来自晚清社会各方面因素和力量的控制或影响。《万国公报》较好地应对了各种社会控制因素,在中国近代报刊史和西方文化传播史上都具有一定的特色。  相似文献   
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