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洪仁批驳了“异端杂教之邪说”,主张建立一个“新天新地新世界新人心”的俗厚风淳的社会,并把这一主张付诸实践。洪仁的反神秘文化观的理论渊源是基督教文化,带有十分浓厚的功利化色彩和实用性趋势,闪烁着近代科学的智慧之光,但又具有很大的局限性。  相似文献   
我国的人本管理思想深刻挖掘和发扬了传统文化中人本思想的特点和优势,形成了情理法三位一体的中国特色的人本管理模式。它按情理法的管理逻辑次序,创建一种和谐温馨充满活力的人际环境,产生人的自觉自愿的行为,以达到高效高产的社会效益。再加以法的合理保证,使人本管理体现出科学尺度与价值尺度相统一的特点。比起西方单一的以制度规章为基本的人本管理更人性化更科学。它代表着人本管理的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

This study employs multi-level linear statistical modelling to examine the power of school-level and individual-level factors to predict individual differences in scores recorded on the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity by 6,036 students (who self-identified as either Christian or no religion) in year-seven, year-eight, year-nine, year-ten, and year-eleven classes within 10 Christian ethos secondary schools. The data demonstrate the complex relationships between school admission policies, parental church attendance (PCA), and the students’ age and sex. Overall PCA emerges as a decisive factor in promoting a positive attitude toward Christianity among students. Christian ethos schools may wish to give greater attention to the importance of parental religiosity in maintaining the Christian ethos of these schools.  相似文献   
莱因霍尔德·尼布尔是美国最杰出的基督教神学家,也是新正统神学的代表人物.由于他与卡尔·巴特、爱弥尔·布鲁纳等人的共同努力,使以保罗、奥古斯丁、马丁·路德等为主要代表的基督教传统教义在一个充满危机的时代得以重新阐明,并能够与当代的先进知识分子对话.尼布尔本人所倡导的基督教现实主义是美国基督教伦理学的主导潮流,活动于这一时期的政治哲学家、伦理学家以及致力于正义实践的社会活动家无不深受此运动的影响.坚持个人道德和群体道德的严格区分是尼布尔对基督教伦理学的一大贡献,也是基督教现实主义的基本主张.这一区分标志着尼布尔与自由主义神学的分裂,也成为尼布尔批驳自由主义、和平主义等学说的理论依据.  相似文献   
莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》出版四百年来,经过成千上百万读者的“破译”与“求解”,夏洛克全身被贴满了贪婪、奸诈、重利盘剥、吝啬、刻薄、狠毒等数不完的标签。其实,夏洛克是反犹主义的牺牲品。他是一位单枪匹马同反犹主义者相对抗而又注定失败的孤独者,一个使人油然而生敬意的悲剧英雄。  相似文献   
女信徒形象是早期基督教时期极为常见的女性题材之一。借助于图像载体,一方面考察了女信徒形象的宗教和社会功能,是由于基督教倡导男女平等的思想,诞生初期的基督教得到了罗马社会中许多女性尤其是下层女性的追随;另一方面,比较出基督教后期存在的反女性的思想根源,是因为受到了犹太教的原罪思想和希腊化哲学的影响。  相似文献   
苔丝狄蒙娜形象是莎士比亚笔下完美的圣母形象,其性格的前后变化,以及对爱情的忠贞不渝,对悲剧命运的平静随,都同其督教化背景有着密不可分的关系。而其悲剧性的死亡,在某种程度上源于其自身对背叛父亲,放纵情欲的罪恶感。  相似文献   

Research on civic education, for the most part, investigates the alleged outcomes of deliberate civic education programs. Remarkably, few types of research have investigated how the outcomes of group process (e.g. based on religion) in schools, and more specifically, the pressure to conform to in-group norms, relate to civic educational goals (e.g. promoting tolerance for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender people). Against that background, this paper has two objectives. First, we assess social variation in perceived social pressure for religious conformity among Christian and Muslim Youth enrolled in secondary education in Flanders (N?=?2765). Second, we investigate the relationship between perceived social pressure for religious conformity and anti-gay sentiment. Our analyses are guided by social identity theory and rely on multilevel analysis. We find that for both Christian and Muslim youth, anti-gay sentiment is higher among young people who experience higher social pressure through the perceived expectations from talking with significant others about religion.  相似文献   
泉州出土的基督教石刻中,天使图像的刻画十分奇特,它反映了多种不同的文化来源,这在当时的宗教艺术中是前所未有的。泉州基督教团体的这种文化选择,是他们努力寻求宗教认同的见证,也投合了教徒的需要与归属感。  相似文献   
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